Order of Paul Mceuen Books

Paul McEuen Books In Order

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Paul McEuen is a Cornell University Goldwin Smith Profesor and director at the Kavli Institute for Nanoscale Science at Cornell. The author is best known for his debut novel “Spiral,” which he published in 2011.
He made a name for himself by taking cutting-edge nanoscience concepts and marrying them with World War II bioweapons to make for a spellbinding thriller in Spiral.

Once the novel was published in 2011, it became so popular that it would be optioned and have its film rights optioned.

At work, he made the smallest guitar in the world, used only a single molecule to make a transistor, and also made the thinnest drum in the world, which had a drumhead that was only an atom thick.

McEuen spent much of his childhood and young adulthood in Oklahoma, which is where she developed an interest in technology and science. As a thirteen-year-old, he had an epiphany that would inform his career as a man of science.
By this time he had saved up about $200 which he used to buy a telescope so that he could study the planets and stars. However, he got bored of looking at the night sky after only a few hours.

Instead, he aimed his scope at a wasp that had landed on a nearby can of soda. It was a stunning view as the insect looked like a fantastical machine.

He was blown away by the amazing complexity of such a small insect and it was then that he started getting interested in small things.

Later on, he is torn between studying philosophy and physics when he goes to college. But given that his father is an engineer, he enrolls at the University of Oklahoma to major in engineering physics.
It was while he was sending his applications to graduate schools that he discovered the work of Robert Wheeler the applied physicist from Yale University.

In 1985, he joined Yale to study under Wheeler, who was then developing electronic devices on a microscopic scale, that he would then use in physics experiments.

In 2011, Paul McEuen was elected to the National Academy of Science given his experiences and contributions.

As a Professor of Physics, Paul McEuen has for the longest time been interested in nanostructure science and how these can be applied in engineering, physics, biology, materials science, and chemistry.
He loves to study the optical, mechanical, and electronic properties of a range of nanoscale structures that range from single molecules to semiconductor quantum dots.

Paul has also been actively developing advanced measurement techniques to manipulate and probe systems at the molecular scale.

He is especially interested in nanoscale forms of carbon and particularly single-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene sheets.

He has investigated fundamental components of carbon nanotube electron transport such as topologically induced spin-orbit coupling and single electron charging.

For his work, he has been awarded many awards such as the Presidential Young Investigator Award, a Packard Fellowship, and the Agilent Technologies Europhysics Prize.

McEuen has said that solving and thinking about complex problems is something he does reflexively. As such, it was only natural that he would write of complex situations when he wrote “Spiral” his fiction work.

Paul McEuen began writing the manuscript for “Spiral” his Magnum Opus when he was on a sabbatical.

Just like with his science experiments, he set himself a target of writing at least 1,000 words each morning. He found the art of writing fiction to be very much like exploratory science.

In this regard, he spent months stumbling in the dark trying to find a direction for his writing. It would take more than a dozen drafts before it would take the form in which it would finally be published.

Paul includes several autobiographical threads that have personal significance to him in the work. One of these threads is the fact that His grandfather had been the recipient of two Purple Hearts after fighting in World WarII.
Another thing to note is that almost all of the characters in his debut work happen to be named after the family dogs which makes for an interesting autobiographical thread.

While his wife practices as a psychologist she also has a dog rescue organization and Paul can often be found working there alongside her during the weekends.

The good thing about all his hard work is that it is now paying off as Spiral was published in more than 16 countries. The work has also been optioned and is set to be made into a film by Chockstone Pictures.

“Spiral” is the blockbuster work by Paul McEuen which made his name in the literary world. At the opening of the novel Liam Connor, the Nobel laureate is found dead in a famous gorge in Ithaca New York.

Jake Sterling a professor of nanoscience who was working with him on some important research does not believe that the man committed suicide.

The man had been one of the most eminent biologists in the world and had been in very good health despite being an eighty-six-year-old veteran of the Second World War.

There had been a mysterious woman caught on camera at the scene where he supposedly jumped off a bridge.

Soon enough, it is discovered that a bunch of cutting-edge nanorobots the size of a large spider has gone missing from the lab he worked in.

Stricken with grief, Maggie who is Liam’s granddaughter works with Dylan her nine-year-old son trying to resolve the mysterious death.

Soon enough, they stumble upon some complex coded messages that her father left behind. The messages indicate that there is some secret Liam has discovered fighting in Japan which he had kept for six decades.
What had begun as a search for answers then becomes a horrific set of revelations at the crossroads of nanoscience and biological warfare.

At this intersection is a sadistic and skilled assassin a ruthless American government official and a Japanese war criminal that had gained some notoriety.

These are all players in a dangerous game of intrigue, treachery, and power that could change the future of the whole world.