Order of Writer Friends Books

Writer Friends Books In Order

Publication Order of Writer Friends Books

Writer Friends is a series of romance novels written by an American author of romance novels Rachael Gibson. She was born in Idaho United States; her father worked for a telephone company while her mother was a housewife. Rachael’s storytelling career started at a tender age when she ran away from her Chevy Vega into a hill retrieved the broken glass and the bumper and drove to her High School parking lot. With the help of her good friends, she strategically scattered the broken pieces of glass in the vehicle and informed her parents that she was a victim of a hit and run, they believed her, and since then she has been telling stories.

Rachael Gibson began her Writer Friends series in 2006 when Sex, Lies, and Online Dating was published.

Sex, Lies, and Online Dating

The first in the series is Sex, Lies, and Online Dating. The novel introduces us to Lucy Rothschild, a mystery writer. She had decided to try online dating as research for her new book. She used her dates as the victims for her new book, and when she decided that she needed one last victim for her book, she accepted a date with Quinn just to see if he would perfectly fit.

Quinn McIntyre is an undercover agent working on a serial murder case. He is ordered to go on a date to go on dates with the women who are suspected to be Breathless serial killers. And the evidence available linked Lucy to this murder case, so he kept on pushing her in efforts to find out the truth.

Both of them sparked a relationship with lies. Lucy lied to be a nurse while Quinn gives false information to her that he is a widowed plumber. While Lucy starts developing strong feelings for her final “victim,” on the other hand, Quinn tries so hard not to get attracted to her even though he had believed that she was Breathless, he still could not stop thinking and want her.

The first book in the series is a beautiful read. You will fall in love with Rachel Gibson’s characters; they are realistic, such that you can reach out and touch them and relate to them. Their combination of communication skills, attitudes, thoughts and the attempts to see things from a woman perspective is fascinating. This novel delivers just this type of hero at cross-purposes with an ever vigilant heroine.

The characterization is wonderfully done, Lucy Rothschild is a mystery writer researching her new novel and personally participates in her experiments. The men she meets on her internet dates are losers, but what else can you expect with online names like klondikemike, bigdaddy182, and lustick? However, visiting these womanizers provides her with plenty of info for creating her fictional serial killers and serial killer’s victims. Now she only needs one more victim to complete her novel and hopes a man by the username hardluvman will offer her the much-needed inspiration and then she is done.

Then there is Quinn Mclntyre, a cop in the Violent Crimes Division who lives for his job. After spending a couple of years in the narcotics division, undercover assignments comes easily to him and now is proving useful especially now that Breathless killer who suffocates her victims is on the loose. Hardluvman has had 15 dates of which seven were sourced online, and since he is acting as bait, he knows that he may have to go far faking physical desire with the suspects just to get enough evidence for an arrest. He has no reservation lying to women and trapping the killer is just but part of his job, but he definitely hates reciting the “wooing lines” to his fake dates that others have written for him.

While waiting for hardluvman in a coffee shop, Lucy notices a man entering the coffee shop who just looks like he has just been blown from a mad bad and lethal to know convention. He draws near to her and identifies himself as her date for the night.

Lucy is frozen by his extremely good looks and knows that there is something wrong with him since there is no such a guy with such good looks trolls the chatrooms. The man claims to be a plumber and that his wife died a couple of months ago. Before even their visit ends, Lucy demonstrates her lack of nursing skills when a man sitting next to them chokes leaving her to watch as Quinn saves the man’s life. Assuming that Quinn has pegged her as a liar, Lucy doesn’t expect to hear from the man again, but she is surprised to receive a dinner invitation the following day. Hesitantly meeting him for a real date, Lucy is astonished at Quinna desire to continue dating her and can’t figure out if she is pleased by his actions or feels stalked. Is Quinn genuinely interested in dating Lucy? Has he developed real emotions towards the mystery author?

I’m In No Mood for Love

Clare carefully orders life disintegrated in front her eyes when she in on her man playing cowboy with the Sears man on the closet floor. But she is focused on setting it aside till her excellent friend get married, but when she gets loaded on the eve of the reception, she wakes up to find herself in a hotel room with a man she has known all her life but hasn’t seen for ages.

Sebastian has known Clare since they were kids but seeing her in a sexy thong has put a different spin on things. He played the perfect man and didn’t touch her, but he is finding hard to get rid of the image of her stripping down before him out of his mind. When he decides to stay for a couple more days to spend time with his father he had lost touch with, Sebastian and Clare are thrust together making them to re-establish their relationship when both just want to run away, until one deep passionate kiss rocks their world.