Order of Star Trek Deep Space Nine Books

Order of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Books

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a series of science fiction novels by various authors. The novel series is based on the television series that ran from 1993-1999. It is the first Star Trek series not to involve franchise creator Gene Roddenberry. The series is set during the 2370s. The series is set on a space station, led by Commander Benjamin Sisko.

The Star Trek: DS9 novel series began in 1993 with the novel Emissary by J.M. Dillard. The series is currently ongoing. For crossover Star Trek mini-series, please see Star Trek. Below is a list of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novels in order of when they were originally released as well as in chronological order:

Publication Order of Star Trek: Invasion Books

First Strike


The Soldiers of Fear


Time’s Enemy


The Final Fury


This series is a crossover between The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and The Original Series.

Publication Order of Star Trek: Day Of Honor Books

Ancient Blood


Armageddon Sky


Her Klingon Soul


Treaty’s Law


Honor Bound


This series is a crossover between The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and The Original Series.

Publication Order of Star Trek: The Captain’s Table Books

War Dragons


Dujonian’s Hoard


Fire Ship


The Mist


Once Burned


Where Sea Meets Sky


This series is a crossover between The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and The Original Series.

Publication Order of Star Trek: The Dominion War Books

Call to Arms


Behind Enemy Lines


Tunnel Through the Stars


Sacrifice of Angels


Tales of the Dominion War


This series is a crossover between The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine.

Publication Order of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Rebels Books

The Conquered


The Courageous


The Liberated


Publication Order of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Millennium Books

(By: Judith Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Reeves-Stevens)

The Fall of Terok Nor


The War of the Prophets




Publication Order of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Avatar Books

Avatar, Book One


Avatar, Book Two


Publication Order of Star Trek: Section 31 Books













This series is a crossover between The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and The Original Series.

Publication Order of Star Trek: Gateways Books

One Small Step




Doors Into Chaos


Demons of Air and Darkness


No Man’s Land


Cold Wars


What Lay Beyond


Here There Be Monsters


This series is a crossover between The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and The Original Series.

Publication Order of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Mission Gamma Books



This Gray Spirit




Lesser Evil


Mission Gamma: Book Four: Lesser Evil


Publication Order of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Left Hand Of Destiny Books

(By: J.G. Hertzler, Jeffrey Lang)

The Left Hand of Destiny: Book One


The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two


Publication Order of Worlds Of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Books

Cardassia and Andor


Trill and Bajor


The Dominion and Ferenginar


Publication Order of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Terok Nor Books

Day of the Vipers


Night of the Wolves


Dawn of the Eagles


Publication Order of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Books



The Siege




The Big Game


Fallen Heroes






The Search




Proud Helios






Devil in the Sky


The Ferengi: Rules of Acquisition


The Laertian Gamble


The Way of the Warrior


Station Rage


The Long Night


Objective: Bajor


The Heart of the Warrior




Trials and Tribble-ations


The Tempest


Wrath of the Prophets


Legends of the Ferengi


Trial by Error




Far Beyond the Stars


The 34th Rule


What You Leave Behind


Tunnel Through the Stars


The Lives of Dax


A Stitch in Time


Ds9#27 A Stitch In Time: Star Trek Deep Space Nine


Section 31: Abyss


Rising Son


Prophecy and Change




Hollow Men




Twist of Faith


These Haunted Seas


Fearful Symmetry


The Soul Key


The Never Ending Sacrifice


Lust’s Latinum Lost (and Found)


Sacraments of Fire




Force and Motion


Rules of Accusation


The Long Mirage


Enigma Tales


Gamma: Original Sin


I, The Constable


Publication Order of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Young Adult) Books

The Star Ghost




Prisoners of Peace


The Pet




Field Trip


Gypsy World


Highest Score


Cardassian Imps


Space Camp


Trapped in Time
