The City Between Books In Order
Publication Order of The City Between Books
Between Jobs | (2018) | |
Between Shifts | (2018) | |
All the Different Shades of Blue | (2019) | |
Between Floors | (2019) | |
Between Frames | (2019) | |
Cloudy With a Chance of Dropbears | (2019) | |
Between Homes | (2019) | |
Between Cases | (2020) | |
Between Decisions | (2021) | |
Between Family | (2021) | |
Between Kings | (2021) | |
Between Friends | (2022) |
The “City Between” series is a set of novels by young adult fantasy author WR Gingell. The author is a native of Tasmania who has made a name for herself rewriting fairytales with several twists, a murder or two and fantasies, where magical creatures, enchantresses and dragons abound.
Occasionally, she may be found writing science fiction and when she is not writing she engages in several hobbies. Gingell can often be found drinking tea, reading and slouching in front of her fire from where she likes to write her novels.
She likes to think that just like Peter Pan there is much of the child in her and can sometimes be found climbing trees. She published “Between Jobs” the debut novel of the “City Between” series in 2018.
WR Gingell writes in several genres including science fiction, fantasy, urban fantasy and sometimes a little horror. She is also an author of contemporary fiction though she does prefer to write fantasy fiction which is her first love.
The reason for this is that she has always had an interest in the fae. Ever since she was a child, she loved the idea of fantastic and dangerous beings that one could not reason and even bargain with.
Gingell’s readers fall into a vast spectrum from as young as thirteen year olds to people as old as 80. Most of her novels have adult protagonists and her youngest protagonist is a seventeen year old. Given that she usually writes clean novels with no foul language or sex scenes, her works are suitable for young readers too.
Gingell loves to explore some heavier themes when she is writing urban fantasy fiction and hence such novels usually contain some gruesome deaths. As such, some of her novels are best for readers at least thirteen years old.
The “City Between” series by WR Gingell is one of the best places to start for anyone first reading the author’s works. Unlike her fairy tale or fantasy inspired fiction, this is a classic urban fantasy set of novels that include a human pet, the fae, werewolves and vampires.
The lead in the series is Pet, a woman who has been struggling to make a living as a squatter in what used to be her home. Things have never been the same ever since her parents were killed in her house.
But then someone gets killed next door and to solve the case, several investigators move into her house. Pet calls the investigators who consist of a snarky vampire and two fae as the Psychos.
Gingell combines some interesting fantasy elements, adventure and spine tingling action with just enough mystery and intensity. But the best thing about these stories are the characters.
From the Tasmanian Pet to the sarcastic Jinyeong, there are all manner of interesting details that draw one in and get the reader invested in the character’s world.
“Between Jobs” the first novel of the “City Between” series introduces Pet, a woman with a fraught background. Ever since her parents died several years back, she has been living as a squatter in her parent’s house. Her favorite place is a tiny bedroom that will draw the envy of every child as it is hidden behind a bookcase.
During the day, she works at a diner where she is paid with food and cash and a plan to purchase her home once she attains the age of majority. There are hints of the house having some oddities, even though the murder of a strange guy across the street is what kicks off the story.
What is even more interesting is that the murdered man was living in an even more strange house. Three psycho investigators turn up to investigate and rent Pet’s house which they eventually buy and make her their pet.
Investigating the investigators, Pet soon realizes that they are a vampire and two fae and now wants to stay as far away from them as she can. But when that fails, she tries to convince them that she is harmless by tap dancing like crazy. This is when they decide to adopt her but make her cook and clean if she wants to stay in the house.
The second novel of the “City Between” series of novels by WR Gingell is “Between Shifts.” We still do not know Pet’s real name as the vampire and fae that now own her and her house usually do not name their pets. She is still questioning everything and learning everything she can about her housemates.
She is smart and snarky and her investigations into the supernatural world and the rules usually get her into trouble. While trying to vex one of her housemates while on a shopping trip, Pet stumbles into a dead body on the mall ground.
Investigations indicate that there may be a Lycanthrope or several of them on the loose. These are not the same as the legendary werewolves from fairy tales, even though they may be more vicious.
Meanwhile, the Korean speaking vampire JinYeong is shocked that Pet understands his language. What had happened is that she had taken to studying Korean just to annoy him. These two are something akin to rival siblings as they poke and bug each other until one is left screaming.
The detectiveS in the murder case need some help with what they believe could be a serial kiling case. The Psychos refuse to assist them until Pet finds herself in the middle of it all. All of them are then forced to go undercover to try to solve the case.
“Between Floors” the third novel of the “City Between” series hints that the Psychos may be controlled by Behindkind.
It may be possible that there may be several insidious plots being hatched behind the scenes by upper management. It does seem as if Upper Management wants to mess with the investigators by using underhanded techniques.
When Athelas disappears in mysterious circumstances, Zero tries to find answers while trying to keep everyone safe.
Meanwhile, JinYoung is still sulky while Pet is being severely restricted. With so much going on, Pet is forced to be more sneaky to ensure she does not get kicked off the case.