Order of Terri Windling Books

Terri Windling Books In Order

Publication Order of Elsewhere Books

Publication Order of Old Oak WoodBooks

with Wendy Froud

Publication Order of Voyage of the Basset Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Terri Windling is an artist, editor, and author of the mythic arts and fantasy literature. The award-winning author has more than forty novels to her name that have won the Bram Stoker, the Mythopoeic, and the World Fantasy Awards, in addition to making the shortlist for the Tiptree Award. For her contribution to the speculative fiction genre as a mentor, educator, author, artist, and editor, she was awarded the Solstice ward by the SFWA. Her many works have been very popular across the world and have been translated into Japanese, French, Korean, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, Russian, and Czech. As an author, Terri has written young adult and adult mythic fiction and magical picture books targeted at children. She is also an exceptional essay writer who has written essays on mythic arts, fantasy literature, myth, and folklore that have been featured in anthologies, art books, and magazines in Europe and the United States. Windling has also been a contributor to reference volumes such as the “Panorama illustre de la fantasy & du merveilleux” and “The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales.”

Windling is a giant in the American publishing field, where she has been credited with the resurgence of the mythic fiction genre in the 1980s. Working as an editor for Tor and Ace Book fantasy lines she has edited more than thirty magical fiction anthologies over the years. She is the creator of the “Fairy Tale” series and the founder of urban fantasy since she promoted and published the works of the great pioneers of the genre such as Emma Bull and Charles de Lint. Working with Ellen Dartlow, she edited some of the most popular horror and fantasy novels that incorporated poetry, surrealism, and magic realism among other forms of magical literature. The two are the editors of the adult literary fairy tales “Snow White, Blood Red.” Other fairy tales and myth anthologies she had edited and published include “The Wolf at the Door,” “The Faery Reel,” and “The Green Man.” Terri Windling is the editor and creator of the “Borderland” series for teens and the fiction collection “The Armless Maiden” targeted at survivors of child abuse. For more than fifteen years, she has been the editor of the “Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror” which is run by St Martin’s Press. During this time, she has published the works of renowned authors such as Ursula Le Guin, AS Byatt, Haruki Murakami, Vikram Chandra, Stephen King, and Ursula Le Guin among many others. Apart from working as an editor, she has also been active as an artist and author. She is the author of “The Raven Queen” and “The Wood Wife,” which are two unheralded novels that were part of the “Voyage of the Basset” series. She has also published poems and short stories for her anthologies. She is also an artist whose works have been showcased in The Tucson Museum of Contemporary Art and The Boston Museum of Fine Arts She currently lives with her husband Howard Gayton in Devon.

Terri Windling grew up in the northeastern United States, where she subsisted on a diet of fairy tales and myths of Europe. Terri thus grew up with an appreciation of the old wives’ tales and as she grew into adulthood, started drawing parallels between the transformations, struggles, and journeys of modern life with the symbols found in myth and folklore. So deep was her love for myth that when she went to college, she decided to take a course in literature majoring in the role of women in literary and oral fairy tales. While she lived for more than ten years in New York City, she was strongly drawn to the UK, which is where she would eventually end up. However, just before she left the US to go to England, she found herself in the deserts of Arizona, far away from the green woodlands and wetlands of Devon. Form her experiences in the state, she came to appreciate the legends and myths of her heritage. This was a special combination of Native American stories and the imported folklore of several immigrant cultures that make the American melting pot of stories and folklore. For several years now, she has spent her time between her winter retreat in Arizona and the woody and wet home in Devon. Between her two residences, she finds the inspiration for her stories, drawing from the spirted landscapes and ancient stories she has come to love and cherish.

“The Changeling” by Terri Windling is a thrilling story inspired by Irish faerie folk tales. The novel is written in the first person and is told by Charlie Carroll, a twelve-year-old pre-teen. He is uneasy after the death of his twin brothers and his father from the consumption of some unknown substance. His father and some of his extended family had moved to the United States nearly a decade earlier. With his three-year-old sister and his mother, he had immigrated to a small farm overlooking the mountains, where they live in a dilapidated farmhouse owned by his Irish grandmother. Charlie is set on edge by bizarre events and terrifying noises that he does not understand. But then his sister goes missing and he suspects that she has been abducted by the mystical faeries and he needs to do something to get her back. His father had taught him that the best way to get the faeries to come out was by playing the fiddle. He had promised him that he would always pay the fiddle just before he dies and his grandmother will make sure that he fulfills that promise. But will it be enough to get back his sister?

Terri Windling’s “The Wood Wife” is an ode to the American Southwest and a showcase of the female fantasy of touching the world beyond by escaping the banality of everyday life. Maggie Black leaves her glamorous life on the West Coast and moves to the deserts of the Southwest to pursue her dreams and passions. She had come back home after the death of Davis Cooper, an acclaimed poet who was also her mentor. He had left his estate to her in his will after he died under mysterious circumstances hiking the canyons east of Tucson. It is a beautiful but harsh land but Maggie is captivated by its power and the people that make their home in it. She is particularly fascinated by Fox, a man with a special understanding of the power of the desert lands. Reading the letters left behind by her benefactor and mentor, she learns more about his life while also confronting the ancient and wild spirits of the desert. He discovers the ancient forces that rule the land who intend to take her on a journey of discovery she would never have dreamed of.

“A Midsummer Night’s Faery Tale” by Terri Windling is a magical tale that tells the story of Sneezle, a young dwarf whose every effort seems to fall flat. Whatever he does, it looks as if he is always at the wrong place at the wrong time. But his fortune changes when he is introduced to Oberon the Faery King and is informed that he has to go on a mission to find the midsummer’s crown. While he is not the first choice for hero, he has a good heart and intends to help Forest Titania’s rightful queen to get her crown so that the celebrations can begin. With illustrated pages full of detail from the button mushrooms to the pointed ears, it is a wonderful collaboration that brims with danger and amusement in the unlikeliest of places.