Order of Riley Gavin Frank Palmer Books

Riley Gavin & Frank Palmer Books In Order

Publication Order of Riley Gavin & Frank Palmer Books

The “Riley Gavin and Frank Palmer” series by Adrian Magson stars a former military cop with the British Royal Military Police and private investigator (Frank Palmer) and a freelance journalist (a woman named Riley Gavin). Gavin is a tough as nails woman and Frank Palmer is much more laid back. He is a little older than Riley. The series is set in London, England. It is a thriller crime series and was a paper back original when it was first released.

This is the series that helped Adrian Magson break through into the fiction writing game. Before this series, he had written ten books or so, but nothing had ever gotten published. Once “No Peace for the Wicked” got published, it set him down a path that now has seen him have many books, and series see their way to print.

“No Peace for the Wicked” is the first novel in the “Riley Gavin & Frank Palmer” series by Adrian Magson that was released in the year 2004. A trio of old and long forgotten gangsters get killed (execution style) Gavin and Palmer have to figure out who did it. It is a case that has a blood trail and ignites more and more killings. What they find is a tangled web of people with axes to grind, betrayals, and hatred that is going to war with itself. It gets pretty personal pretty quick, too, as Riley finds out. The investigating leads her to Malaga, the playground for Spain’s gangsters. These people will stop at nothing to make sure she stays silent as does their crimes.

Fans of the novel found that they wanted to know what happened more and more throughout the novel and that they just had to keep on reading, until they reached the end. This novel was an interesting introduction to two characters that will keep readers coming back for more. It made some readers become fans of this series, and even some were fans of the author after reading the novel. Some felt that the novel has simple descriptions and genuine dialogue that has real tension to it.

“No Help for the Dying” is the second novel in the “Riley Gavin & Frank Palmer” series by Adrian Magson that was released in the year 2005. Kids who have runaway from home are dying on the streets. Gavin and Palmer want to know why. There is a subculture, they find through investigating, that involves a shadowy church, a father in mourning, and brutal blackmail. This blackmail reaches into the higher ends of society, and in Riley’s past too. It all started with a young girl who went missing a decade ago and is later found dead.

Fans of the novel found that the author is able to tell a great story and combine action and thrills. The two paired together will make readers keep on turning pages until the wee hours of the morning. Some found that this novel converted readers into fans of Magson’s and they will continue to read this series, at the very least. This novel is better than the first novel, and it seems as though Magson improved quite a bit here in this novel. His characters have been expanded on and developed much more, so that you believe that they are a crime fighting duo. The novel is gritty and fast-paced and has traditional style detecting and some welcome realism in it.

“No Tears for the Lost” is the third novel in the “Riley Gavin & Frank Palmer” series by Adrian Magson that was released in 2006. Work is thin for Riley, and her long distance relationship looks like it is going to be just that for quite some time. To make things worse, her partner Frank Palmer goes missing after a chance encounter that goes disturbing. She is being watched by a figure with dreadlocks. Palmer does finally turn up and he goes off on the war path to get justice for an old friend. This quest for justice puts both he and his partner in jeopardy from past enemies that span the spectrum.

Fans of the novel found that this installment kept them laughing and flipping the pages to see how things shook out for these interesting and well developed characters. This is one great series that any and all fans of crime series should follow. Some found that they will read other things by Magson to see if they too are just as good as the books in this series.

“No Sleep for the Dead” is the fourth novel in the “Riley Gavin & Frank Palmer” series by Adrian Magson that was released in the year 2007. Riley and Frank are working on opposite sides. Frank has been hired to bodyguard VIP Sir Kenneth Myburghe and he is supposed to keep the journalist crowd (Riley included) away. Riley must do her job, and she wants to hear the truth about whether or not the rumors she has heard about Myburghe are true. There have been death threats that involve his missing son, and a rouge DEA agent. Things are looking like the past of the ex- British Ambassador to Colombia is finally coming back to haunt him. They get help from someone who worked intelligence as an officer and was traumatized; he knew Myburghe during the Falklands war. Riley and Palmer do some digging and find that he has more to hide than the Borgias. Not to mention the fact that his country pad is shored up, not by cement, but another kind of powder altogether.

Fans of the novel found that they were glad that they decided to read this book. It is a good mix of national secrets and crime. The writing moves at a steady pace and has enough suspense, both ensure that the reader will return to this after doing some housework. The novel was so good, that even if people had not read the other books in the series, they will after this one. There are fresh characters and crisp writing, not to mention there is an intelligence at the heart of this one. Touches of humor, and is action packed, just like all the books in the series.