Order of Joanna Toye Books

Joanna Toye Books In Order

Publication Order of Marlow’s Department Store Books

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

About Joanna Toye

A British scriptwriter and novelist for some time now, Joanna Toye has produced many novels and scripts. Making a name for herself originally in radio, she’s published many fun and entertaining romance and historical titles. She pays close attention to details and manages to capture the period she sets her books in, fully bringing the era to life. Reaching readers worldwide, she’s become a household name for many, with a unique brand that is all her own.

Toye has lovingly crafted numerous well-written stories and several series throughout her career. Ensuring readers come back for more time and time again, she creates a unique style and tone that is very much her own. She also establishes a strong sense of ambiance and atmosphere, ultimately allowing the audience to fully immerse themselves in it. Getting an idea of what it was actually like during the time it’s set within, her books not only entertain but also inform.

Her use of character is also something to be admired, creating fully functional three-dimensional personalities that come alive on the page. Many of the characters she wrote for would become regular fixtures on the radio, reaching a mass audience with her in-depth insight. Getting inside the minds of her protagonists, she gives them a definite sense of vitality, grounding them in reality, allowing readers to relate to them. With so much more to follow, too, she’s a writer that says what she wants to say, as she’ll carry on writing for a long time to come.

Early and Personal Life

Growing up with a keen interest in storytelling, Joanna Toye would develop a passion for fiction, perfecting her craft throughout her life. Becoming highly adept in the art of fiction, she would come to create her own voice, with her own unique outlook and style. Refining and honing her skills as a writer, she would take inspiration from the world around her, drawing from her own experiences and putting them back into her work.

Raised in the Midlands of England, she would also use the memories of her own family’s experience with the Second World War. This experience would help inspire many of her novels, writing about their time during the war and what it was actually like back then. Currently still writing to this very day, she continues to publish work from her home in West Midlands, as she will carry on for many years yet.

Writing Career

The first fictional book she wrote was titled ‘A Store at War’ back in 2019, and this would be a historical romance novel. It would also begin her soon to be much loved ‘Shop Girls’ series books that would carry on in a similar vein, with it being a saga set during the Second World War. Following on from each other, they would seek to accurately chart a period in time, which they would clearly manage with precision.

Prior to this, she would write for BBC Radio, most notably for their ongoing drama ‘The Archers,’ which she’s written for over thirty years. She’s also written for several television shows too, including ‘Family Affairs,’ ‘Crossroads,’ and ‘Eastenders,’ to name just a few. Working as a producer too, she’s also written a number of non-fiction books spinning off from the shows, as she’s made an important name for herself running throughout the industry.

Christmas for the Shop Girls

Coming out back in 2020 on the 29th of October, this would be the fourth book in the ongoing ‘Marlow’s Department Store’ series. The books themselves look at the lives of the Shop Girls working at the eponymous store during the Second World War. Looking at their lives, it sees how they deal with wartime Britain, in this book that was brought out through the ‘HarperCollins’ publishing imprint.

Set in Marlow’s department store, it appears to be yet another Christmas that the shop girls there are faced with ration books. Not only that, but the store also appears to be facing some difficulties when it comes to staff shortages, while also dealing with the damage from the war. Rallying around together, they set about making this Christmas one to remember despite their hardships, rally both their families and the town. Will they be able to manage it all, though, can they get everything they want, and what will become of a Christmas for the Shop Girls?

This is a heart-warming story with an engaging and warm tone that really pulls the reader in, giving them a real sense of familiarity and comfort. It doesn’t hold back from showing what life was actually like during that time, either, as it fully portrays the women and their lives. The characters themselves are well-written, allowing them to really deliver a sense of realism resonating with the audience strongly.

Wedding Bells for the Victory Girls

The sixth title in the long-running ‘Marlow’s Department Store’ series of novels, the story would carry on from the previous book with another installment. Continuing on from where the last left off, it would arrive on the 31st of March in 2022 through the ‘HarperCollins’ publishing house. It’s a historical drama with plenty of romance and heart-warming moments yet again, and it’s a series that’s best read in order to get the most out of it. An excellent page-turner, it really captivates the reader from the beginning, with plenty of compelling twists and turns along the way.

Taking place in 1945, this is set during the Summer of that year as the women from Marlow’s department store look ahead to the future with the Second World War being won. Following her Summer wedding, Lily has doubts about what she wants from life now, as her position within the store looks uncertain. Returning home from the Navy, Bill, the husband of Gladys, struggles to find work as more uncertainty looms over their family life. Will they be able to adjust to the changes, can they adapt to their new lives, and what will happen when it’s wedding bells for the Victory Girls?