C.J. Petit Books In Order
Publication Order of Evans Family Saga Books
Dylan’s Journey | (2019) | |
Bryn’s War | (2019) | |
Huw’s Legacy | (2019) | |
Lynn’s Search | (2019) | |
Bethan’s Choice | (2020) | |
Alwen’s Dream | (2020) | |
Dylan’s Memories | (2020) |
Publication Order of Joe Beck Books
Unwanted | (2021) | |
Reunion | (2021) | |
The Divide | (2021) | |
The Laramie Plains | (2022) | |
Idaho City | (2022) | |
Spring Surprises | (2022) | |
Friends Lost and Found | (2022) | |
Passing Years | (2022) |
Publication Order of The Trouble Shooter Books
The Trouble Shooter: Part One | (2023) | |
The Trouble Shooter Part Two | (2024) |
Publication Order of Standalone Novels
Nueva Luz | (2017) | |
Nora | (2017) | |
Mister Thor | (2017) | |
Zack | (2017) | |
Slow John | (2017) | |
Marsh’s Valley | (2017) | |
Abandoned | (2018) | |
Retribution | (2019) | |
The Witch of Dakota | (2019) | |
Inevitable | (2019) | |
Scandal in Topeka | (2019) | |
North of Denton | (2019) | |
Rock Creek | (2019) | |
Sheriff Joe | (2019) | |
Gabe Owens | (2019) | |
Conn Jackson | (2019) | |
Return to Hardeman County | (2019) | |
Ted Shepard: Return to Wilmore | (2019) | |
War Adams | (2019) | |
Fort Selden | (2019) | |
Will Scott | (2019) | |
Haven | (2019) | |
Mac’s Cabin | (2019) | |
Chance | (2019) | |
Sam’s County | (2019) | |
Doc Holt | (2019) | |
Matt Dunne | (2019) | |
Ben Gray | (2019) | |
Scotts Bluff | (2019) | |
South of Denver | (2019) | |
The Last Four | (2019) | |
Miles City | (2019) | |
Deception | (2019) | |
Hopewell | (2019) | |
Baker City | (2019) | |
Max | (2019) | |
The Silver Widows | (2019) | |
The Gun Smith | (2019) | |
Wilmore | (2019) | |
Gus | (2019) | |
Hunting Pearl | (2019) | |
Bessie | (2019) | |
Finding Bucky | (2019) | |
The Debt | (2019) | |
The Eclipse | (2019) | |
The Scalawags | (2019) | |
Hitch | (2019) | |
The Stampede | (2019) | |
The Wake of the Bertrand | (2019) | |
Cole | (2019) | |
Luke | (2019) | |
A.J. Smith | (2019) | |
The Second Star | (2019) | |
Tate | (2019) | |
Virgil’s Herd | (2019) | |
Alex Paine | (2019) | |
Garrett’s Duty | (2020) | |
The Nothing Man | (2020) | |
Rhody Jones | (2020) | |
Cy Page: Western Union Man | (2020) | |
Tabby Hayes | (2020) | |
Letter for Gene | (2020) | |
Grip Taylor | (2020) | |
East of the Cascades | (2020) | |
The Iron Wolfe | (2020) | |
Wade Rivers: Conversations with Mooney | (2021) | |
Ghost Train | (2021) | |
The Inheritance | (2021) | |
Cap Tyler | (2021) | |
The Photographer | (2021) | |
Jake | (2021) | |
Riding Shotgun | (2021) | |
The Saloon Lawyer | (2021) | |
Rusty & Bug | (2022) | |
Poole’s Gold | (2022) | |
Clara’s Crusade | (2022) | |
The Brakeman | (2023) | |
Travis | (2023) | |
Cold Pursuit | (2024) |
C.J. Petit
Author C. J. Petit was born on February 8, 1950 in Providence, Rhode Island.
After a career in the Air Force lasting for 23 years, and a second career as a computer specialist for the city of Bellevue. He became limited by the aftereffects of cancer and its treatment, which all make it impossible for him to swallow, talk, spit, and eat. This downward spiraling health situation was the reason that he began writing.
In the year 2011, he was put on disability and he was really limited in what he could do but he worked around the house and did a lot of reading. He read just about anything: histories, science fiction, mysteries, fantasy, and of course, a bunch of westerns.
While his health deteriorated further, including his speech getting weaker, he read more every day and while gravitating toward the genre of westerns, he found that he was starting to get annoyed with a few aspects of most of them. So in December of 2016, he sat at his computer, figuring he may as well attempt to write one.
C. J. didn’t care if anybody actually read them, as they were only meant to keep his mind busy. It was his daughter that ‘suggested’ she publish them on Amazon. So he did, just to appease her and the very last thing that he ever expected was to write over seventy books and have people like them.
“Dylan’s Journey” is the first novel in the “Evans Family Saga” series and was released in the year 2019. Dylan knew the boiler was going to blow apart soon and if he did not act quickly, he along with the others in the pump room at the number three mine would die.
The engine operator was panicking but fell in his haste to escape from a scalding death. So Dylan lifted up his heavy shovel just as high as his twelve year old arms were able to manage and swung it in a fast arc to the thundering machine. It might kill him, however he had to to try.
Even while the steel head of the shovel slammed into the machine, it would set into motion a sequence of events that would shape his whole life.
“Bryn’s War” is the second novel in the “Evans Family Saga” series and was released in the year 2019. Bryn felt sick while feeling the ground shake, knowing that one of the shafts collapsed. Now, he stood in the pump room and looked on while the two thrumming pumps as they pulled the water out of the deep mines. He knew that one of them would strain once the water became fouled up with debris and coal dust from the collapse and if it was pump number two, it’d mean that his older brothers and dad were most likely dead.
It felt like hours while watching the pump work, however it was just minutes since the first intense vibrations struck. He realized that if the second pump started to labor his plans to leave Carbondale would be another of the victims of the coal mine. Right when he planned on checking the first pump, he saw the pipe to the second pump start pulsing before the belt on the drive wheel started squealing in protest and his absolute worst nightmare came to pass.
“Huw’s Legacy” is the third novel in the “Evans Family Saga” series and was released in the year 2019. Kyle felt guilty for playing a game while his mom suffered back at their tiny excuse for a home. However she did insist and knew that it was important to her that he spend outside of the mechanized hell. As it was here that he spent sixty hours each week earning his mediocre wage that paid the rent and kept food on the table. Doctor Turnbull made an estimate three months back that she only had a total of six months to live. She lost so much weight and could only tolerate a weak broth at this point, so he didn’t think it would be too much longer now.
Kyle’s mom had been at the center of his life for as long as he could remember and once she left him, he would have no family left at all. The bastard which called himself his dad deserted them both ten years prior when Kyle was only six. Kyle blamed this man for his mom’s illness, as he didn’t have anybody else to accuse.
He had been her minister and her nurse over the previous week while she was unable to leave her sickbed without help, and he realized that caring for her had added some discomfort for her pain. Even while playing, he continued to think of his future after she died from the cancer. However he saw nothing but years of hard work on the oven of the ironworks floor and quite the empty life without many possibilities.
“Lynn’s Search” is the fourth novel in the “Evans Family Saga” series and was released in the year 2019. Lynn glared hard at Ryan Mitchell, and wanted to smack him right in his smug face, although he meant to insult Lynn, he knew that there was a good chance that what he said was actually right. He had suspected for years at this point that Dylan Evans was not in fact his real dad. It did not take a math genius to figure out that he had been born nine months after his mom was rescued from Fort Benton.
However what Ryan had said which pushed him to break down and ask his parents if it was in fact true, was when Ryan laughed and said Lynn was probably more like his real dad, Burke Riddell (a monstrous man). More than his hero, the man that raised Lynn.
He departed from the tiny house to ask this painful question, and if he was told that it was actually true, he knew he’d be forced to leave the Double EE ranch and the only family he had ever known in his life.