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Tom Savage is the American author of a mystery thriller and five suspense novels: Valentine, Precipice, Scavenger, The Inheritance, The Woman Who Knew Too Much and A Penny for the Hangman. He also authored two detective books under the penname T.J. Phillips, Woman in the Dark and Dance of the Mongoose. His short stories have been featured in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine and Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine.

Savage’s short story, The Method in Her Madness was nominated for Barry Awards for the best Mystery short story of the year, (2005). Valentine, Savage’s bestselling novel was adapted into a 2001 American slasher movie starring David Boreanaz, Denise Richards, Katherine Heigl, Marley Shelton, and Jessica Capshaw. During his younger days, Savage was a professional actor and also wrote Musical Chairs, Broadway show.

Tom was born in New York and spent his childhood in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. He went To Point Park College and later joined Hofstra University where he majored in drama and minored in English. After writing plays and acting, Savage worked for several years at Murder Ink, the first mystery bookstore in the world. Savage is a member of Mystery Writers of America, Actors Equity Association, International Thriller Writers, and International Association of Crime Writers.

The author has served as the director of the board of Mystery Writers of America and served several times for IACW and MWA. He is a founding member of MWA Mentor Program- designed to encourage new mystery authors to take courage in the publishing world. Savage is a resident of New York City.


Jill Talbot has finally and successfully achieved her dream in life. She is now a bestselling mystery writer based in Greenwich Village, surrounded by good neighbors, good friends, and her caring boyfriend, Nate Levin who is also an artist. As valentine days approaches, she discovers that some from her past are carefully watching her and seeking revenge for a stupid prank that she played on him back in the college days. The man is watching on her every single move and listening to every word that she utters- and the man kills anyone who might be a problem towards achieving his carefully crafted plan.

The author, Tom Savage published this book, Valentine, at the peak of his writing career. It is the only book by the author which was adapted into a movie- hence it was Savage’s crowning achievement. Both the movie and the novel feature similar plots but there are some notable differences. While the novel is for mature readers in their 30’s the film belongs to the horror genre involving evil and freaking pranks that go awry leading to either permanent injuries or even deaths. The movie features plot similar to the classic horrors of the 20th century such as The Burning, Prom Night, and Terror Train.

Valentine is fast-paced, features gruesome murders and high body counts. The primary setting for the novel is the Big Apple in February when the snow is always falling. The author does a fantastic job of taking the readers to various locations such as glamorous ski resorts, isolated cabins, small exclusive colleges, where there is also lots of snow and human blood. Rude rich and spoiled women are stalked, and systematically killed by a killer who has serious anger management issues.

You could compare the killer to the male version of Theresa Russell’s protagonist, Catherine Peterson in Black Widow. He is the type of man who used his handsome face, athlete body and artistic talents to lure unsuspecting women before finally killing them. He is not limited to killing women but also kills anyone who gets in his way.

On the other hand, the heroine, Jill Talbot is a likable, winsome and naïve character haunted by her poor error judgment she made back in college. Lonely and yearning for companionship, Jill fell into the wrong crowd that consisted of three rich and famous girls who were extremely popular in the school. Together, these girls were known as the elements, and soon Jill found herself being the fourth element, Water. She played a minor but also a significant role in the prank that they often played on a shy, abused misfit.

However, Jill later repented and tried to account for her wrongs, but unfortunately for her, it was too late. Of the four girls, the “misfit” hated Jill the most since he was mostly attracted to her. The fact that Jill became a bestselling author who is rare as winning a lottery probably led to more jealously. The reader can’t help but feel sorrow for the young misfit when they discover about his troubled childhood. Valentine is a highly recommended book for the fans of mystery and horror books. Initially intended to be a mystery novel, the book has sequent changes into one of the best horrors, especially after the adaptation into a famous bloody treat film.

A Penny for the Hangman

On Friday 13th March 1959, a 15-year-old Rodney Harper and 14-year-old Wulf Anderman brutally murdered their parents in St. Thomas. After serving their term in jail, the general public lost track of the whereabouts of these two folks. Shortly, before the 50th anniversary of the brutal murders in 2009, a strange man phoned an arts and entertainment journalist, Karen Tyler promising to tell the truth behind Harper-Anderman murders. Interested and excited at the idea of covering one of the most famous and bizarre cases of homicide, Karen agrees to meet the anonymous man at St. Thomas. But unfortunate, Karen never got the chance to finish the story she wanted to write.

Jim- Karen’s boyfriend never wanted her girlfriend to go to St. Thomas alone. But now armed with all Karen’s notes, Jim, an author decides to finish the tale that Karen had begun to tell. As the narrative unfolds through Harper’s diary, court transcripts, Karen’s journals and articles, and other publications, the readers’ get a glimpse of what actually happened that night in 1959- what forced the boys to kill and what happened to Karen 50 years later.

A Penny for Hangman offers everything one looks for in an entertaining mystery and thriller novel. It is fast paced, full of surprises, suspenseful and cleverly crafted to hook the reader to the last page.