Order of Sophie Hudson Books

Sophie Hudson Books In Order

Publication Order of Sophie Hudson Humor Books

Publication Order of Religious Books

Publication Order of Collections

Sophie Hudson is a humorous American author and blogger with a strong following who writes stories that encourage women, giving them hope to persevere through their daily challenges.

Sophie Hudson describes herself first as a wife and mother, and then as an author and blogger. Her family is very important to her; though, Sophie always finds a way to balance her wifely and motherly duties with her passion for writing.

Sophie’s love for the written word was sparked at a very young age. Before the author started following Mississippi State Sports, she was a student at Mississippi State University where she majored in English.

Like most kids her age at that time, Sophie did not have a particular goal in mind when she chose to major in English. She looked at the course as an opportunity to spend four years reading and writing, the two things she enjoyed doing the most in the world.

And if her university saw fit to gift her with a degree at the end of it all, she was happy to take it. It came as little surprise when Sophie decided to follow the degree up with a Masters, which she saw as just another chance to read and write some more.

At some point, Sophie decided that she would find a way to leverage her educational accolades into a career that would allow her to continue her reading and writing. And for a while, she was determined to land a position at a publishing house.

Things did not work out quite like she had planned, though. For one thing, she dipped her toe into the educational arena and found that she loved teaching. Her job was nowhere near as glamorous as the publishing career she envisioned but teaching brought a joy into her life that she did not quite expect.

And the work gave her plenty of time to read and write, habits that she had never surrendered. But then she married her husband David, had a son and her life underwent a drastic transformation.

Her responsibilities at the time were so consuming that she was forced to abandon her writing altogether. But she never complained. Her family gave her a renewed sense of purpose. They also made her laugh a lot, and Sophie Hudson loves to laugh.

Once the chaos in her world began to thin and the desire to write returned with a vengeance, she appeased the itch by starting a blog. That was in 2005. BooMama.net was supposed to provide Sophie a platform through which she could document her life and that of her family.

Most women might have chosen to go the scrapbooking route, and the idea definitely occurred to Sophie Hudson. But after some serious thought, she decided that blogging was the far easier option.

In a way, the blog was just an extension of the author’s journal. Sophie had kept one since she was fifteen. But she gave it up after her wedding. The blog gave Sophie a chance to resume the habit.

It wasn’t even the possibility of attracting a keen reading audience that drew her to the concept. Sophie legitimately wanted to document her family’s life in greater detail. And unlike the journal, the author actually stuck with the blogging.

Her readers are definitely grateful because they all stuck with her in the years that followed. In fact, her readership has grown to levels she couldn’t have imagined back when she was starting out.

Her followers appreciate the effort Sophie injects into helping them discover the simple joys of a simple life. The author eventually began contributing regular articles to HomeLife Magazine and the Pioneer Woman’s Blog.

Her first proper book was ‘A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet’. It was published in 2013 and it was just the first of many.

Sophie Hudson counts ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’, ‘The Furious Longing of God’ and ‘Peace Like a River’ among her favorite books. She is a devoted Christian that attends church on a regular basis and would love nothing better than to develop the sort of voice that would permit her to sing beautiful solos to the congregation every week.

Besides her writing and reading, Sophie loves unsweetened iced tea, pedicures, and television. She was once obsessed with diet coke but she killed the habit.

Most people that meet her praise Sophie Hudson for being a charming, witty woman who shows genuine interest in every interaction and makes every conversation fun.

When she isn’t reading or writing, Sophie uses her free time to either reflect or to write in her journal.

+A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet
Family is a special thing. Sure, they can cause heartache but they also bring unrivaled joy. This isn’t always obvious to most people who spend so much of their time obsessing over the Kardashians while showing little to no interest in the individuals with whom they share their homes.

The trick is to recognize the magic hiding behind the mundane. One should never take people for granted, not their company and certainly not their stories. Everything matters in the long run, from the stress-filled cooking sessions to the hysterical road trips that can’t help but go wrong.

This Sophie Hudson book tries to bring that sentiment to bear. It encourages people to slow down and to enjoy every encounter with the people in their lives. The stories Sophie unveils are tender tales that look at the goings on of real people.

+Giddy Up, Eunice
Women do not always get along. Sometimes they elevate the things that separate them, not just the age differences but the varying parenting styles and diverging career goals.

But most women have a lot more in common than they realize and there is a blessing to be found for those that nurture relationships with other women.

Sophie Hudson uses quirky Southern stories and anecdotes to encourage women to step out of their comfort zone and to reach out to other women regardless of their age and lifestyle.

She wants her readers to realize that the people in their lives were put there by God and that they should be treasured.