Order of Yuyi Morales Books

Yuyi Morales Books In Order

Publication Order of Niño Books

Publication Order of Picture Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Yuyi Morales
Yuyi Morales was born November 7, 1968 Xalapa, Veracruz, and is the oldest of four kids. When she was a child she loved drawing, and would often pair her pictures with stories.

Her mom was a homemaker, and Morales has said that she made everything from their hats, clothes, coats, and underwear to their curtains, bedspreads, and the lamps. Despite spending all of those nights by the sewing machine, becoming an artist wasn’t a childhood dream for her, because it would’ve been considered crazy.

Since she had been a top competitive swimmer during high school, she studied physical education at the Universidad de Xalapa, hoping to teach gym. After graduating, she took a job as a swim coach.

While Yuyi worked as a swimming coach in Mexico, she met Tim, her husband and an American citizen, and they had a son, named Kelly. The new family moved to America in 1994. Yuyi, during her first years spent in San Francisco, remembers that she didn’t have any friends, no job, and just spoke a few English words. She was sad because she missed her family and native country, and didn’t feel as though she fit in that country.

And one day her mother-in-law took her son Kelly to a San Francisco public library, she remembers being so inspired and amazed by the children’s book section. She learned English by reading to her son who didn’t care or even know if she mispronounced some words, and could always use the illustrations to show something that she didn’t know. She was so inspired by such vivid illustrations and colors from the books that she was reading to her son, and wondered if she could create picture books like those.

She bought a set of brushes and paints and enrolled in this extension class at UC Berkeley on writing for kids where she met a group of other aspiring authors and illustrators. Her first English language picture book project was Kathleen Krull’s text for “Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez” in 2003.

She has influenced Cassandra Clare’s work. Yuyi has since been recognized as one of the most celebrated Latina kids’ book authors using her family’s heritage and legacy as inspiration.

Yuyi strives to capture the incredible beauty of the every day forms using colors and textures as another way to reveal the heart of whatever story is being told. She also pursues luminosity and glow with resolve. If she could ask for a talent, it’d be to become a color genius.

She has won seven Pura Belpre Medals for Illustrator for “Just a Minute: A Trickster Tale”, “Harvesting Hoe”, “Los Gatos Black on Halloween”, “Just in Case”, “Nino Wrestles the World”, Viva Frida”, and “Dreamers”. She has won one Belpre Honor for Author for “Just in Case” and another Belpre Honor for Illustrator for “My Abuella”.

“Harvesting Hope” has won Book Links Magazine, Best of the Year, Lasting Connections, Best of the Year, San Francisco Best of Year, School Library Journal Best Books, and it won the Jane Adams Book Award. “Viva Frida” was selected as a Caldecott Honor Book in the year 2015.

“Just a Minute!: A Trickster Tale and Counting Book” is the first picture book and was released in 2003. In this original trickster story, Senor Calavera shows up at Grandma Beetle’s door unexpectedly. He asks that she leave with him immediately. Grandma Beetle says just a minute. She still has a house to sweep, two pots of tea to boil, and three pounds of corn to make into tortillas. And that’s just for openers.

Using both English and Spanish words to tally the party preparations, she cleverly delays her trip and spends her birthday with a table filled with grandkids and her surprise guest.

This spirited tribute to the rich traditions of Mexican culture is the perfect tribute to the rich traditions of Mexican culture and is the perfect introduction to counting in both Spanish and English. The vivacious illustrations and universal depiction of a family celebration are certain to be adored by young readers everywhere.

“Vida Frida” is a picture book and was released in 2014. Frida Kahlo is one of the world’s most unusual and famous artists and is revered around the world. Her life was filled with tragedy, laughter, and love, each of which influenced what she painted on her canvasses.

“Nino Wrestles the World” is a picture book and was released in 2013. Slish! Krunch! Fwap! Bloop! He takes down his competition in just a single move!

There’s no opponent that poses too big of a challenge for the cunning skills of Nino, who is a toy lover, popsicle eater, somersault expert, and a world champion lucha libre competitor.

The book is in English with some Spanish vocabulary, and it’s a fun and colorful tale about a boy that wrestles with imaginary monsters (which includes La Llorona and Olmec Head) and adversaries like his little sisters. This is a joyful picture book about play, imagination, and siblings.

“Rudas: Nino’s Horrendous Hermanitas” is a picture book and was released in 2016. There is no opponent that’s too big of a challenge for the cunning skills of Las Hermanitas, Lucha Queens! Their Poopy Bomb Blowout is gonna knock em down! Their Tag-Team Teething will gnaw opponents down to a pulp! Their Pampered Plunder Diversion is sure to fell even the most determined of competitors!

However what happens when Nino comes after them with a move all his own? Watch the tables turn in this exciting and wild wrestling adventure.

“Dreamers” is a picture book and was released in 2018. Yuyi tells her own immigration story in this picture book tribute to the transformative powers of hope, as well as reading.

Yuyi Morales left her home in Xalapa, Mexico in 1994, and came to America with her infant son. She left behind almost everything she owned, however she didn’t come empty handed. She brought her work, her strength, her passion, her dreams and hopes, and her stories.

“Dreamers” won the Bulletin Blue Ribbon Award, the Kirkus Prize for Young Children’s Literature, and the California Reading Association Eureka! Silver Honor Book in 2018.