Order of Rachel Kramer Bussel Books

Rachel Kramer Bussel Books In Order

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Publication Order of Collections

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Rachel Kramer Bussel is an award-winning author, editor and columnist of erotic books. She is a graduate of New York University School of Law with a degree in political science and the University of California with a degree in women’s Studies.

Bussel has worked as a senior editor for Penthouse Variations and a blogger for the Huffington Post. She’s also a columnist for the Sexls Magazine, an interviewer for the Gothamist, and a contributor to the Village Voice.

She has written many different erotic stories and also collected other authors’ works in various published collections, including volumes specialized in lesbian erotica, BDSM and more. In 2009, the author won the Independent Publisher Book Award and a Samois Anthology Award in 2012.
Coming Soon
This collection of short erotic romance stories emphasises women’s orgasms. The stories cover a wide range of sexual experiences from a woman picking up total strangers for sex, a woman with a novel fetish, a woman who discovers her sexual urges in a retirement home, sexual life after becoming a mom, threesomes, restaurant sex, to sci-fi sex and much more.

What makes this short collection of stories amazing is that each character is shown at different points in their sexual life. Some of these characters are trying to have an organism, pursuing the setting or person or the man they need to have an orgasm, which is either a struggle or something considered taboo by everyone.

Many of these women have to overcome the notion of what they are supposed to do, want or achieve in order to get to a place where they can be whatever they want and how they want it. What makes the stories amazing is the fact that there’s plenty of sex that will leave the readers turned on, whether or not they’ve read erotic books before.

Yes Sir
As genre erotica works perfectly when written in short story format, which works just fine for this short stories collection. This genre does not require long character development, detailed expositions, or exaggerated plot twists. Because good sexual material- either short or long always plays a vital role in playing with the reader’s head and taps into the wants and the fantasies percolating in their mind.
The best erotic author is one who wisely chooses their words and scenarios to help get the audience squirming in their seats and igniting their sexual fantasies within the first very few pages. And this is a perfect example of erotic stories neatly done; the stories are both intelligent and stylish, ultimately delivering a satisfying sexual punch.

While this short story collection focuses on female characters and their desires to explore their sexual fantasies, the content throughout the narrative is unique. The author neatly caters for a range of tastes, and each contributing author gives a slightly unique reaction from the reader through the different tones they create.

The best part with stories created in this way is that, when you find one that doesn’t fit your bill, you can quickly move to the next- and with 19 stories by different authors, it’s certain that you will find one that you adore. Besides the female cast, the stories are filled with plenty of sexy, dominating men in positions of power. The stories explore not only the goosebumps-inducing side of sexual life but also the delicate framework of mental bondage. The Zen of domination and submission is well captured throughout the stories and neatly arranged by Rachel Bussel.

They say that love and sex are intimately intertwined, or rather that sex is the only thing that cements the bond between intimate love, and that’s what this collection of short stories proves how the two can merge. It combines tales rich with classic love allowing the best writers of classic romance to bring to life tales that you can read aloud in bed. From two former lovers to love at the first contact, Passion’s erotic stories will surely quicken your heartbeat even to the least romantic souls.

Passion is a collection of 20 short stories, and just like most short story collections by Rachel Bussel, the stories all focus on women and Passion in different forms. And like with most anthologies, there are always some stories that will leave you yearning for more.

Some of the most interesting short stories in the anthology include:

Dar in the Headlight, authored by Angela Caperton, is a story about a married couple who are both workaholics. Because of their busy schedule, the two have never had sex for five months. That’s quite too long for a married couple. In the worst turn of events, the very day the wife had set for them to spend a night together is wrecked when her husband ruins his car while swerving to avoid hitting something on the road. But the wife isn’t going to let her plans get wasted, and so she decides to take the fun to the road- and straight to her husband waiting for the tow truck.

Contentions is another short story in Rachel Bussel’s anthology authored by Isabelle Gray. It’s also a humorous and steamy story about two married couples working as lawyers in a small rural town. The author allows us to get a glimpse into their world as they meet and how the man (Drake) vows never to give up on her and always fight for her, even when the woman (Alicia) has promised to keep him at arm’s length. As a lawyer, there is no argument that Alicia can’t win, and Drake will have to find a way to convince Alicia and bed her.

No Risk, No Reward is a story by Saskia Walker; and it’s a story about a girl who meets a boy while on vacation, and they both spend weeks together. The boy wants to get things to another level when the girl thinks it’s time to let him go, but her heart says otherwise. She agrees to the risk, and the reward she gets is deserving and sweet.