Order of Shade Owens Books

Shade Owens Books In Order

Publication Order of Blood Kings Books

Publication Order of Catch Me Books

Publication Order of The Dark Sanctuary Books

Publication Order of Demon Employment Books

Publication Order of The Feral Sentence Books

Chronological Order of The Feral Sentence Books

Publication Order of Garden of Evil Books

Publication Order of The Immortal Ones Books

Publication Order of Project Ambrosia Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Shade Owens is a successful published Canadian author. She also notes that if you are wondering, the stereotype that Canadians say ‘eh’ a lot is true, and she says it about forty times a day.

Those of her fans that have read her books likely already know that Shade enjoys writing stories that fall into young adult dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction. She’s dipped in and out of the fantasy genre and says that her books are frequently described as ‘gritty, dark, and intense’. Those of you that have not yet had occasion to check out Shade Owens will find this out for yourself with this popular author once you pick up one of her books!

The author says that she loves anything that is ‘artsy’. This extends to playing the guitar, something that she enjoys but admits that she doesn’t practice as frequently as she should. She has also tried out her hand at learning to play the piano thanks to an app called SimplyPiano, something that she says is ‘pretty awesome’.

Shade also likes to paint video game characters or superheroes that she can give to family and friends. She says that she has an addiction to exercise, but she also loves to hang out and be a vegetable on her couch while doing various things such as watching The Office or playing Call of Duty. She describes herself as being an introvert and doesn’t really need to socialize all that much, even though she enjoys doing a little socializing from time to time.

She is different from some authors in that she independently publishes her works, so anytime there is a reader out there that makes the choice and takes the time to read her work, Shade is very appreciative of their efforts. She credits her editor as being amazing, someone who is able to make her writing stand out and is also working to make sure that she doesn’t have any grammatical errors that will embarrass her. The appreciation extends as well to her ARC and beta readers who are a large help to her with her work. Owens encourages others to reach out and contact her if they have any suggestions, comments, or questions and says that she responds to emails she receives, each and every one.

Born to Be Wicked is the first book in the Demon Employment series by Shade Owens. The series debuted with this novel when it was published in 2021. If you have been looking for something new to enjoy that is a little more unique than the things that you have been reading, give this book a try!

Main character Alexis Rayne is not your average person. Perhaps that would be because she is not a person and is instead a succubus. On top of that, she just happens to be a succubus that is a thousand years old.

She’s also a hired killer, and her abilities combined with her commitment to the work means that she has the unique ability to take any woman or man that she meets and bring them down to their knees. Alexis has also been heartbroken by a tragedy that happened recently, and as a result, she is unrecognizable from the person that she used to be.

Some troubling traits that are starting to come up are the fact that she enjoys a drink, but lately has been drinking far too much. When people cross her or are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, she ends up snapping at them. Normally careful and not messing up too much, Alexis is starting to make mistakes. In fact, she’s starting to make a lot of mistakes. She used to be so together, and now she’s become way too sloppy over the course of this tragedy affecting her.

It is this very level of sloppiness that ends up with Alexis messing up at one of the worst times, right in the middle of one of her jobs. This means that she has to make up for her mistake and fix the problem. She has to hunt the target down and finish the job once and for all.

It is in the middle of dealing with everything that this involves that her boss gives her a call. He wants to give Alexis a huge job, the type that doesn’t come around all the time. There’s only one issue with this, and that is that the job could involve the vampire mafia.

Alexis knows that the reason for her heartbreak is vampires, and knows that ordinary vamps are usually pretty dangerous. The mafia would be even more dangerous. She sees it as being a mission that could likely end in her death, but she’ll never know until she attempts it. Completing this job could be a game-changer for the succubus. That is, if she can avoid getting taken out first. Can Alexis take on this job and get it done, or is it too dangerous to consider? Read this fantasy thriller to find out!

Born to Be Devilish is the second book in the Demon Employment series by Shade Owens. If you liked the first book in this series, check out the sequel and see what you think!

Readers get to check out the main character of Alexis Rayne once more in this second installment of the series where the succubus proves that she is not soft. She is many things in this world, but being soft is not one of them.

The assassin has been well-trained in how to kill targets and get her paycheck, shutting everything else out along the way. When a former lover comes into her life once more, Alexis doesn’t know how to feel and is having a tough time dealing with her emotions.

At the same time, something or someone evil takes many powerful items for their own, which could end up being a threat to everyone alive on the planet. Alexis knows that the items showed up because of her, so this is really her mess to clean up. Can she get to it– and maybe even become a hero– before the end arrives? Read the second book in this series to find out!