Order of Paul Fraser Collard Books

Paul Fraser Collard Books In Order

Publication Order of Jack Lark Books

Publication Order of Jack Lark Short Stories/Novellas

Paul Fraser Collard is a well known British writer of historical fiction and military fiction stories. He is particularly famous for writing the acclaimed series called Jack Lark series, featuring the adventures of a roguish, brutally courageous, and ambitious imposter from the Victorian times named Jack Lark. Collard says that his love for history, particularly military history, began during his childhood. Being a child of the 70s, he grew up reading too many Warlord and Commando comics as well as watching war movies such as The Longest Day, Bridge Too Far, Zulu, etc. He says that it was considered natural at that time to play soldiers, running around with friends using an armed finger and playing with plastic men fixed in martial poses. All that inspired Collard to recreate the fights and battles he watched on television. As he grew older, he discovered Bernard Cornwell’s novels and became delighted to read them.

Collard considers his novels as his favorite even today. He had received a copy of Cornwell’s Sharpe novels and has kept them safe on his bookshelves even today. It can be found out from the covers of those books how much they have read and re-read by Collard over the years. However, author Collard had never thought of writing anything. When he was in school, his love military things enabled him to apply for a scholarship in the Army Sixth Form. This award led him to Sandhurst. Later, he was commissioned as a British army officer after going through a lot of determination and hard work, and also with luck. But, when the time to leave his school behind came, Collard had a change of mind.

Collard had come across his future wife and had started thinking of starting a life with the lady he loved instead of serving in the military. As a result, Collard left his childhood dream and set himself on a course to make a career in London. He chose to do a job that did not carry the stigma at that time than what it acquired in recent years. But, things went well for Collard and he still lives and works in London. He claims to have learned so much and evolved over the years. Without having any doubts, he says that he has been lucky to have managed to survive for so long. Collard also considers himself fortunate for working with the same team for 15 long years, which has turned his daily grind into something more enjoyable and fun.

Author Collard began to think about writing as a career only after turning 30. By then, he had formed a schedule of commuting to London through long train journeys. Previously, he used to pass the time by reading all sorts of novels. Later, when the idea of writing struck mind, he started using the train journeys to improve his writing skills. He kept training himself every day and ended up completing a book without any planning. After that, Collard continued to write daily and never stopped to analyze what he was doing or how he was doing. He just liked to go with the flow. Today, Collard likes what he loves and chooses whatever subject interested him. He tries to look for things that he is passionate about and then carry out research to develop interesting stories around them.

As of now, author Collard resides in Kent with his beautiful wife and 3 children. Following the grand success of his Jack Lark books, he added several short stories in the series that also became widely popular. Collard enjoys his dual careers in writing and finance management. He intends to write on a full-time basis only after retiring from his former career. Until then, he looks forward to writing only in his spare time. Collard is pretty much satisfied with the amount of success has received in his writing so far and hopes to become much more successful in the years to come. He feels proud to know that his books have been rated well by many prominent critics and writers. Collard is grateful for all the reviewers and critics for giving genuine reviews and helping his books become successful.

The Jack Lark series written by author Paul Fraser Collard is comprised a total of 9 novels and 3 novellas released between 2013 and 2020. It is set in the mid-19th century and features the primary characters in the roles of Jack Lark, Captain Danbury, Aamira, Major John Ballard, and several others. Author Collard has set the plots in different parts of the world, including London, Bombay, Boston, Deep South, etc. The debut book of the Jack Lark series is entitled ‘The Scarlet Thief’. It was released by the Headline publication in 2013. This novel takes place in 1854 in the Crimean Peninsula. Initially, it is mentioned that the Redcoats come to a halt near the Alma River banks and the King’s men find themselves in deep trouble.

They face a storm of shell, bullet, and storm hitting them from all sides. As the situation begins to go out of hand, Officer Jack Lark is summoned to take an immediate and decisive approach. He knows that his life depends on the campaign’s success and is ready to do anything it takes to succeed. Jack has risen in the army ranks through his guile and stealth and faces the test of a lifetime to prove his worth. This exciting novel introduces readers to the compelling and courageous hero Jack Lark. Collard’s description of the story looks quite robust and thrillingly authentic.

The second mind-blowing volume of this series is known as ‘The Maharajah’s General’. It was also published in 2013 by the Headline publication. This book opens by showing that Jack Lark survived the Alma Battle and understood the real duty that came with being commissioned as an officer in the British army. As he lies in a hospital bed getting his wounds cured, Jack Lark decides to get back his stolen reputation by grabbing a chance to prove that he can be an efficient leader. After the death of Captain Danbury, Jack is asked to travel to India and join the new regiment. As soon as he arrives in India, he discovers that he has more enemies among his own men. When he is wrongly labeled with fraud and set up for execution, Jack Lark is saved by the beautiful daughter of the chaplain. Together, they arrive at the mansion of the Maharajah of Sawadh and seek refuge. The Maharajah realizes Jack’s worth and asks for his help in training his men to fight against the British forces in return for the safety of the woman he has started to love and that of himself.