Order of T L Swan Books

T.L. Swan Books In Order

Publication Order of Dr. Stanton Books

Publication Order of Stanton Books

Publication Order of Kingston Lane Books

Publication Order of The Miles High Club Books

Publication Order of Mr. Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

T L Swan
T L Swan is an Australian-born romance writer who enjoys bringing the sexy stories in her head to life. While Swan enjoys her work in the Australian Schizophrenia Association, writing is her first love and something she enjoys doing in her free time. Her characters are strong and easy to love, and she works to ensure that they stay in your mind long after reading her books. The talented author is also a mother of three, and she enjoys spending time with her husband and their many spoilt pets. She enjoys doing other things, including drinking coffee, reading books with strong storylines, and an occasional decadent piece of cake.

The Stopover
The Stopover is the first book in The Miles High Club series. This book starts with a New York-bound flight, and Emily Foster and Jameson Miles are in it. Emily Foster is a young, aggressive woman. After an incident at the airport, she is upgraded from coach to first class. This is where she meets Jameson Miles, a hot guy who allows her to have the window seat. Emily is looking to have a quiet flight, but Jameson will not stop talking. While she initially finds him annoying, a few champagne glasses are all it takes to have them both talking like old friends. The dialogue between Emily and Jameson is entertaining and will have you cracking through the first chapters.

Thanks to bad weather, the New York flight is deferred to Boston until the next day. With no plans and only each other for company, Emily and Jameson decide to make the best of their unplanned night together. After a night of passion, Jameson leaves the following morning without asking Emily for her number. While Emily cannot forget what transpired on that night, she forces herself to go on with her life. After all, Jameson didn’t seem too eager to see her again. Twelve months later, Emily lands the dream job she was following on that action-packed night. She moves to NYC to join the team at Miles Media as a journalist.

Emily is shocked to meet Jamison at her new workplace. It turns out that he is among the bosses here, so the two will be meeting regularly. Just like Emily, Jameson hasn’t forgotten that night, and he wants to start where things ended on that night. Emily is not that girl anymore, at least according to what she thinks. She has a boyfriend now and is looking for something steadier than what Jameson is offering. However, no is a word that doesn’t exist in Jamison’s dictionary, and he is determined to Win Emily, whatever the cost. A romance ensues between these two headstrong characters, and once the fireworks start going off, the tension doesn’t ease up until the end.

The Stopover is a steamy romance story characterized by a delightful alpha male and a headstrong but secretly mushy female. Jameson finds Emily intriguing, and for a change, he has a woman who is not interested in his money or status. Given all that is going on, this will not be a smooth ride for these two lovers. A huge conflict follows, but, in the end, love wins. The makeup sex scenes are amazing and often follow the misunderstandings, arguments, and bickering. If you are looking for a beautiful romance story that comes with all the right ingredients, this book is ideal.

Mr. Masters
Mr. Masters is the first book in the Mr. Masters series. The book introduces Brielle and Julian Masters. Brielle is looking to get away from a man who turned her life upside down, so she takes up a nanny position in London. She plans to stay here for a year before going back to Australia. Brielle is shocked when Julian picks her from the airport, given that she had thought her employer was a woman. Julian is a father to two young children. His wife is already dead, and he is not looking to get into another relationship. All Julian wants is a woman who will take good care of his children.

Brielle is very good with children. However, sparks start flying immediately these two meet, and Julian becomes her constant distraction. Her first few days in her new home are disastrous, but things better as the kids warm to her, and Brielle learns to separate her job from her feelings. Julian is damaged thanks to his past, and while he has feelings for Brielle, he will not have anything more than a friend with benefits arrangement. Brielle reluctantly agrees to this arrangement, but things get heated when Julian reaches out to one of his prostitutes. A bit of drama follows, but things get better once Brielle and Julian get talking.

This story is told from Brielle and Julian’s points of view. The pace is consistent throughout the story, and it is refreshing that these two lovebirds take time to develop their relationship. Julian sounds like a jerk initially, but once you get to read about his past, it becomes easy to understand where he is coming from. Slowly, he learns to trust his instincts and risk giving his heart to a woman who truly loves him. Brielle is lovable, and it is amazing how she stands up for what she believes in and speaks honestly about her feelings. The misunderstandings between these two will make you a little sad, but you can rest easy knowing that the ending will be well worth the ride.

Mr. Masters is an intriguing romance story that will capture your attention from the first page and hold it to the end. The relationship between Julian and Brielle stands out because it is mature. Despite their differences, they talk things out and resolve them by the end of the day. The kids are lovely, and you cannot help but hope that Julian will heal from his wounds and build a happy family with Brielle. Swan is a talented writer, so the narration is perfect, the plot solid, and the character so well developed that you will keep thinking about them long after you are done reading this book.