Order of Sarah Roberts Books

Order of Sarah Roberts Books

Sarah Roberts by Jonas Saul

Sarah Roberts is the protagonist in a series of thriller novels by Canadian novelist Jonas Saul. Sarah Roberts is an 18 year-old who has blackouts, and when she wakes up, she finds notes in her hand writing that seem to detail future events that only she can stop. She also suffers from trichotillomania – an impulse disorder where the person has the compulsion to pull one’s hair out.

Jonas Saul began his Sarah Roberts series in 2010 with his own debut novel, Dark Visions. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Jonas Saul’s Sarah Roberts’ books in order of when they were first released (which is the same as their chronological order):

Publication Order of Sarah Roberts Books

Dark Visions


The Warning


The Crypt


The Hostage


The Victim


The Enigma


The Vigilante


The Rogue


Killing Sarah


The Antagonist


The Redeemed


The Haunted


The Unlucky


The Abandoned


The Cartel


Losing Sarah


The Pact


The Terror


The Chase


The Future Is Written


The Betrayal


Sarah’s Return


The Hunt


Collision Course


The Delivery


The Trap


The Ultimatum


The Depraved


The Condemned




The Unknown




The Damned


The Decoy


The Disappearance


The Whole Truth




