Order of Nicole Dragonbeck Books

Nicole DragonBeck Books In Order

Publication Order of Dragon and Gargoyle Books

with LisaBarry

Publication Order of Guardians of the Path Books

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Nicole DragonBeck
Author Nicole DragonBeck was born in California a snowy summer a long time ago, and is the illegitimate offspring of a troll and an elf. At a young age her powers exploded and she got banished to the wilderness of South Africa since her spells continued going inexplicably awry.

There she was raised by a tribe of pygmy Dragons. While here, she had some wonderful adventures, including beating a horrible Fire-Demon that was tormenting a sect of Dwarf priests.

In gratitude they taught her the arcane magic of writing, while all of the rest is terribly misinterpreted history. She reads just as much as she writes, is obsessed with Italians and dragons, enjoys listening to music, cooking, and can be often heard fiddling on guitar or a keyboard.

She lives in Clearwater, Florida, is a member of The Ink Slingers’ Guild and lists music, friends, and life among her greatest influences.

Music plays a major part in her getting inspired to write. She also simply really loves the story that she’s working on. Nicole wants to really find out where the characters are going and what they do, and how it is going to turn out by the end. So this enthusiasm makes it rather easy to get inspired to write.

She got the idea to write “First Magyc” while walking through a friend’s apartment, and she heard music from one of the other units inside the building. So music leading Ria to meet Cedar, the mysterious Guardian with his magycal guitar, became born.

Her favorite parts of being a writer include getting to drink a lot of coffee, and eating a ton of chocolate. Reading is a part of the job, too.

Nicole writes without any judgment. She is able to determine whether or not the words are bad or good later on, and is able to make the words on the page better. But what she cannot do is improve upon what isn’t there.

“First Magyc” is the first novel in the “Guardians of the Path” series and was released in the year 2015. Welcome to Demona, a land where music’s the most powerful form of magyc.

Ria Westerfield had never heard of Demona or the Path. However when she helps out a mysterious Guardian who’s trapped between worlds, she gets caught up in his struggle to keep his home safe and the very force of life itself.

On first glance, this might look like Ria’s tale, however this story belongs to everybody that fights to save princesses, magyc: assassins, witches, and even Death itself. Will the Guardians and their allies triumph or are the sorcerers and Demons send Demona into the throes of Chaos and the End of Times?

“Ria’s Mark” is the second novel in the “Guardians of the Path” series and was released in the year 2016. Thousands of years ago, The First Guardian, along with his group of unlikely followers, creates something called the Amber Torch, a magycal artifact to shield Demona from some unfriendly eyes.

Now, Cedar Jal’s returned to Demona and was reunited with his fellow Guardians of the Path. With their newfound companions, the Witch, the assassin, the princess, the Guardians head for the Sister Cities to collect all the pieces of the shattered Amber Torch. Pursued by one mysterious enemy, they race against time to save Demona, as everything around them the sands are shifting.

Ria, the girl that comes from another world, she dreads the day she’s is supposed to be forced to go back home. After meeting Llaem Bli, a Maker of Marks whose magyc reveals the truth of one person’s inner self, Ria comes to grips with what she is being shown and decides to take things into her own hands.

“Omens” is the third novel in the “Guardians of the Path” series and was released in the year 2016. In Demona: Torn between two worlds, and with help from a Goblin Witch, Ria has to learn and accept the Way of Things.

In the Desert: One man gets caught in the middle of an ancient struggle. What he gains and what he loses, is going to make him a legend.

In the Crescent Temple: The Guardians continue their quest to salvage the Amber Torch through even more complicated tangles of present and past, while being hindered by vague omens. When their course stalls out, forcing the Guardians and their allies to split their paths, they witness something that ends up setting them back thousands of years. It gets them questioning everything they’ve done and all that they believe in.

Sometimes, it is the Demons inside oneself that are the larger foe.

“The Other World” is the fourth novel in the “Guardians of the Path” series and was released in the year 2017. Haunted by Dreams and Riddles.

There: In the Other World, Maria Westerfield’s past comes back to haunt her when a friend of her’s is murdered and a mysterious symbol she never believed she would see again appears written in his blood. The Girl That Came Back has to figure out what she can do before everybody that she loves is destroyed by some of the things she believed only existed in her dreams.

Here: In Demona, the Guardians go to the Dale, a place of old magyc locked away back in the past, hoping to find the Man of Tongues, a sorcerer of myth who they believe might have the power to send them across different worlds. They learn much more than they ask for they get much more than they ever bargain for. In the end, they have to make a horrible choice: Ria or Aethsiths?

Everywhere: All of those that wield magyc get drawn together to battle the Wardens, Demons, and their own dark secrets to keep the Placer of Pieces and his Men in White from extinguishing the light of life called the Path. Witches, Makers of Marks, princesses, assassins, and even Death all try diverting the fate of this world, however everything hangs on the decision of a girl in The Other World.