Order of Rr Haywood Books

RR Haywood Books In Order

Publication Order of Undead Books

Publication Order of The Code Trilogy Books

Publication Order of Extracted Trilogy Books

Publication Order of The Hive Books

Publication Order of Mike Humber Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

RR Haywood is a British author. He is the creator and author of The Undead, his best-selling series. Haywood self-published his British zombie horror series and it has since become a hit and cult classic that anyone can read and enjoy.

Like many authors, RR Haywood works a job full-time. He also has plenty of tattoos and a total of four dogs. He resides in a cave someplace underground, which is perfect for staying away from what he says are the invisible drones and the spy satellites that the BBC sends to watch over people. He admits that he is a self-proclaimed hypochondriac. He says that the BBC’s invisible drones are to blame for this.

He is the author of the Undead Day series. The first novel in this series is titled The Undead Day One and was published in 2013. There are a total of 21 books in the series, as well as an additional book, Blood on the Floor. Two omnibus packages of this series also came out, titled The Undead The First Seven Days and The Undead The Second Week. He is also the author of the Mike Humber Detective series, which features the debut novel Huntington House published in 2013 and Recruited, published in 2014.

Haywood is also the writer of the Extracted series, which features the novels Extracted and Executed. He is also the author of several novels, including the 2014 book The Second Reality and Blood at the Premiere, published in 2016, He has also published a short story collection called Book of Shorts Volume 1 in 2014.

In The Undead Day One, Howie is the main character. He is named after Howard, his father. But since it is confusing to call two people by the name of Howard, he became Howie so they could be distinguished. He is twenty-seven years of age and currently works in England as a manager during the night for the well-known English supermarket Tesco. He is in the exact right place it appears when the undead show up on the scene and the news starts covering it.

What is being advertised as a rising of the undead starts to happen and communication is down within hours. It doesn’t take too long before the infestation goes viral and the undead are everywhere. The world falls apart on a Friday and the zombie infestation begins, making its way across all of Europe. Fortunately, Howie is at home because he has the day or night off and the first thing he thinks to do is find his family. Although he is going to have to adjust to this new world that dropped on his doorstep.

Howie must take on the undead if he wants to find his family. Even though the infestation just started, the zombies are everywhere. This shy night manager with a comfortable and predictable life is thrown into a totally nightmarish scenario where violence is everywhere and the entirety of eastern Europe being bitten is all over the television. People are running by with ears or noses missing and injuries to their faces and necks, while police are firing into the crowds and using shotguns and assault rifles to keep the undead at bay while riot police and swat teams attempt to stifle the outbreak.

Howie hopes that the violence will stop, but it isn’t too long before the violence hits the west of Europe and the South of England, which happens to be where he lives. All of a sudden the contagion is right on his front doorstep. He has no other choice but to make his way out of town, which happens to involve quite a lot of fighting against the undead. Thinking fast is his best option, and he has to avoid the zombies and the people who are panicking in order to try and make his way out and find his sister and parents.

Howie is quick to pick up ways to fight the undead and to survive in this new world. He figures that the undead are all around and he must kill to survive. Changed and hardened, he resolves to do what he must to survive if he has to. Will Howie make it to his family and find them alive or dead? Read this exciting independent thriller novel to find out!

In The Undead Day 2, we get a return to infested England and get to hang out with Howie once more. It’s the next day (Saturday), as each book covers one day. Howie wants to go back to his town, where more adventures lay in wait along with the undead. Messages advise residents not to come to London, advising southern survivors to the head to the south coast and find the Victorian Forts, carrying whatever supplies they can and staying out of towns and cities.

Howie wakes up to a world that has been totally taken over by the virus. Survival of the fittest is the rule now, and people are looting and stealing whatever they can to survive. This includes the car that Howie stole, a crappy car that is hardly burglary-worthy. The rule is to take what you can get and utilize it to survive. When Howie decides to return to a place that he just barely got out of the day before and battle the zombies to find his parents, he has no idea what is awaiting him.

Here we meet Dave, who is a killer with OCD and autism and has been trained in the art of delivering death. He also learns that the zombies are transforming at night and become more deadly. Now they are becoming fast at night instead of slow during the daytime, which is a significantly easier scenario to deal with. Along the way he finds himself dealing with a crazy club owner and an undead zombie stripper, as well as running into someone from work while looking for his family.

Will Howie survive his second day in the zombie apocalypse? Will the killer he meets become an asset or a liability? Read this book for yourself to find out!