Richard & Kahlan Books In Order
Publication Order of Richard & Kahlan Books
The Omen Machine | (2011) | |
The Third Kingdom | (2012) | |
Severed Souls | (2014) | |
Warheart | (2015) |
Richard & Kahlan series
Richard &Kahlan is a series of fantasy books by Terry Goodkind. The series delves into the world of human-eating zombies and people with unique abilities. Some of the characters in Richard & Kahlan series can be found in other Terry Goodkind’s books. Each of the books in the series can be read as a standalone, though it’s recommended to read the series in chronological order to get a better understanding.
For readers who have read other Goodkind’s books like the Sword of Truth series, you’ll get a chance to learn more about your favorite characters and the many friends and enemies they collect along the way. Goodkind has set the bar so high as far as his writing is concerned. The fiction/fantasy books captivating and the action seen throughout the series is enough to keep readers occupied and looking to more books in this series.
The Omen Machine
The Omen Machine is the first book in the Richard &Kahlan series. It’s also the twelfth in the Sword of Truth series and comes right after the Confessor. In the Omen Machine, you get to meet Hannis Arc as he tries to link the elements that made up the creation language as recorded on the Cerulean scroll. It comes as no surprise that the seven ethereal forms are involved. From the first page, it is clear that there is a new evil in the D’haran Empire.
This is a fantasy science fiction book where prophecies and strange machines are involved. The book starts on a good note where Richard and Kahlan are in a celebratory mood. The good friend Cara has just gotten married. Richard and his wife Kahlan have settled in the People’s Palace, and they are looking forward to enjoying some peace and quiet now that the war has ended. Soon enough, Richard and Kahlan start to hear of people who are giving prophecies. They do not take these claims seriously until they find a machine hidden in a secret chamber under the Garden of Life located within the palace. The strange thing about the hidden machine is that it produces the same prophesies that these two have been hearing about.
All the prophecies come true. However, they seem rather trivial, but Kahlan takes them seriously when some scholars report that the same occurrence happened at an earlier time. The Omen Machine is revealed when a terrible storm causes a glass to fall in, and the floor below the roof collapses. It does not help that after a few bad things happen, the people decide that they would rather be ruled by prophecy rather than Richard.
Aside from the prophecies, there is a lot more drama in the palace. New enemies to the Rahls are also revealed. The Hedge Maid who comes with magic even Richard’s mighty sword cannot handle and Hannis Arc, a tattooed but naked wizard who has a deep grudge against the Rahls. If you are a fan of Terry Goodkind’s writing, you will enjoy some more reading more about Richard and Kahlan. While it seemed like the end of the road for these two, it is incredible to find there are some exciting twists to this story.
The Third Kingdom
The Third Kingdom is the second book in the Richard &Kahlan series. In this book, Richard and Kahlan have been infected by death. The only cure for this condition is found in the People’s Palace, and they must be taken there for healing. The diseases take quite a toll on them, and for some time, they are unaware of whatever is going on around them. Richard is shocked to find himself in a cart together with Kahlan. He overhears two men urging on who to trade and who to eat. A battle follows this conversation, and eventually, the men are subdued while Richard and Kahlan are taken to a nearby village for healing.
A young boy helps Richard and Kahlan understand what transpired and describes how zombies eat Richard’s friends and personal guards.
Richard is aware that he will not survive without his grandfather Zedd. He sets on a journey to the Third Kingdom, a place where death and life overlap. This is also the place where an ancient evil stays. In the Third Kingdom, he meets Hannis Arc. Hannis is responsible for commanding the Zombies hordes of an emperor who threatened the world many centuries ago. His goal is to destroy the House of Rahl. This book tells the story of Richard’s story attempt to rescue his grandfather. It is only his grandfather who can heal Richard’s wife from the disease she is suffering from.
Just like in the Omen Machine, Richard has superhuman abilities in this novel. His only defense is his wit and sword. This is a welcome break from the norm where Richard needs to wave his hand to get his way. He has to rely more on his wit and experience and at times is forced to rely on others. His character becomes more relatable as you read about his struggles and the sacrifices he has to make to stay alive.
As expected from any Goodkind book, The Third Kingdom leans more to the dark sides. Mean violence is explained in detail in addition to the gruesome events that start to occur right from the first page. If you are a “dark story” fan, this book has enough of the dark side to last you a lifetime. You can expect to go through an emotional and magical story of Richard and the many things going on in his life. The pace is fast, and the twists and additional characters give this new Goodkind creation quite an edge. The new character, Richard is also nothing like the previous one, and so even those who have read the rest of Goodkind’s books will still fall in love with this character, among many others. Richard and Kahlan series is packed fully with false tension that will have you hooked from the first page to the last.