Order of V Plague Books

V Plague Books In Order

Publication Order of V Plague Books

Publication Order of V Plague Legacy Books

The “V Plague” series (also called “Voodoo Plague”) by Dirk Patton is post apocalyptic fiction and is an Amazon bestseller. It began publication in the year 2013, when “Unleashed” was released.

The series chronicles the adventures of John Chase, a retired US Army Major as he lives in the world after the apocalypse. He meets up with Rachel and Dog, who make up his survival group.

“Unleashed” is the first novel in the “V Plague” series, which was released in the year 2013. John Chase has arrived in Atlanta for a business trip right as America experiences the worst attacks in the world’s history. Nuclear bombs destroy entire cities, and nerve gas is released that sends what’s left of the population into a homicidal rage.

He rescues a woman that survives the attacks and has to lead her to safety, all while Atlanta burns. The raging infected roam unchecked and society descends into savagery.

Fans of the novel found this to be an interesting and novel take on the zombie apocalypse. The cast of characters gets fleshed out by their actions, rather than by long descriptions. John chase is a fully realized military character and teaming him with Dog and Rachel make for a nice way to expand his dimension. Readers were able to read over four hundred pages of it in just one night, after planning on reading for a little while.

“Crucifixion” is the second novel in the “V Plague” series, which was released in the year 2014. John, Rachel, and Dog have gotten out of Atlanta, and found refuge in Tennessee at an Air Force Base. John is recalled to active duty, and makes a deal with the Army that is going to help him rescue his wife back in Arizona. All of his plans quickly get put in jeopardy when the infection has a second wave that rips through the remaining population.

Fans of the novel find this author to be at the head of the pack for writing zombie apocalypse fiction. Some find that the villains are scary due to the fact that they are highly realistic. This one ends spectacularly, as the books start to show exactly what they are capable of in how awesome and mind blowing they can really be.

“Rolling Thunder” is the third novel in the “V Plague” series, which was released in the year 2014. The stakes have been raised when millions of infected start to threaten the escape plan John put together. The group fights to stay alive, and start to come across the smarter infected and the other survivors that take full advantage of all the chaos to prey on fellow humans. The only safety to be found is in the west, but every time they turn around the tiny group’s efforts are thwarted as they try to make their escape.

Fans of the novel found this to be another emotional and action packed adventure in these three people’s lives. These books find a way to get better and better with each and every installment that is released. It is a great ride that has brought readers right to the edge of their seats right from the first chapter of book one.

“Red Hammer” is the fourth novel in the “V Plague” series, which was released in the year 2014. An old enemy comes back, revealing plots inside of plots while the survivors continue to struggle to get to safety and find those that are missing. The infected are getting more lethal and more intelligent. The world continues to fall apart, while there are new dangers popping up all over the place.

This one is exciting all the way through, and is another enjoyable read. Fans of the novel love all of the action and suspense packed into each of these books, and some love each and every book. Readers find that the stories hold up, even the second time around. It is great to see Dirk Patton get better and better as a writer and turn out better stories with each novel.

“Transmission” is the fifth novel in the “V Plague” series, which was released in the year 2014. The virus is mutating, and new dangers are popping up that are threatening to bring about a bloody end to the struggle to survive. The infection’s next wave sweeps across what is left of the population. At the same time, betrayal threatens the alliance with GRU.

Roach descends deeper into his madness, and hides in plain sight while he plans to capture Katie. Rachel still cannot be found, and it is up to Major Chase to rescue her and reaffirm the alliance put together to take down the Russian president.

Fans of the novel find this to combine some strong action with great characters and stellar dialogue. Even though the books are crammed with a lot of gore and blood and action, there is still tons of humor and love in them as well. Readers are still hooked to these books to the constant tension to be had. Some cannot wait to find out what will happen next in this wonderful, awesome series.

“Days of Perdition” is the sixth novel in the “V Plague” series, which was released in the year 2014. Katie has been kidnapped by Roach, and John has to save her as well as deal with the new President’s betrayal. This all starts with Kattie’s story on how she has survived and made it all the way to Oklahoma City. John knows she is alive now and nothing is going to stop him from saving her, but is he going to get to her in time?

These are characters you instantly care about and want to know more of their history. It is rare to fall in love with characters in books, but readers couldn’t help it while reading these stories. The books are always a page turner and are certainly worth a read. Once more, the tension never lets up, and keeps you hooked on all of the action, waiting for what will happen next.