Order of Thaddeus Murfee Books

Order of Thaddeus Murfee Books

Thaddeus Murfee is the protagonist in a series of legal thriller novels by John Ellsworth. Thaddeus Murfee is a young lawyer, just out of law school with money still left to pay on his student loan.

John Ellsworth began his Thaddeus Murfee series in 2014 with the novel The Defendants. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of John Ellsworth’s Thaddeus Murfee books in order of when they were first released (as well as in chronological order):

Publication Order of Thaddeus Murfee Legal Thrillers Books

The Defendants


Beyond a Reasonable Death


Attorney at Large


Chase, the Bad Baby


Defending Turquoise


The Mental Case


The Girl Who Wrote The New York Times Bestseller


The Trial Lawyer


A Young Lawyer’s Story / Thaddeus Murfee


The Near Death Experience


Flagstaff Station


The Crime


La Jolla Law


The Post Office


The Contract Lawyer


RICO Rocky


Publication Order of Murfee & Gresham, Attorneys Books

Note: A Young Lawyer’s Story was originally titled Thaddeus Murfee.