Order of Project Eden Books

Project Eden Books In Order

Publication Order of Project Eden Books

Project Eden by Brett Battles
Author Brett Battles writes the “Project Eden” series of thriller novels. The series began publication in the year 2011, when “Sick” was released.

The series is about a plague called Project Eden that was designed by a group of scientists trying to give humanity what they feel is a much needed reboot.

“Sick” is the first novel in the “Project Eden” series, which was released in the year 2011. Daniel Ash believes it is just a bad dream that makes his daughter wake up screaming after midnight. She has suffered from them in the past. He is unable but to worry when she cries out once more while he walks down the hallway. Walking through her door, he expects that he is going to find her sitting up in her bed, frightened by a nightmare she was having. The nightmare is really his. And it is real. This is only the start.

There is something burning Ash’s daughter alive. It is something terrible that spreads beyond their home’s walls, and it takes no prisoners. Less than a minute later, Ash is going to discover his daughter is not the only one that is infected in his family. While his world spins and comes apart at its seams, a group of armed men wearing biohazard suits barge into their house. These are the bad guys, not the good guys.

They have not shown up to save Ash’s family. They have come to finish what they have started, and to separate them. The issue is Ash refuses to vanish. The only thing he wants is to find those that are responsible. Humanity is close to execution. Mankind is the one pulling the trigger.

This is a highly entertaining and page turner of a read. The book is unique from other plague books because the plague is only starting to spread and has not fully got out yet. The story has no romance of any kind in it, which makes the book much better for some readers.

“Exit 9” is the second novel in the “Project Eden” series, which was released in the year 2011. At first, it was only a test, just a demonstration to determine whether or not the virus truly worked. It did, and much better than the creators could ever have hoped it would.

The testing part is over. It is time for Project Eden to take its next step. If the members have it their way, humanity is about to have a reboot, whether it wants one or not.

Daniel Ash and others are tasked, in this outnumbered resistance, with keeping Eden from downsizing mankind severely. Will their tiny force be able to succeed against a plan that was decades in the making?

The human race has to hope so, because if Ash and his buddies are unable to…

Once again, readers have been pulled into an excellent read that they had a tough time putting down, finishing it in just a single day. Brett developed these characters well, and the story’s progression gains momentum with every chapter. Brett Battles did an excellent job with the plot, and the turns and twists make it hard to tell just who is to be trusted, and you will be wondering who will make it out all right. The way this one ends will have you wanting to read the next book in the series.

“Pale Horse” is the third novel in the “Project Eden” series, which was released in the year 2012. One simple single push of a button and it will change the world forever. Martina Gable comes back home from college to spend time with her family during Christmas break, but the relaxation she expected is not even close to what she gets.

Sanjay, a young guy in Mumbai and knows much more about Project Eden’s plan than he should, is going to do whatever he is able to protect Kusum (the woman he loves) and keep her alive.

A kid named Brandon Ash is on the run for his life in Montana’s hills, and just wants to see his family once again.

First, there is Daniel, Brandon’s dad, who is watching over Olivia Silva’s finger, as it hovers over the enter key that is going to decide humanity’s fate. Do you believe you are really safe?

“Ashes” is the fourth novel in the “Project Eden” series, which was released in the year 2012. The hammer has been dropped. The lethal Sage Flu has been let loose, and the scramble to survive is in full effect.

Martina Gable and family were able to escape to a remote mountain cabin with the hopes of avoiding the death that sweeps the desert valley below. Have they gone far enough?

Dominic Ray, who manages a private and tropical island resort, has got his dream job. The drinks, the food, the people, and the weather. Life really couldn’t be any better than this. What he does not expect, no one else could either, that his good life is about to vanish into thin air.

With this sickness and death, Kusum and Sanjay are desperately looking for a place outside of Mumbai, where both they and the group they have been leading will be able to be protected. As well as a place where they can start to prepare for that the future has in store for them.

Brandon Ash just wants to be with his sister and dad, but something is waiting for him on a snow-covered and deserted highway. It may mean the reunion he has been wanting may never happen.

Daniel Ash lies unconscious from some serious wounds that he suffered while hunting for Brandon. Josie (Daniel’s daughter) knows only she can can find her brother and get him back home. The search is going to be a dangerous one that is going to take her a long way from her home.

Then there is Project Eden, which is watching the plague kill people as they planned on it doing, all while they plan to activate their next phase. What would you do to survive?