Order of Paul Zunckel Books

Paul Zunckel Books In Order

Publication Order of Blood Trilogy Books

Publication Order of Piet van Zyl Adventures Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Paul Zunckel is a thriller and horror fiction author from South Africa best known for authoring the “Blood Trilogy.” Zunckel was born in Zimbabwe in 1957 when it was named Rhodesia. In 1966, his family moved to South Africa, from where he completed his high school studies at Amanzimtoti’s Kingsway Senior High School. He then proceeded to work as an Ops Medic in the South African Defense Force, since he had always wanted to become a medic. Life would get in the way and he would get a Diploma in Human Resource Management only to find himself working in Air Traffic Control for more than two decades and in management for more than twenty-five years. After more than twenty years in Air Traffic Control, he found himself on a retrenchment list as the company believed there were too many whites in management. Taking his sizable pension, he decided to become an owner of a guest farm though it was a short-lived venture as the farm burnt down in a freak fire accident. Starting from nothing, he began organizing events and seminars for people with issues such as teenage pregnancy substance and drug abuse, low self-esteem, and involvement in gangs. That venture also failed and it was at this time that his wife Lucie suggested he try his hand at writing his story.

It all began in 2014 when everything he tried failed and since he was aging and wandered about wondering what to do with himself, he started getting on his wife’s nerves Paul had always wanted to write a story and to calm his nerves, Lucie suggested that he put what had been ruminating in his mind onto paper. To egg him on, she told him that he did not have the resolve to finish it and that the best he could do was a three-page story that would at best be sold to a local paper. But once he got down to writing, it was as if a faucet had been opened and he could not stop writing. Since that first day, he worked an average of eight to ten hours each day until he finished writing his debut novel in the “Blood Trilogy,” “Blood Moon over Africa.” Two days later, he was working on the second novel of the series “Blood Spoor in the Dark.” It was as if a whole new world opened up to her and the characters just told her what to write. It was not long before she was done writing the trilogy and proceeded to write several other single standing novels. It was as if he had been transported into a whole new world as he was always writing, dreaming about the stories, or taking notes. Since he had always loved the wildlife and bush of Africa and been fascinated by the fears, superstitions, and myths of the locals, she decided to write her novels on that platform.

Apart from his novels, Paul Zunckel has several hobbies that include playing the guitar. He often writes what he plays even though he is not a professional and cannot read music. Music is a huge part of his life and he has cut at least one CD though he believes he will never be a pop star as he is now too old for that. For the past fourteen years, he has been married to his friend and lover Lucie though his two children are from a previous marriage. Together with a Labrador/Alsatian crossbreed, they live in the Eastern Cape of South Africa where spends much of his time writing. even though he often goes out to observe people and get ideas for his writings.

Paul Zunckel’s debut novel “Blood Moon Over Africa” opens to the husband and wife team of David and Adele arriving at their new homestead and finding it unlivable. They will need to do some extensive work to make it livable. They are looking forward to fixing the property so that they can live in a new beautiful place but their happiness is cut short when bizarre things start happening. They are living in the African bush and they expected flying and tweeting birds overhead and animals in plenty but the silence around their home is a huge red flag. It is not long before they learn that they have an unknown animal in their home. It is a bizarre animal with a shadowy hyena looking appearance and human-like footprints. This confirms to the husband and wife team that something evil that is neither beast nor man is out there. To track down and possibly get rid of the evil, they enlist they may have to find specialized help in finding more information and tracking down the beast. They will need that information if they hope to effectively deal with the beast. Adele is determined to ensure that nothing will ever get them to move out of their new home.

“Blood Spoor in the Dark” is a novel set-in modern-day Africa that asserts that fear brings along with it power. The novel is set deep in the Congo Basin where the reader gets to meet the members of “The Secret Sect.” Through the Leopard Man, Zunckel tells of the witchcraft and superstition of the African tribes of the Congo. It is a graphic story that shows how vicious people can get when they are left to their own devices or are influenced by evil forces. Written with little quotes in South African dialects, it makes a very entertaining and realistic depiction of the happenings in the still uncivilized reaches of Africa.

Paul Zunckel’s “Blood Demon: Revenge” is the story of Piet van Zyl, a man blinded by the desire for revenge. It proves to be his undoing as he releases a demon that now hunts and walks under the African moon. The evil that he released kills and devours everything in its path given its sheer evil. It was called up from the pits of hell in a black ritual that involved the sacrifice of blood and flesh. Piet now finds himself having to confront the madness of a Blood Demon that is targeting people he holds dear. He needs to step up if he is to effectively defeat the demon he had unleashed upon his world.