Order of Ray Flynt Books

Ray Flynt Books In Order

Publication Order of Brad Frame Books

Publication Order of Ryan Caldwell Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Ray Flynt is an American author of suspense, mystery, and fiction. He’s also written a play on the life of Ben Franklin. He retired from a varied career in education, criminal justice, and human services. Thanks to his background in criminal justice, Flynt’s writing in matters crime is refined, and the storylines are very believable. His way with words also puts his work among the best thriller books in the market while earning him respect from his peers.

Unforgiving Shadows

Unforgiving Shadows is the debut book in the Brad Frame Mystery series. The book features Brad Frame, a man who lives a quiet yet aimless life. Life in Philadelphia’s Main Line is just routine for Brad until his sister and mother are kidnapped and killed. This tragedy changes Brad’s life for good. Brad works with the police to help find the people who killed his family. Once the killers are behind bars, Brad opens a private detective agency. With the help of his mentor, Nick Argostino, Brad works to bring justice to those who are undergoing tragedy like he faced when he lost his family.

Unforgiving Shadows book starts eleven years later. Brad is invited to Frank Wilkie’s execution. Frank is among the men responsible for killing Brad’s mum and sister. Brad is reluctant to attend the lethal injection execution, but he is curious to hear what Frank would have to say. Brad is disappointed when Frank remains silent throughout the process. Once the execution is done, the chaplain hands Brad Frank’s bible. Hours later, a man is so anxious to get Frank’s bible that Brad is suspicious about the motivation. Brad has a feeling that the man is looking for the ransom money that was never recovered. Once again, Brad is thrust back to the painful memories of his past.

Brad is determined to find the message in the bible. As the reason why the other man wanted the bible so bad becomes clear, Brad’s life turns upside down once again. With the help of his able assistant Sharon Porter, Brad manages to unravel the mystery surrounding his family’s tragedy. The new information not only answers the questions that Brad wanted to ask since he lost his parents, but it cast suspicion on business associates, neighbors, as well as family. It comes as a shock that his enemies are closer home than he ever thought. Brad is also aware that the secrets he uncovers could cost his life. He does his investigations with caution now that he knows that no one, even his sibling, can be trusted.

This is a fast-paced read with enough twists to keep you captivated to the end. Brad and Sharon are an excellent pair, and the way they work to solve serious crime is simply exceptional. The story flows well, and the author has done a great job of developing all the characters. Unforgiving Shadows is an excellent choice if you are looking for a fascinating detective story. Here, you get to see a man turn his heartbreak into a career. This career not only serves others but also helps him finally get justice for his mother and sister. In the end, this book also comes with a Transplanted Death preview chapter. This gives readers a taste of what to expect in the next edition of the Brad Frame Mystery series.

Blood Porn

Blood Porn is a fascinating story of porn-making gone bad. Jeremy Young is a runaway from a juvenile delinquent’s institution. The last time anyone saw Jeremy, he was starring in an adult video. Derek Young, Jeremy’s brother, is concerned that he has not seen him or heard from him for a while. Brad Frame is set to find the young man if only for Derek’s peace of mind. While doing his investigation, Brad discovers that Jeremy was recruited to do porn in Maple Grove, the juvenile institution expected to shape him. As if this is not bad enough, Brad finds that this is not an isolated case. Many under-age men have been recruited from the same institution. A while later, the body of a young man in the same institution turns up, and just like Jeremy, the young man had been recruited into porn.

Things turn deadly at some point during the investigation. This makes it clear that the illicit operation of pornographers is not about to stop. The criminals view Brad and Sharon as a hindrance, and they are ready to eliminate them as well. This story starts with a simple case involving a lost young man and a brother who believes that his sibling was used by the same institution that was supposed to protect him, what Brad and his partner Sharon did not expect to bump into two murders and a ring of pornographers so determined to cover their tracks that they are not afraid to take away another life.

Getting leads as to what happened to Jeremy means that Brad and Sharon have to spend hours watching porn. The duo also interviews a few people connected to Maple Grove detention center. Sharon maintains her sense of humor throughout the story, and it is easy to see why Brad chose her as a partner in the first place. Away from Jeremy’s case, a lot is going on in Brad’s and Sharon’s personal lives. Young love is budding, and the two are learning new things about each other.

This is a well-written story of unruly young boys and the evil people in the world who are out to exploit them. The story touches on problems at home that lead young people astray and destroy their lives for good. Get to discover what happened to Jeremy and other young men like him who are recruited into pornography. While the title is about porn, there are no porn scenes in this book. The story highlights the business aspect of it and the exploitative pornographers who will push the porn stars beyond their limits to ensure that their videos are appealing to the masses — definitely a great read.