Order of Peter Kori Brichter Books

Peter & Kori Brichter Books In Order

Publication Order of Peter and Kori Brichter Books

Going under her real name of Mary Monica Pulver, this set of mysteries features the various exploits of Peter and Kori Brichter. This American mystery author has come to be highly regarded by both critics and the general public for her various contributions to the mystery genre. Taking it forwards, she manages to provide her many loyal readers with something new and interesting that hasn’t been seen before, something which has contributed to her vast worldwide success that continues to year-by-year. Working as a police detective, Peter Brichter operates in the area of Illinois, as he works with his partner Kori Brichter, who’s also a horse breeder. Meeting up and falling in love, they both operate together as a double-team, solving mysteries and getting to the bottom of various investigations allowing justice to prevail. Keeping itself within a small-town setting, it retains a sense of familiarity with both its location and its characters, something which keeps the readers coming back for more.

With the relationship between Peter and Kori Brichter acting as the heart of this particular series, it’s easy to see why so many have taken to these stories and continue to do so. Not only do the books themselves offer well plotted neat little mysteries, but the ongoing passion between the two of them also acts as the driving force for the narrative. This is something that will continue as its audience will continue to return for years to come, largely thanks to its timely quality.

The Unforgiving Minutes

Originally published in 1988, this was the novel that started it all, introducing the characters for the first time and bringing Peter and Kori’s relationship into the world of literature for audiences worldwide. Creating the characters and their passionate relationship that was to subsequently run throughout, it manages to convey what the readers are to expect from them and the Peter Brichter series as a whole. Setting up their ranch too, if manages to create the ambiance and tone of the location too, as it sets the pace and the style whilst also giving them their first mystery to deal with and investigate.

Establishing the character of Peter Brichter he is a world-weary and highly intelligent individual from the big-city, not so used to the small town life and life on a ranch. Katherine McLeod Price lives on a ranch from the outset and is a fairly reclusive young woman whilst also enjoying horse riding from the very outset, as this is her main interest, something which has fascinated her from a very early age. It is from these disparate lifestyles that they both come together and live on the ranch, despite their initial differences of what it is that they’re used to. The ranch itself named Tretower Ranch is located in Illinois, an area which Pulver uses to great effect to compliment the ongoing action and narrative, thanks in large part to her extensive and well researched knowledge of the area. This is the book, though, where the couple meet upon the ranch for the first time forming what was to be their relationship for the rest of the entire series. As key reference point for many fans, this is the story that provides much of the framework for what was to follow for the many books that were to come.

Following the trail down to the Tretower Ranch in Illinois, Otto Peter Brichter arrives looking to investigate a local crime ring that’s known to be operating in the area. That’s when he comes into contact with Nick Tellios who introduces him to his niece Kori and their fate is sealed as they both fall head over heels in love with one another. She is still dealing with the trauma of her past though, as she is still attempting to come to terms with the tragic loss and death of both her parents which continues to haunt her. Will Peter be able to track down the local crime ring operating in the area? Can they both come together as she manages to recover from the trauma of the past? What will become of them both within the unforgiving minutes?

Murder at the War: A Modern-Day Mystery With a Medieval Setting

Published initially in 1987, this was the book that was to follow on from the last as it continues the story in much the same vein as to what came previously. With the characters of Peter and Kori Brichter now firmly in a well established relationship working together professionally as a couple, the scene is definitely set for the plot to take place straightaway. Keeping the overall style and tone though, it still remains true to the spirit of the original, something which will be ongoing as the series gradually progresses. Whilst it was the first book in the series to be published, it was to follow as the second book chronologically.

Taking part in a medieval warfare recreation society, the pair join the ‘Society for Creative Anachronism’, or ‘SCA’, as they all role-play themselves being back in the middle-ages. Things become serious though when they find they must both clear their name by infiltrating the society after a real-world murder happens within the society. Will they be able to find the killer? Can they clear their name? What will become of their medieval alter-egos as they discover a murder at the war?

The Peter Britcher Series

These mystery stories have been running for some time now, as the Peter Brichter series has accumulated a large worldwide audience. Set in Illinois, it knows its area well, thanks to the author’s extensive knowledge of the area having lived there herself. The characters are also extremely well drawn with a rich back-story that large numbers of readers have found highly relatable. Accompanied by Kori Price Brichter, there’s now a sense of familiarity with these characters, as Pulver’s audience feel they know them and know what to expect. The mysteries themselves are enticing too, with their narrative that manages to keep readers guessing until the very end. Although these books were written some time ago now, it appears their legacy is here to stay as people will continue reading them for some time yet.