Order of Soldier Son Trilogy Books

Soldier Son Trilogy Books In Order

Publication Order of Soldier Son Trilogy Books

Robin Hobb is an author of fiction. It is a pen name used by Megan Lindholm.

Hobb is a unique type of writer in that she likes to experience the things that she wants to write about. She is a firm believer in doing some hands on research. She was just ten when she moved to Alaska with her family from California, an experience that made a big impact on her as a writer.

When she was just starting out in the early days of being a professional writer, she used Megan Lindholm as the name that she would establish herself by. She used this pen name to write modern fantasy novels that include The Windsingers and Harpy’s Flight.

Megan decided that she wanted to do something that had a greater scope in 1992. As a result of this choice, she needed a new pen name to try and mirror the change that she had made. The result was the pen name of Robin Hobb.

She has done very well for herself since starting out. Robin has also become the fast selling writer in back list for Voyager and has sold a stunning one million and counting copies of her paperback novel.

Hobb is the creator and writer of the Soldier’s Son series. This installment of fictional novels kicked off in 2005 with the release of the debut book in the series. It is titled Shaman’s Crossing. Forest Mage came out in 2006 and the third novel to be released made it a trilogy. It’s titled Renegade’s Magic and it came out in 2007.

Shaman’s Crossing is the first in Robin Hobb’s thriller Soldier Son series. This trilogy is just what you need if you are a devoted fan of fantasy. This is the debut novel and one of three from this talented author.

It starts out covering a 200 year old war that has been going on between two kingdoms. Landsing and Vania have been warring, but when that ended the people of Landsing had the territories of the coast and the coal that Vania formerly had.

Now a younger king has taken Vania’s throne. King Troven has come into power 30 years after this, and he dreams of doing what he can to restore the greatness of the kingdom. He plans to do this by trying to colonize the lands to the east instead of launching another full on attack on the enemies that they have had in the past. They will go to the steppes and the plains for their course of action.

It takes two decades more in time, but the cavalry is finally able to get a handle on the plains. Before the lands had been wasted on tribesman and herders that moved around, but they are finally capitalizing on it. The king has undertaken a campaign in order to try and shore up the military of Vania and to give them the reward that they feel they deserve to inspire them to keep going.

To do this, he creates an entirely new level of nobility. One feature of this level is naturally that you show complete loyalty to the monarch. There is a lot going on in this exotic world. Vania’s frontier exists further past the grasslands, and it is there along with the trees of the Barrier Mountains.

The Specks live in the forests there; people that are used to living among the trees. These dappled individuals cannot take the plains’ sunlight and full heat straight on and need the cover of the forest to protect them. Even though the Specks are the natural inhabitants, the newly arrived settlers find them sort of slow.

The Specks are also placid to an extreme and seem to be very tough to get a handle on. Soon rumors start to go around that they might drink blood. Another rumor says that they worship the trees of their ancestors and it might get in the way of cutting down some of the timber in the woods.

The trees also appear to come with disease that are causing the indigenous peoples to get sick slightly but will actually take out the new people as quick as you can blink. All of the settlers that are arriving are actually getting ill and quickly going down from this strange illness that they seem to have caught from the Specks.

With the sickness catching, it’s decided that contact with the Specks does not have to occur and it is a bad choice that is made only by the foolish and it is abhorrent. When the son of one of the new lords of the king finds himself imitating his father. Nevare Gerar is about to join the frontier as a cavalry officer, and he is in for a marriage to someone of fine pedigree as well once he has gone through the Cavalry Academy’s training.

Will he be able to find his place and discover destiny? Find out by reading the first book in the Soldier Son Trilogy!

Forest Mage is the compelling second novel in the Soldier Son Trilogy. When the plague took the academy, so many cadets and their instructors got sick and died. Even those who have made it through may never be what they truly once were and many must depend on their families to take care of them.

Nevare is a Cadet and he is getting ready to go home to his brother’s wedding. After his sickness, Nevare is actually doing quite well and is gaining pounds instead of losing them like all the others.

He also keeps having dreams at night that haunt him. The Tree Woman comes to him. In these dreams, Speck is able to give up everything that he values in his life when he is awake. He is worried that the sickness has affected him in more ways than just the physical.

Nevare is now undertaking a journey to Widevale despite all of his fears. He wants to reunite with Carsina, who he will marry. But when things change quickly, he may have to make a difficult choice. Read this book to find out what he does and what happens next!