Order of Rick Remender Books

Rick Remender Books In Order

(List of Rick Remender books coming soon – it’s a big list!)

About Rick Remender

The American writer Rick Remender is a bright, colorful and highly visual author, bringing a rich and vibrant style to the table. Largely working within the medium of comic-books and graphic novels, he has worked with many large-scale publishers within the field, such as Marvel. This has led to him becoming a highly sought after name throughout the industry as a whole, with many of his peers and contemporaries alike singing his praises. It has also gained him a huge worldwide following, with readers from all across the world finding something within his work. Working with some of the biggest properties, such as Avengers and The Punisher, he really does have an extremely impressive profile.

In time all of this has also led to him creating a number of his series and featured ongoing stories involving many iconic characters. Keeping to the formula, he manages to develop it in ways previously unthought of, taking the medium in entirely new directions in the process. With a lot more to come yet, Rick Remender isn’t going away as an author any time soon, as his writing career develops even further than ever before.

Early and Personal Life

Growing up in America with a love of the written word, Rick Remender would always be passionate about both reading and writing. Constantly creating worlds of his own, he would look to building his own stories and characters, something which would come to serve him well. Learning his craft as a writer he would soon turn to comics and graphic novels, writing for a large audience from all across the world. Currently living in Los Angeles with his wife Danni, he continues to write to this very day, something which will continue for a long time yet.

Writing Career

It would be in 2002 that Rick Remender would write his first book ‘Black Heart Billy’, a science-fiction story he would write alongside Harper Jaten. This would quickly make a name for him, as he would go on to write for a number of larger labels and franchises over time. He would also write for video-games too, including ‘Dead Space’ and ‘Bulletstorm’, along with working in film, with pictures such as ‘The Iron Giant’, ‘Titan A.E.’ and ‘Anastasia’. Creating a strong visual style through his particular choice of medium, he has managed to set himself apart, something which he continue as he maintains his profile both online and off.

The Snake Pit

Released through the ‘Image Comics’ publishing label, this would continue an ongoing independent series from Rick Remender. Working alongside the illustrator Wes Craig and the colorist Lee Loughridge, this continued on from the last as the third part in the ‘Deadly Class’ series. Originally published on the 7th of October in 2015, it would collect issues twelve through to sixteen, operating as an entire instalment in the overall series.

Taking place in the eighties, this is essentially a teen drama set in San Francisco, looking into the underworld of the city. Dealing with the youth there, it takes an action packed voyage into the world of teenage assassins in training, keeping it all fresh and exciting. This allows the story to carry along at a brisk and fun pace, whilst also carry some more serious messages along the way too. Giving his world a real tactile feel, Remender manages to paint a vivid portrait of the period, really allowing it to come to life in the process, along with the characters as well.

As a homeless orphan Marcus Lopez feels as if he’s got nothing left to lose after he’s offered a position in a mysterious school training a new generation of assassins. Now the Mexican Cartel are looking for revenge after he was ordered to perform a hit on one of their family members and his former classmate. This leads him and his partner and lover Maria to be thrown into the deep end, as he realizes the true cost of the life that they’ve now committed themselves to. Descending into a pit of despair, he finds himself submerged in a world of drugs, mindless sex and self-annihilation, he also must face finals soon. Will he be able to keep his head above water? Can he make it through finals in one piece and succeed? Is he ever going to emerge from the snake pit?

Ragnarok Now

Published through the Marvel publishing outlet, this would first be brought out in 2014 on the 13th of February. Continuing the long-running running saga of ‘Uncanny Avenger’ titles, this would be volume three in the collected editions of the series. Working in tandem with the other titles, it would develop both the story and characters, continuing the long-running narrative arc that was established before.

Moving on from the previous books this continues the story in the same upbeat and fresh tone as before. With a fast and colorful style, it definitely manages to take the action to a whole new level, giving it a real sense of urgency throughout in the process. This allows it to fit in with the rest of the Marvel franchise, building upon and elaborating the extensive lore that has come before. Not only that, but it also takes many of the well known characters in new and exciting directions as well, allowing them to become a lot more rounded and three-dimensional.

Revealing the dark origins of the Apocalypse Twins, this also sees Kang’s true intentions laid out for them all to witness. Not only that, but there is a secret pact being made between the Red Skull and Ahab, which will see a horror brought down upon all mutants. This is when Sentry kills actually kills an Avenger in a fit of vengeful fury, much to everyone’s surprise, leading to one of many casualties. That’s when Wasp must aim to take out the tachyon transmitter of the Twins as well, leading to her needing to take down Grim Reaper first. Will she be able to manage it and save the day? Can they defeat the evil before them? What happens when they deal with Ragnarok now?