Order of Rachel Fordham Books

Rachel Fordham Books In Order

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Rachel Fordham is an American author of romance, Christian, and historical fiction books. She was born and raised in a big family in Washington State, was an athlete, tomboy, and avid reader. Rachel would spend most of her time reading books or making up stories in her mind and never imagined that she’d one day be an author. She attended college and graduated with a bachelor’s in sociology with the intention of becoming a social worker, something which never happened though she did become a foster parent. Rachel met her husband in college, and almost two years later, she became a mother.

After years of cross-country moves in the US, Rachel and her husband settled in Washington State. She currently spends her time in between writing and diaper changes.

Rachel Fordham’s debut novel, The Hope of Azure Springs, is an inspiring, comforting, uplifting, heartwarming, and joyful story. After an unknown damsel is found shot and barely clinging to life, her presence in Azure Springs sparks a series of events that Sheriff Caleb Reynolds must unravel to win the young woman’s trust and uncover the mystery of her past. Along the way, he will be forced to deal with his haunting personal demons and discover the many valid definitions of beauty and friendship. As for the young woman, EM has her demons and nightmares to overcome, though it could be that her strength is in her ability to become something simple: be herself.

Rachel’s debut novel is a multi-layered story of the study of humanity in the past, detailing how emotional and internal turmoil was a reality in 1800 as they are in the 21st century. The book features a cast of characters vividly expressed through their deeds, as the author offers an authentic taste of a Midwestern town. There were spoiled brats, orphans on trains, men harmed by their parents’ deeds, and insecurity in oneself was widespread in the hearts of those who came before us. The tale is woven with a deep understanding of the human spirit and psyche.

One of the most notable aspects of The Hope of Azure Springs is the characterization. Em is a fantastic character. Despite everything she has been through and her loss, she is kind and shines brightly in every situation. She is not infallible; she often struggles with self-esteem issues and what everyone around her thinks of her appearance. However, her generous spirit overcomes all her shortcomings.

Another notable character is Caleb. At first, he comes off as an incompetent sheriff mumbling his first interview with Em. At first, he uses a harsh tone and is judgmental, but then he grows into a character every reader would love to know more about. One moment he is a gentle and understanding man; the next, he is harsh and rude to everyone. He is often distracted by physical beauty; at first, he discards Em as just any other plan and poor girl. However, through Em’s joy and kindness, the sheriff learns how to view beauty beyond physical appearance and manages to regain the happiness and dreams of his young age. They laugh, compete, and work together, creating a solid relationship bond that’s wonderful to read.

The underlying theme of beauty is interesting to read and vividly depicted through Em. At first, she considers herself unattractive, plain and never thought anyone could love her. However, she didn’t see her character and how fantastic and beautiful those around her were. The entire story teaches us that beauty isn’t what we see on the outside but what is on the inside that counts.

Rachel Fordham, Yours Truly, Thomas takes place in 1883 at the dead letter office in D.C, and we are introduced to Penny Ercanbeck as he sorts letters and tries to match them to their recipients before being disposed of. She discovers letters authored by Thomas to his fiancé Clara, letters full of pain and regret. Penny vows to deliver the letters to Clara, but her journey takes unexpected twists and turns. She finds herself on a train traveling to Azure Springs to trace Thomas. She is welcomed to the small town by some characters in Rachel Fordham’s previous novel. If you enjoyed reading The Hope of Azure Springs, you would find it satisfying to read Yours Truly, Thomas, as you will meet your once favorite characters again.

Like Em in Rachel’s debut novel, Penny is a bit naïve at first. However, as the story progresses, her fancifulness gives way to true hope even when faced with disappointment. On the other hand, Thomas has experienced his share of disappointment before the story starts, so his journey right from the start is about finding joy and forgiving himself. Their meeting is both sweet and endearing. There is also a cast of interesting secondary characters. We have Honey, the dog, and Margaret, the owner of a boardinghouse which is as equally crafted as the main characters.

Rachel Fordham beautifully crafted the faith theme into the storyline while at the same time blending a sweet romance budding between Thomas and Penny and the vital role God has in their lives. As a reader, you will wish you could live in Azure Springs and get a chance to interact with Em, Penny, Margaret, and the rest of the fascinating cast of characters. There’s something for everyone in this story, danger, romance, faith in God, and vivid historical details.

The beautiful letters created in Your Truly, Thomas will definitely find a place in the heart of all readers. Letter writing is something that has lost meaning in the 21st century, with social media, email, and smartphones allowing for easy and instant communication. Handwritten letters in the previous centuries contain treasured memories, and the author gives readers a perfect opportunity to experience some of these fantastic experiences these memories firsthand through Penny and Thomas’s correspondence.

Overall, Rachel Fordham’s second novel is a simple and enjoyable read featuring characters that have come to face to face with their more personal demons than external threats. If you enjoy reading romance, Christian, and historical fiction books, be sure to check out Rachel Fordham’s books.