The Expanse series, written by James S.A. Corey, is a science fiction epic set in a future where humanity has colonized the solar system. The story begins with a conspiracy that threatens to ignite war between Earth, Mars, and the asteroid belt. It follows key characters like detective Joe Miller and spaceship captain James Holden as they navigate political intrigue, alien technology, and looming existential threats. The series blends space opera with themes of survival, power struggles, and the future of humanity in an expansive universe.
List of The Expanse Books
Leviathan Wakes | 2011 | |
Caliban’s War | 2012 | |
Abaddon’s Gate | 2013 | |
Cibola Burn | 2014 | |
Nemesis Games | 2015 | |
Babylon’s Ashes | 2016 | |
Persepolis Rising | 2017 | |
Tiamat’s Wrath | 2019 | |
Leviathan Falls | 2021 |
List of The Expanse Short Stories in Chronological Order
Drive | 2012 | |
The Churn | 2014 | |
The Butcher of Anderson Station | 2011 | |
The Last Flight of the Cassandra | 2019 | |
Gods of Risk | 2012 | |
The Vital Abyss | 2015 | |
Strange Dogs | 2017 | |
Auberon | 2019 | |
The Sins of Our Fathers | 2022 | |
Memory’s Legion (Complete Novella Collection) | 2022 |