Order of Rosalind R J Noonan Books

Rosalind R.J Noonan Books In Order

Publication Order of Laura Mori Mysteries Books

as R.J. Noonan

Publication Order of Party of Five: Julia Books

Publication Order of Party of Five: Sarah Books

Publication Order of So Little Time Books

Publication Order of Turning Seventeen Books

Publication Order of Wyoming Books

with Lisa Jackson, Nancy Bush

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Anthologies

+ Click to View all Anthologies

Rosalind R.J. Noonan is an American author of mystery, young adult, adult fantasy, romance and romance books. She was raised in the outskirts of Washington and Baltimore. She is a graduate of Wagner College, New York. She wrote Wyoming series and contributed to other book series including Charmed, Party of Five, Turning Seventeen and So Little Time.


The book begins twelve years after Glory Noland was forced to make a tough decision and left her two daughters, Ruby, and Aurora at a fire station and followed a man who had promised to love and protect her. She is a young mother attempting to bring her family together after her husband died in a tragic accident. Glory struggles since she was in a relationship with a man of a different race and the battle increases after the husband dies, leaving her a widow to raise the two girls on her own.

However, the place she escaped to hoping that it will turn out to be a peaceful home turned to be fiction. Glory believes that her daughters will have a better life without her and luckily the girls are adopted and grow up with foster parents

Glory conceives again and gives birth to the third daughter, who starts to demand a better life outside their strictly controlled world. Ruby is lucky to have been adopted and loves her foster parents very much though she has not forgotten her biological mother, Glory. When Ruby attains the age of sixteen, now having a driving license, she begins a journey to search for her mother.

During the search, she comes across an unsteady house named ‘sisters’ where the outcast women live, and the ruler is a charismatic leader who is keen on their moves. Given a chance, Glory would flee with her daughter Luna to find somewhere else to live. During good days Luna is constricted in the fenced yard and during the bad ones she is sent to a very dusty room as punishment.

Ruby is lucky to see her mother and Glory see this as an excellent opportunity to escape. For the love of her mother, Ruby is desperate to help her though she is afraid to help a family she does not know well. She is not sure how she is going to help their lives when she has no enough power even to fix her own.

The Sisters is a story narrated in different sections, each covering the various phases of Glory’s life and the people around her. The point of view mainly revolves around Glory and her elder daughter Ruby though there are a few others involved in the story. The first section the author shows the reader what happened to Glory after abandoning her two daughters and includes herself with a group called the sisters.

After the author takes us to what happened in the past years, she now brings us to the next section of the book bringing the reader to the current time which is more than ten years from the previous part. The current time the answers about what happened in the past to both Glory and her daughters are given. The final part connects the paths of the mother and the abandoned daughters and wraps up the whole story. The book is fast-paced and emotional, pointing out what Glory and her daughters go through. The author wrote the story from various points of view, making it more enjoyable. Character development is excellent as we see how Ruby and Aurora grow up to be beautiful young ladies.

Ruby is a likable, smart and kind character and tries to pull the worlds of both her adoptive mother and biological mother together.


Sinister, the debut book in Wyoming series blends mystery, murder, and romance. The story opens up when Amber Barstow, a twenty-six-year-old disappears from prairie creek in Wyoming. At the same time, there is a case perplexing sheriff Featherstone and the new assistant, Ricki Dillinger up to when her body is finally found near the church where Ira is planning to do his wedding in a few days.

A mystery arises after Judd Dillinger’s lover is rescued twenty years ago from for fire in an old home where he died some years back, and his corpse maimed, and a tooth is extracted. The lover is left crippled, and most people begin blaming a serial incendiary noticed around the town a few days ago. Fear babble in the prairie creek and the children of Dillinger come together to witness her father wed a woman they all don’t like, and they find someone is targeting Ira and his family.

The book is fast paced with a lot of actions as fires and killings bring terror in Wyoming town. Suspense increase when a fire break in the supervisor’s cabin and all possible points of exit are closed after Ricki’s daughter try escaping. Terror and tension intensify when the perception of the insane killer’s anger is temporarily relieved by each one of the killings.

In the course of the threat of violence, there are some romances when the lost love revives between Sabrina, town’s vet, and Colton; between the sheriff and his assistant and lastly between Dillinger and a Kincaid. The story has numerous twists and turns when another tragedy strikes Ira and his family. The book is fast-paced with a smooth and intense ending.

There are tension and intrigue in the enthralling characters like Colton Dillinger, a ranch owner who appears to be carried away with thoughts after he lost his wife and a child through an accident. He is a stubborn and determined man and decides to return to Wyoming town to attend his father’s wedding. While there, he not only finds out that he has a son but also tries to go after the past love he initially thought was lost.

Dr. Sabrina, Ira’s lover, is a steady and strong-willed and smart veterinarian whose love for the oldest son of Dillinger. Some of the personalities that make the story lively are the influential nature of Ira Dillinger and the physically gratifying opportunist, Pilar Larson, and the creative Delilah Dillinger