The Witcher series, written by Andrzej Sapkowski, is a dark fantasy saga following Geralt of Rivia, a mutant monster hunter known as a Witcher. Set in a medieval world filled with magic, political intrigue, and moral ambiguity, Geralt navigates dangerous conflicts between humans, elves, and other creatures, all while protecting Ciri, a child of prophecy with immense power. The series explores themes of destiny, prejudice, and the blurred line between good and evil, blending action with philosophical and ethical dilemmas.
List of The Witcher Books
Blood of Elves | 2008 | |
The Time of Contempt | 2013 | |
Baptism of Fire | 2014 | |
The Tower of Swallows | 2016 | |
Lady of the Lake | 2016 | |
Season of Storms | 2018 | |
The Lady of the Lake | 2022 |
List of Witcher Collections Books
Sword of Destiny | 1992 | |
The Last Wish | 1993 |
List of Witcher Illustrated Hardcover Collections Books
List of Witcher Comic Treatment Books
The Witcher Volume 1 | 2014 | |
The Witcher: Volume 2 – Fox Children | 2015 | |
The Witcher: Volume 2 – Curse of Crows | 2017 | |
The Witcher Volume 4: Of Flesh and Flame | 2019 | |
The Witcher Volume 5: Fading Memories | 2021 | |
The Witcher Volume 6: Witch’s Lament | 2022 | |
The Witcher Volume 7: The Ballad of Two Wolves | 2023 | |
The Witcher Volume 8: Wild Animals | 2024 |