The Wheel of Time series, written by Robert Jordan (and later completed by Brandon Sanderson), is a sprawling high-fantasy epic set in a richly detailed world where time is cyclical. The story follows Rand al’Thor, a young man destined to be the Dragon Reborn, a figure prophesied to confront the Dark One. Alongside his friends and allies, Rand navigates political intrigue, magic, and ancient prophecies. The series explores themes of fate, power, and the eternal struggle between light and darkness.
List of The Wheel of Time Books
The Eye of the World | 1990 | |
The Great Hunt | 1990 | |
The Dragon Reborn | 1991 | |
The Shadow Rising | 1992 | |
The Fires of Heaven | 1993 | |
Lord of Chaos | 1994 | |
A Crown of Swords | 1996 | |
The Path of Daggers | 1998 | |
Winter’s Heart | 2000 | |
Crossroads of Twilight | 2003 | |
New Spring | 2004 | |
Knife of Dreams | 2005 | |
The Gathering Storm | 2009 | |
Towers of Midnight | 2010 | |
A Memory of Light | 2012 | |
The Wheel of Time (Complete Series) | 2014 |
List of The Wheel of Time – Graphic Novels Books
New Spring | 2011 | |
The Eye of the World, Vol. 1 | 2011 | |
The Eye of the World, Vol. 2 | 2012 | |
The Eye of the World, Vol. 3 | 2013 | |
The Eye of the World, Vol. 4 | 2013 | |
The Eye of the World, Vol. 5 | 2014 | |
The Eye of the World, Vol. 6 | 2015 |