Order of Sherlock Holmes Adventures Books

Sherlock Holmes Adventures Books In Order

Publication Order of Sherlock Holmes Adventures Books

Sherlock Holmes Adventures

An American writer, screenwriter, actress and novelist, Bonnie MacBird has written numerous bestselling novels over the years. Many of these have been mystery books, as she has a gift for crafting both suspense an tension, while also drawing upon classic novels. Winning awards for some of her screenplays, she’s a talented writer with a strong visual sense that’s present throughout. Using already established characters too, she’s taken them in different directions, bringing them to life once again for readers from around the world.

Her ‘Sherlock Holmes Adventures’ series of mystery novels is an excellent example of this, as they continue the stories originally written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Featuring all the same characters as before, they also fit in with the chronology of the original series too, as they take place around the timeline. Paying great respect to the legacy of Doyle and his series, MacBird makes sure to see that the character of Holmes lives on in her work.

Art in the Blood

This was first brought out back in 2015 on the 27th of August through the ‘Collins Crime Club’ label to much acclaim, as it would provide the first book in the ‘Sherlock Holmes Adventures’ series of novels. While it didn’t have to introduce the characters, with them being already firmly established icons, it did set about creating its own voice. MacBird works at finding her own approach to the classic novels, paying respects to Doyle, while also doing her own thing.

Working well on a number of different levels, this is, first and foremost, a well told and expertly paced detective mystery novel. Using the characters to thrilling effect, the reader is constantly kept guessing throughout, all whilst its kept within the confines of the original series. It really feels like a missing Holmes story at times, and it also feels wholly contemporary at the same time as well.

Taking place in London 1888, this sees Sherlock Holmes turning to cocaine once again after dealing with a bad case involving the Ripper. That’s when the beautiful French cabaret star Mademoiselle La Victoire sends him a letter from Paris, as she details how her illegitimate son has disappeared from the streets of Montmartre. Not only that, but she’s been attacked herself, and, as Holmes and Watson race to Paris, they also discover a statue has been violently stolen from within Marseilles. Needing to deal with it all, they must see how it’s all connected, all while keeping one step ahead of Holmes’ brother Mycroft’s interference. Will they be able to find out exactly how it’s all connected? Who took the statue and the son? What will they discover as they find art in the blood?

Unquiet Spirits: Whiskey, Ghosts, Murder

Once again published through the ‘Collins Crime Club’ publishing imprint, this would carry on with another Holmes adventure. Functioning as the second title in the ‘Sherlock Holmes Adventures’ series, it also works itself into the chronology of the original Doyle series. First published on the 17th of July in 2017, it managed to create its own unique approach to the series, really moving it forwards.

As an extension of the classic series, there’s plenty of references here to the original books, with it carrying on after ‘The Hound of the Baskerville’s.’ This makes it a must for not only fans of the author, but fans and followers of the Doyle’s original books as well. There’s a lot to really enjoy here, as it manages to really push the series forwards in a new and highly exciting direction.

This time taking place in December 1889 just one year after the first, this sees Holmes returning from Dartmoor to London, as a beautiful client turns up offering him a new case on a Scottish whiskey estate. That’s when Mycroft offers them a case of his own, sending them down to the South of France, and it’s here on the Riviera that they come up against the rival French Detective Jean Vidocq. Dealing with a horrific discovery Holmes and Watson then head up to Scotland where they must deal with a supposedly ‘haunted’ castle, all the while realizing all of the cases may have become one. Will Sherlock be able to solve the puzzle before it’s too late? Can he also deal with a ghost from his own past? What will become of them as they go up against the three unquiet spirits: whiskey, ghosts, murder?

The Devil’s Due

Originally published through ‘HarperCollins’ this would mark the third book in the ongoing ‘Sherlock Holmes Adventures’ series. It would also pave the way for the fourth, which was titled ‘The Three Locks’ and was brought out in 2021, just two years later. This would come out in 2019 on the 10th of October, and would feature many interesting story developments from the second.

The characters here are extremely well portrayed, as MacBird really understands them both inside and out. Knowing the stories as well, everything fits together perfectly, as fans of the originals will definitely not be disappointed here. There’s a strong mystery at the heart of it too, and one that really test Holmes and Watson, pushing them to their limit.

Set in 1890 this time, this follows Holmes and Watson as Sherlock comes face-to-face with one of his greatest ever adversaries. It seems that his nemesis has taken it upon themselves in destroying many public and well respected figures, all accompanied by suicide being closely related to each murder. On the trail of the killer, they both must deal with an envious Scotland Yard, along with a press that’s constantly critical and a host of different colorful characters. Then Mycroft disappears too, and there’s hints that he may have been murdered, as those most loyal to Sherlock begin to question themselves. Will Holmes and Watson be able to find the killer before it’s too late? Can they keep themselves out of harm’s way as they do it? Just who’s going to collect the Devil’s due?

The Sherlock Holmes Adventures Series

Making the most of the classic Holmes series, this collection of stories pays a lot of reverence to the original novels. Pushing the stories forwards with due diligence, they stand on their own not just as replications, but intelligent mysteries in their own right. With plenty of room to continue growing as a series, a lot more reader will carry on discovering these novels every day.