Order of Private Books

Order of Private/Jack Morgan Books

Private is a series of thriller novels by American author James Patterson (and various co-authors). The series follows protagonist Jack Morgan, who runs an organization called Private – a detective agency that will get a job done with maximum force and discretion (even if they have to break a few rules in the process).

The Private series began in 2010 with the title novel. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of James Patterson’s Private novels in order of when they were originally published (which is also their chronological order):

Publication Order of Private Books



Private London


Private Games


Private:#1 Suspect


Private Berlin


Private L.A.


Private Down Under / Oz


Private India


Private Vegas


Private Sydney / Missing


Private Paris


Private Rio / The Games


Private Delhi / Count to Ten




Private Moscow


Private Rogue / Private: Missing Persons


Private Beijing


Private Rome


Private Monaco


Note: James considers Private, Private: #1 Suspect, Private L.A., Private Vegas, Private Paris and The Games as the only books part of the main series.

Publication Order of Bookshots: Private Books

(By: James Patterson, Jassy Mackenzie, Rees Jones)

Private Royals


Private: Gold


Notes: Private and Private: #1 Suspect were written with Maxine Paetro. Private London was co-authored by Mark Pearson. Private Games, Private Berlin, Private L.A., Private Paris and The Games are co-authored by Mark T. Sullivan. Private Down Under is co-authored by Michael White. Private India was written with Ashwin Sanghi. Private Vegas was written with Maxine Paetro. Private Sydney was written with Kathryn Fox.