Rita Stradling Books In Order
Publication Order of Blackburn Academy: Entrance Trials Books
A Bite at the Cherry | (2019) |
Publication Order of Colorless Books
Colorless | (2017) |
Publication Order of Dakota Kekoa Books
Henchgirl | (2016) | |
Rex | (2016) |
Publication Order of The Deception Dance Books
The Deception Dance | (2012) | |
The Lie Spinners | (2013) | |
Waltzing into Damnation | (2020) |
Publication Order of The Fourteen Day Soul Detox Books
The Fourteen Day Soul Detox | (2016) | |
The Fourteen Day Soul Detox, Volume Two | (2016) | |
The Fourteen Day Soul Detox, Volume Three | (2016) | |
The Fourteen Day Soul Detox, Volume Four | (2016) | |
The Fourteen Day Soul Detox, The Complete Serial | (2017) |
Publication Order of Grayhaven Books
Escaping Monsters | (2020) | |
Fighting Monsters | (2021) | |
Hunting Monsters | (2021) |
Publication Order of The Vampire Legacy Books
Midnight Secrets | (2019) | |
Hunter Trials | (2019) | |
Broken Elites | (2020) |
Publication Order of Standalone Novels
Making Bad Choices | (2017) | |
Ensnared | (2017) | |
One Forbidden Kiss | (2020) |
Publication Order of Anthologies
Summer Solstice | (2017) |
Rita Stradling is an American author that writes young adult and paranormal fiction. The author isn’t the biggest name in publishing; though, it is clear from the rate at which her fanbase is growing that she is destined to become a star.
Rita has always been an artist. The fact that she has a degree in Art History proves as much. When you spend as much time in and around modern and medieval art as Rita Stradling, it isn’t that difficult to become inspired to create one’s own stories of magic and romance and wonder.
It wasn’t always obvious that Rita’s love for art would lead her down the publishing path. Rita knows that she has always loved reading. In fact, she would go so far as to say that she has an addiction for novels.
And Young Adult has always appealed to her; though, she has also written a number of adult novels, most of them paranormal and fantastical in nature.
Rita’s friends and family would have heckled anyone who thought to raise her up as a future author. After all, reading and writing did not come easy for Rita. Unlike many of her friends, the author had to struggle with a number of learning disabilities.
Luckily for Rita, she had a father who read to her every night. Rita Stradling fondly remembers looking forward to those moments of her day, when he would set her and her sister down and regale them once more with stories from ‘The Hobbit’, and ‘The Cat in the Hat’.
That nightly ritual had an impact on Rita Stradling. It told her that she loved to hear stories told. She then began to experiment with producing her own stories, and realized that she also loved to tell stories.
That she had dyslexia and other learning disabilities could have completely thrown Rita off track. After all, this was back in the 1980s and 1990s were learning disabilities were barely understood. Even worse, the common approach to helping kids like Rita Stradling was to have them stand in front of their class and force them to struggle through long passages, experiences that not only humiliated them but created a phobia for reading and writing.
Rita Stradling had an advantage that so many other kids did not. Her love for telling stories had been stoked at such an early age and for so long that she felt driven to master the art of reading and writing.
By the time Rita was leaving high school, she had made considerable progress. The fact that Rita has made a career out of writing at the present is impressive. The fact that Rita Stradling is a pretty decent editor as well is even more inspiring.
Rita will be the first to admit that succeeding in the literary arena comes down to luck more than anything else. However, she wants aspiring authors to realize that hard work is just as important. The harder you work the luckier you will get.
Even with the love she has for writing, Rita doesn’t find the process of putting a book together easy. There are so many mornings that find her struggling to generate the interest and energy to write.
And she has succeeded in her field because she never allows these moments to keep her down. She knows the importance of pushing forward even when inspiration seems absent.
As a self-published author, one of Rita Stradling’s most memorable moments was the day she realized that she had not only broken even financially, but that she could now afford to pay those people on her staff responsible for getting her books ready for publication.
It was an achievement of note because it proved that Rita had finally made writing her career.
Rita writes a lot about lost souls finding one another in magical realms. Even though she favors fantasy, and especially urban fantasy, above most other genres, the author has been known to dabble in science fiction.
Rita is married. She also has a son.
+The Deception Dance
Raven had an opportunity to escape the insanity of her life, but she never took it. It began with a trip to Europe. Raven Smith had planned every detail of her summer vacation meticulously.
She wasn’t going to allow a mysterious letter in her suitcase to dissuade her from her trip to Italy, especially not a letter warning her of an evil agent of Hell that would come for her if she went to Europe.
Who wouldn’t have discarded such a letter?
Once she gets to Europe, Raven’s intentions to spend her time hanging with her older sister and sating her love for Art history are complicated by Andras, and the fascination he begins to manifest for her.
Even worse, Raven doesn’t know if she can control her attraction for him. Not that her emotions are the most important issue on the table, not when she has been swept away to a mysterious castle by a group of brothers.
Raven doesn’t know it but there is a game afoot and she has become an important piece.
The Deception Dance is the first book in a series. Because it is set in Europe, the book utilizes very dramatic imagery. Rita takes Christian mythology and blends it with modern concepts to generate something curious.
+The Lie Spinners
The previous summer found Raven Smith fighting to stop the Demon Apocalypse. And with the help of a demon-killer, she was able to put it on hold. Everything came down to the Grand Marquis who would keep the Gates to Hell closed, but only if Raven waited for him to come for her, keeping her emotions in check and refusing to fall in love.
After a year, Raven thought she was safe. But then Madeline, a witch, came calling and Raven was foolish enough to listen to her proposal. Stephen the Demo-Killer had disappeared and only Raven could find, and possibly, rescue him.
Raven knows that going to Thailand is stupidity. But she will not abandon Stephen.
This book continues the chaos and adventure of the first book. Raven saved the world a year ago, but she learnt that she couldn’t fall in love without starting the apocalypse all over again. But she has other problems to deal with. An earth witch called Madeline returns and calls upon Raven to fulfill her debt.
Madeline needs Raven to save Stephen before something terrible happens.