Order of Wendy Higgins Books

Wendy Higgins Books In Order

Publication Order of Sweet Books

Publication Order of Unknown Books

Publication Order of Eurona Duology Books

Publication Order of Omega Skies Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Novellas

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Author Wendy Higgins is a bestselling (USA Today and New York Times) writer of “The Great Hunt” novels, “Sweet Evil” series, and “See Me” series (which is an Irish fantasy series that she self-published). Her work is from the romance, fantasy, paranormal, and young adult genres. Higgins was born in Anchorage, Alaska, and graduated high school from Potomac Senior High School in the state of Virginia. She has her bachelor’s degree that she got from George Mason University in Creative Writing and a master’s degree from Radford University in Curriculum and Instruction. Getting her Bachelor’s took seven years due to dropping out so that she could be a flight attendant and so she could waitress.

Higgins would later get her act together and get her master’s, once she met her husband, after which she started teaching high school (freshman and seniors) English, a job that she did for two years. Then she became a stay at home mother, which is when she started to work on her first novel (“Sweet Evil”), that she wrote over the course of seven weeks. Higgins wrote the novel longhand in this short time. She would tweak the novel after that, with help from a website to help writers get critiques from fellow writers, and make it something that fans would want to read and an all around better novel. Higgins says that the novel bombarded her brain and it was brought on by missing being around the teenagers that she used to teach.

She lives in the state of Virginia with her husband (who is a veterinarian), son, their dog (who is named Rue), and daughter.

The first book she wrote was finished when she was five years old, and was called “The Day the Whole Class got the Chickenpox”. She sold copies of the book, that she also illustrated herself, door to door at five bucks a copy. One woman, upon her mother making her return all of the money that she had made, refused; saying she wanted to be able to say that she had bought a copy of one of Higgins’s books before she was a published author.

“Sweet Evil” is the first novel in the “Sweet” series that was released in the year 2012. Some teens’s lives depend on being a bad influence on others. It sounds like an awful fate for some, but this is the way it is for those who are the children of fallen angels. Southern girl Anna Whitt is equipped with the ability to see and feel and see what others are feeling. Anna is aware of an internal struggle that pulls her towards danger, but it is not until after she turns sixteen and meets the attractive Kaidan Rowe (who is the son of the Duke of Lust) that she wants to put it all to the test and discover her background. Kaidan is the one that your dad warned you about, but it is too bad that Anna’s did not warn her.

Fans of the novel found that most books about angels are not very good, but this one knocks it out of the park and is one of the best, with an original spin on things. Some enjoyed the characters, finding that Kaidan was swoon worthy and that Anna is a strong female character, even the minor characters are well developed. The pacing and plot keep things moving and make it so that nothing is ever dull and everything is interesting. Some fans did not realize that there would be so many steamy moments in a young adult novel, but they are glad for them and glad that Higgins put them in. This novel makes it so that anything that you were supposed to be doing does not get done because you are so wrapped up in what is happening here in this book. Everything else can wait so that you can read the book in one sitting.

“Sweet Peril” is the novel in the “Sweet” series that was released in the year 2013. Anna Whitt, who has a demon and a guardian angel for parents, vowed to never do the work of her father (corrupting the souls of good people). She is naive to have made such a vow to herself, but that is the tip of the naive iceberg for Anna is haunted by demon whisperers and does all that she can to survive, even though it means that she has to embrace her dark side and develop her reputation as the party girl of her school. Kaidan makes things worse by plaguing both her mind and heart. A lost messages from the angels surfaces, and Anna must go all around the world with Kopano (son of Wrath) so that they can get the aid of Nephilim and give them some hope, something that they have never known. Whatever they are hoping to gain, will not come without a fight. Kaidan and Anna must put aside everything that they feel towards each other to figure things out and get the job done.

Fans of the novel enjoyed the novel, finding that it continued what Higgins started in the first book, and set things up for the next installment of the series. The ending of this novel made fans want the final novel so that they could see how things come out. Fans felt that they had to know how things would end, and that they were glued to each page and the book was just an amazing read. They like to read the sections that are narrated by Kaidan, because he talks about his struggle and he is a great character in the novel. Fans loved the way that Anna has grown since the first book, she is much stronger, no longer naive. She is now strong and you are able to see another side of her as she plays the party girl. Even Kaidan has grown and is able to share things that he feels rather than simply bottling everything up. This novel, as good as the first one was, blows the first novel out of the water and is much better.