Order of Neil Pasricha Books

Neil Pasricha Books In Order

Publication Order of The Book of Awesome Books

Publication Order of Neil Pasricha Audiobooks Books

Neil Pasricha is a humor and comedy, business, and well-being author as well as a speaker and podcast author with degrees from Harvard Business School and Queens University.

He loves to call himself an author and speaker who speaks, writes, and thinks about living intentionally. Much of his works are about the themes of trust, gratitude, resilience, failure, and happiness.
For his writing endeavors, he is best known for the “Book of Awesome” series. These are about half a dozen works that were inspired by the “1000 Awesome Things” award-winning blog that he writes.

At some point, the very popular blog had more than 100 million hits. He would then spin the blog into several works including the spinning Rolodex chronicling the simple pleasures of life in “The Book of Awesome.”
He has also given speeches at venues such as Google, SXSW, and TED. In fact, “The 3 As of Awesome,” his debut TED talk was on the list of the most inspiring TED talks of all time.
Pasricha is also the host of the 3 Books podcast where he goes on a 15-year-long mission to discuss and uncover the 1000 most influential books in the world.

He currently makes his home in Toronto where he lives with Leslie his wife and their three kids.

Pasricha has over the years become a bestselling author on the likes of the New York Times and one of the most popular speakers on the TED platform.

His achievements are quite remarkable given his background. He was born to Kenyan and Indian immigrants and growing up he was a very shy kid. He virtually had no friends, did not play sports, or participated in school clubs.
Things began to change when his grade teacher noticed he had a passion for drawing cartoons in grade 5 alongside Scott the one friend he had made.

Olson their teacher used to take their creations which he photocopied and stapled together that he would then hand out to their peers. It was this that would give Neil the confidence to come out of his shell.

However, things started to really take shape when he lost his friend to suicide in the same year he was divorced. Finding himself in a very dark place, he began recording the simple but small pleasure of life in what would become a very popular blog.
It was from his blog that he would spin off several works that would become sensational bestsellers.

After Neil Parsicha’s works and blog attained a lot of popularity, he decided to quit his Walmart job where he was the leader of Leadership Development.

He quit because he was more interested in researching and spending his energies to learn the secrets of happiness. He would ultimately become an Institute for Global Happiness Director.

This is a company that dedicates itself to helping people find meaning and joy in their everyday lives, transforming organizations and teams, and developing leaders. His pro bono work is all about community wellness, youth literacy, and mental wellness.
Pasricha sometimes gives talks and speeches on themes such as work-life balance, resilience, learning and teaching, and parenting. He has also spoken about why in spite of record levels of luxury and prosperity many people remain unhappy.

Neil Pasricha’s novel “The Book of Awesome” was inspired by 1000awesomethings.com, his award-winning blog.

It is a novel that celebrates life’s little moments such as wearing underwear that is still warm from the dryer, hitting several green lights in a row, fixing electronics by giving them a little whack and even just waking up and realizing it is the weekend.
The author asserts that sometimes the 24/7 news cycle with bad news of incoming hurricanes, war, and a freeze in the job market makes us forget about the little things that make us smile.

However, it is important to remember that there are many awesome things all around us, and sometimes what we need is for someone to point them out to us. Pasricha also reminds us that sometimes the best things in life tend to be free.
He includes some laugh-out-loud observations, some smile-inducing moments on each page which make one feel as if they are being introduced to the world for the first time, just like a kid would.

Filled with a short selection of awesome stuff ranging from a few pages to just a few sentences, it is a work that will have you nodding in agreement with how awesome the little stuff can be.

In “The Happiness Equation,” Neil Pasricha asks just what is the formula for having a happy life. The author goes on to show how to do anything and to want anything as the formula for having everything.

While it does sound like a contradiction, he asserts that all one has to do is unlock the nine secrets to happiness. Pasricha’s nine sectors are drawn from common sense, which is flipped on its head and presented in a very different light.
He then goes on to provide specific but very practical guidelines on how to apply this new perspective so that you can have a more fulfilling life.

If you can internalize the nine secrets you can come to an understanding of critical concepts such as retirement is a broken theory, never take advice and success does not lead to happiness.
He also introduces three fundamental life tests including the “Five People Test,” “The Bench Test,” and the “Saturday Morning Test.”

Once you master these tests, it will be easier to know the difference between internal and external goals and how to make more money than business graduates from Harvard.
It is a work that will alter your perspective on just about everything from your family, your time, your relationship, your career, and even your happiness.

Neil Pasricha’s novel “You Are Awesome” is an inspiring and revelatory work that will change your perspectives on building resilience and how we view failure.

The author asserts that most of us are lucky that things such as economic depression, famine, plague, and other life-threatening circumstances are the stuff of history.

The modern world has achieved record highs in wealth, education, and longevity. We have phones and TV to entertain us, cars to drive us home, and even food delivered right to our front doors.
However, the side effect is that most of us no longer know how to deal with failure or even perceived failure.

When we fall, we often up crying on the sidewalk, we splatter when we spill and shatter when we crack, since we have turned into a bunch of porcelain dolls.
We often call in sick when we get a rude email from the boss and think we do not have friends when we get only two likes from our social media posts.
Tomorrow’s panic attacks are born of yesterday’s butterflies as higher levels of students report loneliness, depression, and clinical anxiety.

According to Pasricha the cure for this is to learn resilience.