Order of Pittacus Lore Books

Pittacus Lore Books In Order

Publication Order of Lorien Legacies Books

Publication Order of Lorien Legacies Reborn Books

Publication Order of I Am Number Four: The Lost Files Books

Publication Order of I Am Number Four Collections

Publication Order of The Legacy Chronicles Books

Publication Order of Ashfall Books

The author Pittacus Lore is a collective pseudonym for the two writers; James Frey and Jobie Hughes. The two authors jointly work together to write the Lorien Legacy series which is a set of seven books. Their work is purely fictitious and centers around an alien Loric society and how their home was invaded by Mogadarians. With the knowledge that Pittacus Lore is but a pseudonym, there is more curiosity to unearth the authors behind this name. The first half of Pittacus Lore is Jobie Hughes, born on 9th July 1980 in Renton Washington. Apart from his work on the Lorien Legacy series, his other known publications include a novel named “At Dawn”. The other half is James Christopher Frey an established writer born on the 12th of September 1969 in Cleveland, Ohio. Frey has written several novels majority being fictitious. However, his major work that has been widely recognized is the Lorien Legacy series.

Now back to Pittacus Lore, he is one of the Lorien survivors hunted by the Mogadarians. In one of his book series; I am Number Four, Pittacus Lore mentions that he is a Lorien elder who has been on planet for more than a decade. He has found refuge on planet Earth and continues to wage war against the Mogadorians. Pittacus Lore beliefs that this war is to protect planet Earth and it can only be done by his kind. In his work, Pittacus Lore tells the story of the Loric race and their fight on earth. He makes the reader to understand their fight for their own survival and ultimately for the earth’s survival.

Pittacus Lore’s Work:

The Lorien Legacy series is a series of books that details the history of the Lorien society. First in the series is “I Am Number Four” which creates a background of who the Loriens are, their origin and their journey to the earth. It is then followed by The Power of Six, The rise of nine, The fall of five, The revenge of Seven and The fate of Ten respectively. All his work is published by Harper Collins from the year 2010 to date. In order to understand Pittacus Lore’s work in the Loreian Legacy series, I will provide a sneak preview of the first two books in the series.

I Am Number Four:

In this book, Pittacus Lore gives the story of John Smith , a young boy of 15 from the Planet Lorien. John smith together with his protector named Henri are running away from the Mogadorians. The Mogadorians are another race of aliens hunting John Smith and other eight Loric teenagers residing on planet Earth. The nine teenagers have special powers known as the Legacies and belong to a group known as the Garde. The Garde are protected by charm and they can only be killed in numeric order but only when they are far apart. The first three members of the Garde have been killed, John, who is number four is the next in line. John and his protector Henry move from Florida to paradise Ohio. Here, John falls in love with Sarah Hart and creates enmity with Mark James. They later resolved their differences and become friends. John also becomes best friends with Sam Goode. He later finds a dog and names him Bernie Kosar who later turns out to be a Loric Chimera who can transform. Sam, eventually finds out John’s secret and keeps it to himself. Later on, John saves Sarah from a fire at Mark’s house by leaping out of a two stored window without getting hurt. Hence Sarah discovers his secret but they all remain supportive.

Towards the end of the book, John is found by the Mogadorians and a battle ensues at paradise high school in Ohio.Number Six was able to find John before the Mogadorians attacked and together with John, Henry, Sarah, Sam,Mark and Bernie Kosar, they fought against the enemy and emerged victorious. However, Henry dies in the battle and Bernie Kosar is badly injured . Due to these events, John is blamed and he is therefore forced to leave his girlfriend and leaves together with number six, Sam and Bernie Kosar in search of the other members of the Garde.

The Power of Six:

In this book, the story is narrated by John Smith (Number Four) and Marina (Number Seven). John is on the run with number six, Sam and Bernie Kosar while Marina is hiding at Santa Teresa( convent in Spain). The story starts by showing the life of Marina at the convent and how John, Number six his friends are evading the police and the Mogadorians. Marina makes friendship with Ella a new girl at the convent who later happens to be the tenth member of the Garde.
John and Number six decide to open John’s Chest and determine its contents , they are both unfamiliar with the contents of the chest. The opening of the chest notified the Mogadorians of their whereabouts. They were attacked in the night by the Mogadorians but they managed to escape. John finds out from Henri’s letter that Sam’s father has been captured by the Mogadorians because he had knowledge of the Lorics in a secret base in his backyard. They head back to retrieve this information. This led to the arrest of John and Number six by the FBI courtesy of a tip off from Sarah. However, they managed to escape from prison.

On the other hand Marina tries to persuade her protector named Adellaide to open her chest but in vain. The little girl Ella discovers the chest and together with Marina they went to retrieve it. However, they are confronted by four girls from the convent and they are forced to fight. In the event, Ella broke her arm, Marina discovered she had a healing legacy when she restored Ella’s arm.

Many activities unfold in this book that enables the Garde members to realize their Legacies and how to use them. For instance, John smith (Number Four) had a legacy called Lumen that made his hands glow like a flashlight, he was also resistant to fire and could control fire.
Number six had the ability to control elements and the weather, she also had the power to be invisible. Marina on the other hand had the power to heal with her palms, she could breathe under water and being able to communicate with animals.

Author’s reception:

Pittacus Lore’s work has been positively received by the general public. The first two books the Lorien Legacy series; I am Number Four and The power of Six were both rated number one by the New York’s Times Best seller list for a period of ten weeks. Additionally, The rise on Nine has been rated highly by many readers. Readers have noted that the book has more action and romance and has a good story.

Adaptation into Film:

His first book “I Am number Four” has been filmed by Dream works pictures in February 2011 and received a worldwide viewing with sales amounting to $ 145,982,798 and a budget of $50 million.

Pittacus Lore is a group of united authors of two others namely; James Frey and Jobie Hughes. they work in the basis of fiction whereby they books seem to be very fictitious and it mainly centres around the invasion to the land of Mogadarians. Pittacus Lore is one of the talented authors in the land of the Loriens and being their elder, he has profoundly proven it through his good and educative writings. He has been preparing for the for the war on earth that otherwise may actually decide its fate. However, his whereabouts are not yet known or rather discovered since he has not yet let the his life to public recognition. He has an admirable quality of his richness in the writing sector. Nevertheless, Pittacus Lore is only but a group name which can therefore be referred as pseudonym. It is therefore difficult to establish the all people behind that name but the two i.e. James Frey, who was born on September 12th 1969 in the land of Ohio specifically at a place called Cleveland is a renowned author. He has been considered due to his work in the Lorien Legacy Series having written many novels which are mainly fictitious. the pother author is Jobie Hugles, who was born in Renton Washington on July 9th 1980. he too has done some tremendous work having written the a novel by the name At Dawn, furthermore he has contributes positively in the good commendable work of the Lorien Legacy Series. They, to mean the pseudonym, have communicated the fight to protect the earth citing an example of himself ; that despite the fact that he is a lorien, he is fighting earnestly to survive since he is only a refugee on earth. He believes that he is the only one who can spearhead the fight to guard and protect the world.

As mentioned earlier the Pittacus Lore has communicated very vital messages in their world of fiction. To begin with is the novel by the name ‘I Am Number Four’. It communicates about the diversities present between the Mogadarians who are a race of aliens who are looking for John Smith and he is flying away from them, he is with Henry, who is his protector in this scenario. He, John Smith, who is also with the eight Loric teenagers are on the way trying to rescue their way from the aliens. There comes emerges a love issue about some two guys which end up in a troubled scenario. One of them is hardheadedly caught and therefore a war broke between the aliens and the earth’s residents. John’s protector, Henry, dies while a boy by the name Bernie Kosar is seriously injured. Pittacus Lore has a message that despite the fact the earth has some of the invaders commonly known as aliens, we should at our own potentials try to defend ourselves. This is clearly when the fight broke and everybody was trying tooth to nail to work extra hard despite the presence of powers which were present. Secondly, it is our duty ti safeguard each and everything that we have and at any cost remain loyal to one another so as to prevent further mixing of issues just like John fall in love with Sarah Hart hence creating enmity with Mark James which led to a very big problem that weakened their power and force to fight their enemies.

Another novel that communicates with the current ‘The Power Of Six’. This book becomes a continuation of the other one ,I Am Number Four’, it is a recitation from John Smith ,who was number four, and Marina ,who was number seven, that as they were running that is John(number four), Sam termed as number six and Bernie Kosar, Marina on her part was just hiding at a place called Santa. As the procession on the run seemed to be very frightened and were nearly being overcome by the Mogadarian together with the police, Marina decided on his part to make love with a new girl by the name Santa. It forced this new lady to join the procession and became now as the tenth member of the group. The author then talks about how they used some miraculous powers to retrieve some the information that their members had in their chest for instance, John learns from Henry’s letter that Sam’s father had the information about all the Lorics in their lonely place and therefore he was captured by the Mogadarias. they too were attacked and some captured and locked in prison but they managed to escape from the prison.

The novel ends with a nice discovery where they the Garde members can now do super natural things i.e. John Smith could now be able to make his hands just glow like the flashlight, to add on that he became resistant to burning by fire therefore he was able to control the power of fire. Sam (number six) was now able to control the weather and all the elements moreover he could become invisible if he could like. Marina on her side had the power to stay in water without any difficulty since he could breath when in water, he could also heal by only touching, her palms had the power to heal through touch only and lastly he could perfectly communicate with the animals.This bit of message shows that after all the struggle to protect the earth it will change more into one powerful place. All this comes not only through suffering but also through commitment and endurance whatsoever. Having the urge for the theme being the change to come we should be optimistic in whatever we undertake more so the struggle to protect our beautiful earth.

Pittacus Lore have some of their books which were adapted into a film for example; the novel ‘I Am Number Four’ was adapted by one of the studio called Dream Work Pictures and it was filmed in 2011 February. It received a good welcome and was greatly viewed by the world since its sales were wonderful and encouraging.

In a nutshell, Pittacus Lore have done one of the best writing job and their novels have been topping in the New York ranking for a couple of days.