Order of William F Brown Books

William F. Brown Books In Order

Publication Order of Amongst My Enemies Books

Publication Order of Bob Burke Action Adventure Books

Publication Order of Eddie Barnett FBI Counter-Terror Thriller Books

Publication Order of Our Vietnam Wars Books

Publication Order of Pete and Sandy Murder Mystery Books

William F. Brown
William F. Brown is a fiction author best known for his thrillers and intense historical fiction stories. The Chicago born writer is also a Vice President of a Fortune 500 corporation subsidiary. Brown holds a BA in Russian Area Studies and History from the University of Illinois. He also has a Masters in Urban Planning from the same institution. The author also served in the army and helped manage many civic organizations. In his free time, Brown enjoys playing golf, running, and painting. He also enjoys traveling and has toured the US and beyond in the company of his wife.

Burke’s War
Burke’s War comes first in the Burke series. The book introduces Bob Burke, an average looking man who can turn into a lethal killer in seconds. Bob is coming home to Chicago from Washington. As his plane is landing, he glances outside his window only to witness a man strangling a woman. As a trained army ranger, Bob has a sharp eye, and in those few moments, his brain recorded all the information he would need to identify the culprit. Unfortunately, when he approaches the police with this information, no one believes him. How can a telecommunications executive possibly identify a man he saw just a few seconds from a plane?
Everyone did not know that the mild-mannered man of slight build standing before them was no ordinary person. Bob has spent many years running special missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thanks to his training and experience, Bob was also among the most lethal killers produced by the US government. The other thing about this man is that he never gave up. Once he started something, he would do everything in his power to complete it. That man who strangled the woman on that fateful day will come to experience Bob with all his ruthlessness. The fact that no one believed him would not deter Bob from ensuring that the truth is revealed and justice is served.

This book takes you on a adventourous ride as Bob confronts the Chicago mob, a psychopathic doctor, crooked cops, and an overzealous attorney head-on. Fortunately, he has his old colleagues and friends to help whenever he needs some backup. This will get intense as Bob gets to the finish line, and it admirable how he stays focused despite the forces working against him. Away from this case, Bob also has to deal with his soon-to-be-ex-wife, trying to take his company from him. Will Bob manage to catch the killer and ensure that justice is served? What will happen to all the people who are unfortunate to cross The Ghost’s path?

Burke’s War is an intense read that will take you on a thrilling ride to the world of crime. The book is fast-paced, intriguing, and funny, so don’t get to endure any dull moments. Bob is cool, nice, and calculating until he is forced into action. The narration is perfect, and it is amazing how the narrator voices the rest of the cast. In this boo, the bad guys are going to get just what they deserve, and justice will finally be served for those they harmed. If you are a thriller fan, you will love the knock-down action and tension in this one.

Our Vietnam Wars
Our Vietnam Wars is one of the most important books ever written. It differs from other war books in that it is personal. It is not an analysis by experts, politicians, or those who only read about the War in books. William F. Brown has combined personal stories of 100 veterans who served in Vietnam. Written in article format, this book gives an in-depth understanding of what happened during this time. It offers those who went to this War a platform to air their views, tell their stories, and let the world know what it felt to be involved in a war that changed lives and left many fighting battles many know nothing about.

Between the late 1950s and 1975, the Vietnam veterans served in the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines. Aside from those at the forefront, there are those who served as repairmen, nurses, doctors, jet pilots, and truck drivers, to mention but a few. These veterans were black, Hispanic, and white. They were both male and female, and most of them were either in their teens or early twenties. Some of the veterans highlighted in this book were true heroes who have been recognized for their bravery and the role they played during this War. Others were only trying to survive so they could get back to their families.

This collection applauds those who paid the ultimate price in this War. The unfortunate thing is that the War did not stop for these men and women when they left the war field. They came home to protestors who welcomed them with disrespect. They struggled with PTSD, Agent Orange, heart disease, and diabetes behind closed doors, among other conditions. This book serves as a reminder that their kin’s sacrifices were not in vain for the veterans’ descendants. The surviving veterans can see that their stories matter, and for anyone looking at everything from a stereotypical view, this book is an eye-opener. The veterans and their families have continued to fight unknown battles, while the Vietnam conflict talks and thoughts have been long buried.

Our Vietnam Wars is an informative and interesting account of veteran stories. The stories are mostly in the first person, as told by the veterans. William F. Brown goes further to detail each veteran’s life before going to War, what role they played, and their experiences after the war was over. Sadly, so many met such senseless deaths in the War. Those who survived didn’t have it easy either. Society judged them harshly, and most of the time, they were expected to shut up and pretend that the war did not happen. For all of us, this book serves as a lesson. We should be thankful for those who gave up their all for this country.