Order of Ringing Cedars Of Russia Books

Ringing Cedars of Russia Books In Order

Publication Order of The Ringing Cedars of Russia Books

The Ringing Cedars of Russia is a series of fantasy novels written by Vladimir Megre. They follow the exploits of a woman with special powers who grew up in a Siberian Jungle and the modern man she seduces and eventually enlightens.

+The Story
The Ringing Cedars of Russia series is the subject of great debate. The books are supposed to be autobiographical in nature.

Vladimir Megre goes so far as to give the protagonist his own name. However, the fantastical content of the series has attracted ridicule from readers who do not believe that Megre could have possibly lived and experienced all the things the books claim.

The Ringing Cedars of Russia tell the story of Anastasia. Megre is the protagonist but the driving factor behind the story of the Cedar books is Anastasia. First introduced to readers in ‘Anastasia’, the first novel in the Ringing Cedars of Russia series, Anastasia was born in the Siberian Taiga in 1969.

She lost her parents in an accident shortly after her birth. So with only her grandfather and great-grandfather to assist her, she had to learn to fend for herself fairly early on.

Fortunately, Anastasia had a whole host of animals to watch over her, most of them wild and yet more than happy to live in harmony with Anastasia and her family.

Having matured in the untouched depths of the wild, Anastasia gained an uncanny connection with nature, a connection that led her to develop special powers even as her mind was made aware of the amazing knowledge that the human race had once known but which they had since forgotten.

Not only could she read minds and access some sort of special universal wisdom but Anastasia had the capacity to regulate all aspects of her vitality.

It was Anastasia’s wish to spread her knowledge to the rest of humanity. She knew she had the capacity to speak any language and to answer the most complicated questions that man had ever encountered.

But she did not have the means to reach out to the human race, not on her own. And that is where Megre came in. Megre was a trader in Siberia, a highly successful entrepreneur who was on his way to transact some business in 1995 when he met and fell for Anastasia.

Anastasia led him deep into the woods from where she granted him access to her vast knowledge. She revealed to him that mankind had once possessed the knowledge of the universe but that they had squandered it, allowing it to scatter throughout space and time.

But fortunately, she had the means to reassemble and disseminate it to the desperate masses. So that is what Megre did for her. He went back home and abandoned all his corporate undertakings.

This was on the command of Anastasia. Finally penniless, he sat down and began to write the books that would found a movement, books that would bring Anastasia’s teachings to the world.

The Ringing Cedars of Russia series tells Megre and Anastasia’s story, the events that led to their encounter, what Megre did after he left her, the paths that kept leading him back to her and the way his life changed as a result.

Vladimir Megre, the author, insists that every word in the Ringing Cedars of Russia series is true. Born in 1950 in Ukraine, Vladimir left home at 16. He spent many years working as a photographer and a camera operator.

He eventually took advantage of the collapse of the communist system to launch a successful entrepreneurial career. His life changed in 1994 when he hired a fleet of steamers to undertake a voyage along the Ob River.

Along the way, he met two old men who told him about special trees that could sing. They promised to lead him to them if he ever came back. So Vladimir went on his way, completed his voyage and promptly returned.

The two men were nowhere to be found. He was instead met by a beautiful woman who agreed to fulfill the promise that her grandfather and great-grandfather had made. She took him deep into the forest and opened his mind to the secrets of the universe.

Vladimir was so impressed by her knowledge that he went back home, gave all his assets away and made it his mission to spread the wisdom the woman, Anastasia, had given him.

His journey to publishing success was a difficult one. He had to depend on the kindness of strangers to get the first few copies of his first Ringing Cedars novel printed. Then he attempted to sell the copies himself at train stations.

At first, he attracted little to no interest. But the few people who bought his book were so impressed that they came back and bought even more copies for their friends. Vladimir Meager has sold millions of copies of the Ringing Cedars of Russia series since.

His books tackle the best way to raise a family and create a homestead. They deal with issues of sex, marriage, and spiritualism.

Vladimir’s critics believe that he is a conman who uses his novels to sell an egotistical, misogynistic new age religion that has made him rich. His fans believe that his books are life changing. They take every word in them literally.

Megre thought he understood the world. But then he undertook a trade trip to the Siberian taiga and everything changed. He came across the so-called ringing cedar trees and spent three days with a woman who changed his outlook on everything from sexuality to religion.

He went back to civilization and, on Anastasia’s command, wrote a book that unveiled her wisdom to the public.

+Ringing Cedars of Russia
The first ringing cedars novel told the story of Megre’s encounter with Anastasia. Its sequel spends almost two hundred pages providing insight into the events that led to the publication of that first novel.

It is essentially a behind-the-scenes look into the process that brought Anastasia’s words to the world. This is on top of exploring even more concepts of the universe.