Order of Ranger In Time Books

Ranger In Time Books In Order

Publication Order of Ranger in Time Books

The Ranger in Time series is a notable science fiction series written by one of the noteworthy America authors named Kate Messner. This series is comprised of a total of 6 books, which were released between the years 2015 and 2016. The books of this series are based on fantasy, adventure, and time travel genres. They feature a golden retriever named Ranger, who is described as a search and rescue dog. Ranger is depicted as the central character in the whole series, who undergoes time traveling to accomplish various missions described by author Messner. The rescue and search missions that he gets involved in, take him to various parts of the world. Some of the places that he is shown traveling to include Oregon, Rome, New Zealand, Antartica, Iceland, China, etc. Apart from Ranger, a number of other human characters are shown playing important roles throughout the series. In each of the books, a different set of the human characters are described getting involved with Ranger in the various missions. In writing some of the books, author Messner collaborated with Kelley McMorris, who contributed to the series as an illustrator.

The first book of the Ranger in Time series penned down by author Kate Messners is entitled ‘Rescue on the Oregon Trail’. This book was published by the Scholastic publication in the year 2015. At the start of the book, Ranger is introduced as a time traveling golden retriever, who seems to have the knack of getting in trouble all the time, and helps in saving the day almost every time. Initially, it is depicted that he has received training to work as a search & rescue dog. But, at the time of the official test to be recruited for the post, he could not pass and therefore, could not get selected. It seems that he always gets distracted by the squirrels at the time of the exercises during his tests. During one of his training exercises, Ranger comes across a mysterious kit of first aid in a garden. As Ranger opens the kit, he gets transported back in the time of 1850. There, he comes across a young boy called Sam Abbott. Ranger learns that the family of Sam Abbott is migrating to the west, probably on the Oregon Trail and his younger sister land in a trouble. As soon as Ranger arrives in the life of Sam Abbott, he helps him save his sister. After finishing with his work, Ranger thinks that he has done his job and prepares to go back to his time. But, it seems that the Oregon Trail is far more dangerous that it looks to be and in order to avoid the dangers, Sam Abbott’s family needs some more help from Ranger. Due to this, Ranger is required to stay back longer than he expected and help out the Abbotts in coming out of the dangers. Earlier in the story, it is mentioned that Ranger finds the old metal box of first aid while digging up in his own yard. As soon as the strap of the kit passes over the head and neck of Ranger, he undergoes time travel and lands up in 1850 Missouri. The location has a historical importance and was famous as the jumping off place for the ones trying to enter into the territories of the west.

As the story progressed further, the readers got familiarized with some common events that took place in history when the pioneers traveled across the western trails and reached to California, Oregon, and Utah. Overall, the book appears to be a well written historical fiction. It proves to be an excellent one for the younger readers. Author Messner has said that she had to do a lot of research work before attempting to write the story so as to be sure that the facts and correct as per the historical records. She also said that she has adapted some of the events in the plot from the real events that were recorded in the diaries and journals of the people who underwent trekking in the west during the 1800s. The book seems to be one of the few appropriate ones for the students of middle grade as it addresses them about the historical events and several issues related to them. Author Messner has done a tremendous job in mixing the authentic historical facts with the fast paced story. Her move to depict a rescue dog as the lead character proved to be a masterstroke as it helped the book to become very successful. It was liked by the younger and older readers alike. The mention of a dog as the hero also helped to gather many dog loving audiences, which added to the popularity of the book even more. The success not only helped to set the stage for the next books of this interesting series, but it also allowed the author to establish herself as one of the noteworthy writers of the genre. She received a lot of name and fame as a result of the novel’s success. Following this, she went on to contribute a few more novels in this time traveling, historical fiction series.

Another exciting book written in the series by Kate Messner is titled as ‘Race to the South Pole’. It was also released by Scholastic Press in 2016. Author Messner has mentioned the other main characters in this book apart from the golden retriever called Ranger, as Jack Nin and Robert Falcom Scott. At the beginning of the story, Ranger is described as going on to use his training in the search-and-rescue missions in an early 20th century expedition. This expedition takes him on a journey from New Zealand to the Antartica. During his journey, Ranger comes across a boy named Jack Nin and befriends him. Jack Nin works as the cabin boy on the ship of Captain Falcon Scott, who had first landed on the ship as a stowaway. Ranger seems to be racing along with Captain Scott and Jack Nin against one of the rival explorers in an attempt to reach to the South Pole first. However, they across a number of difficulties in their path, some of which even seem highly fatal in nature. Difficulties arise in the form of unstable ice layers, raging blizzards, and killer whales. These things tend to make their journey very much difficult, which finally turns into a race against the ticking clock. Ranger, along with Jack Nin and Captain Scott undergo a lot of struggle to remain alive till the end and even face a tough competition from the other explorers. But finally, they go on to reach their destination well within time.