Order of Tom Tinney Books

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Tom Tinney is an American author that writes novels in the science fiction and fantasy genres. Tinney is best known for works like ‘Threads’ and ‘Blood of Invidia’.

While Tom Tinney has a number of works under his belt, ‘Blood of Invidia’ tends to stand out because the author co-wrote it with his son, Morgen Batten despite the fact that the two of them had never met.

According to the author’s website, Morgen and Tinney have been kept apart for several decades by circumstances neither of them can control. By the time they sat down to write ‘Blood of Invidia’, Hartford, WI was Tinney’s home while Morgen was raised and still lived in Adelaide, Australia.

Despite their estrangement, Morgen grew up to become a writer with a creative mind that loved the same science fiction and fantasy works and authors that his father enjoyed. Their collaboration was first suggested by Morgen.

Neither author took it that seriously at the start. But then a series of texts between the pair began to paint a vague picture of a plot and characters that both Morgen and Tom Tinney found that they wanted to pursue.

And so they did just that, using resources like Dropbox to share files, drafts, and outlines. Technology was their ally in their endeavor to collaboratively produce a novel despite never having breathed the same air.

Of course, they had to do a bit of juggling to find the right window of time within which they were both neither at work nor sleeping. It was a narrow window that they utilized effectively to brainstorm. The result was a project that united father and son in the creative realm.

It should be said that Tom Tinney was already making some waves on the literary landscape before he began working with Morgen.

The author describes himself as a biker-nerd, a term that most people frown upon because those two words (Biker and Nerd) seem to conflict with one another. For Tinney, the term was deliberately selected because it gave him the freedom to navigate both groups.

Neither one seems to know what to make of him. For the most part, though, Tom Tinney has found that being a tall, large biker gives him the opportunity to speak his mind, to make even those observations and opinions known that other people might frown upon.

And because of his size, demeanor, and identification as a biker, people cannot help but respond politely to Tinney, regardless of how staunchly they might disagree with his views, especially the political opinions.

Tinney’s storytelling abilities manifested early. Even as a child, he knew that he had a knack for using humor to bring to life characters with whom other people could relate.

It helped that he was such an avid reader, experimenting with the likes of Asimov, Butcher, and Gibson. As a young man, Tinney meandered somewhat. He joined the military and worked as a long-range radar technician.

He also did a bit of work in the aerospace field. Along with his time running tool shops and operating as a sales manager, it always surprises people to learn that the author only has a high school degree.

Tom Tinney’s foray into publishing began slowly. First, he wrote articles for Motorcycle magazines. Then he began contributing posts to blogs. After that, opportunities arose which compelled the author to produce short stories inspired by his lifestyle as a biker.

Over time, he got to interview significance figures in the biker world, this including builders and artists. Having built up quite the following, Tinney’s followers started pushing him to try something different.

They encouraged him to write a novel. The comments got the author thinking for the first time that he might have what it takes to succeed outside the area of articles and short stories.

But even when he actually decided to give novels a try, Tinney was initially quite certain that he would stay within his lane, writing biker novels situated within a world he intimately understood.

Tinney ended up producing science fiction. ‘Threads’, the first of many novels, took the author just a few weeks to write. This was as he balanced blogging and a full-time job.

Of course, the publication process was far more complicated. Though, Tinney vividly remembers the excitement he felt the day he wrote the last words of the ‘Threads’ manuscript. He did a lot of smiling and jumping at the time because he recognized the herculean nature of the undertaking he had just completed.

He followed the accomplishment up with several more works set in the science fiction genre. A lot of the author’s thoughts and opinions on politics and society are present in his works.

USS Marshals Matt and Mark Williams are twin brothers. They are pretty close and their bond always works in their favor. But the task awaiting them will require every ounce of skill they have accumulated over the years.

The Metrostellar came about when mankind finally decided to move out into the galaxy. But life in 2576 isn’t without its challenges. A psychotic killer is on the loose, having made it his mission to stalk Metrostellar’s female population. As the bodies begin to pile up, the USS Marshal Service must act quickly to restore order.

Far away, a USS Marshal’s undercover mission takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon a conspiracy several centuries in the making.

As both cases draw the Intra Stellar Transportation and Exploration Company in the mix, Matt and Mark must use their special bond to protect the innocent and pursue justice against the guilty.

They might be stronger together but, for once, both officers must learn to stand alone, to find the strength that they each possess.

+Blood of Invidia
The Indvidians were a bloodthirsty race of aliens that waged war on the galaxy ten thousand years ago. They were driven to march forth and conquer, to build their empire by crushing other words and bringing them to heel.

But they realized that mortality greatly constrained their ability to achieve and maintain their great empire. So they sought immortality, discovered it and then disappeared.

When a dangerous conflict between aliens breaks out on the streets of New York in the future, questions about the existence of extraterrestrial life are raised.