Order of Pamela Ackerson Books

Pamela Ackerson Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Wilderness Books

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Pamela Ackerson is an American author that writes historical novels with fantastical elements. Pamela is best known for the Wilderness series which takes readers back to the old American West.


Pamela Ackerson was born in Newport, RI. It is also where she spent her childhood. The author has nothing but great memories of Newport.

When Pamela wasn’t fishing, she was either drinking in the sun on the beaches or sailing on the open waters. The author was an ardent reader from a relatively young age. She was always fascinated by the history that surrounded her small island and that drove her to read.

When she wasn’t reading, the author was telling stories. It is a habit that she developed in elementary school, primarily to keep her younger brother entertained. As she progressed into her teens, Pamela Ackerson took an interest in poems and short stories, of which she wrote many.

Even though most people could recognize Pamela’s storytelling leanings, it wasn’t always obvious to her that she would make a career out of writing novels. In fact, she chose to focus on child psychology in college, though she had English as a minor.

Life outside school did little to get her back onto the publishing path. If anything, the author only seemed to stray further, working in restaurants, trying her hand at interior decoration and even starting an advertising firm at one point.

Pamela Ackerson has experience in real estate investment, publishing, and even content editing. The author looks back on those days with fondness; she believes that she lived a full life as a young lady.

She dipped her toes into many an industry and, in the process, she gained valuable knowledge about the world and people in general. It is Pamela’s belief that her work experience has greatly served her in publishing.

She doesn’t believe that she would have had so many unique ideas for novels if she hadn’t tried out so many different careers. The author is still a practicing herbalist and that is pretty much the only job she undertook in those early years that has stood the test of time.

Pamela’s foray into the publishing arena began with the Wilderness Series. The books put her on the map. Pamela was always intrigued by history. She grew curious about Native Americans and it occurred to her that she could write a story about that group of people as seen through the eyes of an outsider.

While the concept seemed solid enough, Pamela struggled to distill it into a cohesive story. She began researching Cherokees and the more she learned about them, the less she liked the story she was telling.

Pamela hated the fact that the plot felt so forced. So she decided to change lanes. A few unexpected conversations and a couple of strange dreams led the author to look into the Lakota Sioux history and that placed her on the path to creating the Wilderness series as people know it today.

Pamela expects her readers to appreciate the fact that, while the Wilderness series is fiction, she utilizes many historically accurate events and figures. Her books are true to history as it happened.

If you spoke to Pamela Ackerson’s childhood friends, they probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that she was writing historical fiction, especially westerns with science-fiction elements. After all, Pamela has always had a thing for fairy tales.

The author might even describe herself as a Disney girl. She loves immersing herself in whimsical and fantastical stories that transport her to magical lands where anything and everything seems possible.

The author’s books do not exactly capture the magic of a Disney film. But there is definitely something magical about them.

Pamela Ackerson believes that she has done relatively well as an author. She knows she isn’t a household name. But she also knows she has an audience. Pamela often speaks about the fan letters she gets, messages from readers that have so thoroughly enjoyed her Wilderness books that they keep imploring her to write more stories in the series because they never want to leave the world she created.

Pamela treasures those letters more than any monetary gain. And she looks forward to them because the author doesn’t always have the thickest skin. Pamela still remembers her first bad review.

Even though she was prepared for the worst, it still made her heart sink. And even after all the experience she has garnered over the years, the author sometimes struggles to contend with the negative opinions of her books that she stumbles upon.

She looks to letters from her fans whenever she needs encouragement. Pamela Ackerson also has a group of author friends who keep her writing and publishing whenever she falls into a slump.

Pamela has a husband, three children and a couple of grandchildren. The author describes herself as a slow writer. It can take her up to a year or even longer to write a book. Sometimes she just loses herself in research. Other times, she just prefers to take her time.

+Across the Wilderness

Doctor Karen Anderson thinks she’s dreaming when she wakes up in the Land of the Lakota. But she soon realizes that her world is anything but a dream. As the Indian Wars rage, Karen encounters Standing Deer, a 1800s Sioux warrior that sweeps her off her feet and shows her a world of romance and adventure.

This is the first book in the Wilderness series, a collection of books about time travel. The books take readers back to the 1800s through Doctor Karen who realizes that her antique bed has magical time traveling powers.

Karen is thrown into Indian country at a volatile period of America’s history. There she finds unexpected romance.

+Into the Wilderness

Doctor Karen Anderson goes back to the Lakota and reunites with Standing Deer. There she witnesses the changing of the times and realizes that she must fight alongside her beloved to stave off oppression and ensure a brighter future.

The second book in the Wilderness series takes Karen and readers back to the 1800s. There Karen tries to maneuver the conflicts of the day whilst struggling to keep history intact.