Order of Whitley Strieber Books

Order of Whitley Strieber Books


Whitley Strieber (Photo Credit: Sean Casteel)
Whitley Strieber is an American author of horror, science fiction, fantasy and thriller novels and non-fiction books (largely on the paranormal topics). He writes the Communion series, which is based on his own experiences as an abductee by “visitors” (which he doesn’t conclude are necessarily aliens from outer space). Strieber graduated from the University of Texas at Austin and the London School of Film Technique, then began an advertising career that he gave up to begin writing. He is a frequent guest on the radio show Coast to Coast AM and hosts his own podcast called Dreamland – a radio show he took over from Art Bell. His books The Wolfen, The Hunger and Communion have all been made into films. Whitley lives in California with his wife (and sometimes collaborator) Anne.

Whitley Strieber became a published author in 1978 with the novel The Wolfen. Below is a list of Whitley Strieber’s books in order of when they were originally published:

Publication Order of Alien Hunter Books

Alien Hunter / Hunters


Alien Hunter: Underworld


Alien Hunter: The White House


Publication Order of Communion Books

The Secret School










Solving the Communion Enigma


Publication Order of Hunger Books

The Hunger


The Last Vampire


Lilith’s Dream


Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Wolfen


Black Magic


The Night Church




Wolf of Shadows


Nature’s End (With: James W. Kunetka)


Cat Magic






The Wild


Unholy Fire




The Day After Tomorrow


The Grays




Critical Mass


The Omega Point




The Christmas Spirits


Melody Burning


The Secret of Orenda


The Journey to Dog Heaven




Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Evenings with Demons


Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

The Forbidden Zone


The Communion Letters


The Coming Global Superstorm (With: Art Bell)


The Key


The path


Solar Flares


Miraculous Journey


The Super Natural


The Afterlife Revolution


A New World




Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas



Publication Order of Macabre Ink Resurrected Horrors Books

The Cats (By: Nick Sharman)


Legion of the Dead (By: Hugh B. Cave)


Night Songs (By: Charles L. Grant)


Cat Magic


Shadow Child (By: Joseph A. Citro)


The Kill Riff (By: David J. Schow)


Crucifax (By: Bob Eggleton,Ray Garton)


Dreamthorp (By: Chet Williamson)


Rest in Peace (By: Jack MacLane)


Where the Chill Waits (By: T. Chris Martindale)


Sineater (By: Elizabeth Massie)


Nightscape (By: Stephen R. George)


Dark Silence (By: Rick Hautala)


Animals (By: Craig Spector,John Skipp)


I Am Dracula (By: C. Dean Andersson)


Undertaker’s Moon (By: Ronald Kelly)


Wild Card (By: Jean Tennant)


Night Visions (By: Stanley Wiater)


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Publication Order of Anthologies

Kingdom of Fear: The World of Stephen King


Halloween Horrors


Cutting Edge


Murder in Manhattan


Borderlands 3




Whitley Strieber’s Aliens


Speculative Reality #6


Speculative Reality #5


Twilight Zone: 19 Original Stories on the 50th Anniversary


Saucers of Fear: Nazi UFOs, Alien Abduction, Project Bluebeam, and Other High-Tech Horrors From the X-Files of Saucerian Press


The Demons of King Solomon


Notes: Warday and Nature’s End were co-authored by James Kunetka. Miraculous Journey and The Communion Letters were written with Anne Strieber. The NYE Incidents was written with Craig Spector. The Edge: Man’s Mysterious Past & Incredible Future and The Coming Global Superstorm were written with Art Bell. The Whitley Strieber’s Hidden Agendas series is written by other authors, edited and presented by Whitley Strieber. The novel Alien Hunter was republished as Hunters The Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained was written with Jeffrey J. Kripal.