Order of Rc Bridgestock Books

Order of R.C. Bridgestock Books

RC Bridgestock
R.C. Bridgestock is the collective pen name of the husband-and-wife writing team consisting of British novelists Bob and Carol Bridgestock. Together, they write the D.I. Jack Dylan crime fiction series. Combined, Bob and Carol have nearly half a century worth of real-life police experience and have taken real-life cases and turned them into fictional stories. Bob spent 30 years working for the police – the last three of which were in the CID – while Carol joined the police as a part of the administration department’s support staff and earned a Chief Constable’s commendation for outstanding work.

R.C. Bridgestock’s first novel was Deadly Focus, which began the D.I. Dylan series. The novel was published in 2011. Below is a list of R.C. Bridgestock’s books in order of when they were originally published:

Publication Order of D.I. Jack Dylan Books

Deadly Focus




White Lilies


Snow Kills




Killer Smile


When the Killing Starts


When a Killer Strikes


Poetic Justice


Publication Order of D.I. Charley Mann Books







