Order of Robert George Barrett Books

Robert George Barrett Books In Order

Publication Order of Les Norton Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Author Robert George Barrett was born November 14, 1942 was Australian and wrote crime fiction, primarily the “Les Norton” series. Barrett also penned some stand alone books. He grew up in Bondi, New South Wales, and worked here as a butcher for twenty years. Barrett dropped out of high school at the age of fourteen, after having a tough relationship with his parents. He also worked as a janitor and bouncer during this time.

The year 1980 saw him get injured by a carcass of meat that fell on him during his time working as a butcher, and got him some workers compensation. During his rehabilitation, he took creative writing classes that the Workers’ Education Association had. Before long, he was getting published in the Australian Penthouse magazine. One of these stories was called “A Hard Man” was the first story that starred Les Norton.

He built his cult following slowly. After having three books published by the year 1987, he worked as a kitchen hand and stayed afloat by writing a weekly column for People magazine.

The Defence Force likes his books, and he took pride in being the author that was most borrowed in NSW prison libraries. This came, as he connected with people that were not necessarily readers of books.

He would moved to New South Wales’ central coast, appearing in quite a few films and television commercials. He died in the year 2012 after battling bowel cancer for a long time.

The first “Les Norton” novel was also Barrett’s debut novel, it was published in the year 1985, with the title of “You Wouldn’t Be Dead for Quids”. His work sold over a million copies in Australia, an impressive number because they were domestic.

He did not have a lot of time for the literary establishment, which was definitely a mutual feeling. Barrett would only go to writer’s conventions reluctantly wearing t shirts.

Robert Barrett worked as a disc jockey and had two buddies (William “Doogza” Davis and Ken “Willsy” Willis) that had jobs as doormen at a club. He would combine these two characters and create his Les Norton character off of them.

“You Wouldn’t Be Dead for Quids” is the first novel in the “Les Norton” series and was released in the year 1985. Les Norton stars in these adventures, he is a big guy with red hair and just a country boy that comes from Queensland has to move on the big smoke when things heat up for him in his hometown.

He works as a bouncer at the Cross, at an illegal casino. He gets to meet some fascinating people that make it one of the world’s most exciting cities. There are con men, bookies, gamblers, hit men, hookers, and bouncers. They work their trades from Bondi’s sands to King’s Cross’ ruined gutters, and usually, they are on the wrong side of the law.

Les is a top bloke, but raw as the dinner a greyhound eats. He is loves to drink, good with his fists, and loves to laugh. He is a ladies man, too. He is a cult figure for Australia.

This is a great introduction to Les Norton, one of the great anti heroes you will find. This book got some hooked on the series. Fans of the novel really enjoyed the humor that this novel had, as they were not expecting there to be as much as there was. There is also a lot of violence and drinking and sex, things that were enjoyable for readers to see in a book. Here is a top notch series that

“The Real Thing” is the second novel in the “Les Norton” series and was released in the year 1986. There is laughter and excitement in this book, you also get to see Sydney’s underworld. It is often violent and cynical, but it has its own rough humor and always memorable characters.

Some enjoyed this, especially how you get to see the world of Sydney from Les’ eyes. Fans of the novel found this has good writing and strong characters, that help to keep this from being a simple pale imitation of the first book. Those returning to the series, after time away, felt like they were coming back to an old friend while reading these books. They even held up after all this time away.

“The Boys From Binjiwunyawunya” is the third novel in the “Les Norton” series and was released in the year 1987. Les Norton is tough and mean, there are no two ways about it. He is an orange haired country boy that works at a big illegal casino in Sydney as a bouncer.

He has a granite jaw, fists like two big hams, and the last time he took money from his own wallet was quite a while ago. He is lethal, loyal and always to make you laugh. He is able to get his boss out of trouble, and needs a boy from Binjiwunyawunya to do it.

Some had a hard time putting this book down, as Barrett writes strong work, especially when he pens something about his famous character Les. Fans of the novel found that Robert does a great job with sense of place and this is one of his best qualities as a writer. Some cannot wait to read more about this compelling character. This is a really funny and fast paced solid good read; well worth the reading time.

“The Godson” is the fourth novel in the “Les Norton” series and was released in the year 1989. Les thought those two weeks would be some easy living. He thought playing minder for one of the younger members of the royal family (named Peregrine Normanhurst III) would be a dead set snack.

It did not matter that he was a loudmouth and arrogant millionaire and the Attorney General was his grandfather. So what if the IRA was after him? He should be okay in Australia. Those that thought Les Norton could get into some tight spots have not seen anything yet.

This book has more character development and less violence, same amount of humor and even more sex. That all being said, it is worth a read, as are all the books in this incredible series. Some found themselves actually laughing out loud during some parts of the book.