Order of Neal Wooten Books

Neal Wooten Books In Order

Publication Order of Fudge Shop Mysteries Books

Publication Order of Wallace and Roo Books

with Roo Yori

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Publication Order of Children’s Books

Publication Order of Penny and Rio Books

Neal Wooten is a noteworthy author from Blake, Alabama, United States who is particularly famous for writing novels based on young adult fiction. He was born on August 1, 1965. Neal has written around ten books so far in his writing career, the most famous one being The Balance and Reternity. As a growing youth, he used to spend most of his time on his family pig farms in on Sand Mountain situated in the northeast corner of Alabama. Later he was moved forcefully to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the American Midwest. He had to grow up and complete his studies in the new town in spite of not liking the snow -laden plains of the town. After giving a successful start to his writing career, he now lives happily in Milwaukee along with his caring wife and three lovely dogs. Neal began his writing career in the year 2011 and has published novels on a regular basis till 2015. Most of the novels written by Neal are based on the sci-fi background. He started his writing career in the year 2011 by releasing his first book titled ‘Three of Hearts’, which was followed by ‘6’. After a short struggle in his life as an author he finally tasted success with the release of his book ‘Reternity’. Apart from being a fresh and successful writer, Neal also works as the Managing Director of his self owned publishing house named ‘Mirror Publishing’. The publishing house was founded by him in the year 2007. He is also a frequent contributor to the well known novel publishing house, the Huffington Post. Whenever Neal gets some free time from his normal hours of writing novels, he likes to write columns for daily newspapers and works as a frequent contributor for The Mountain Valley News as a columnist. He is also a reputed columnist for another well known daily newspaper named The Indie Times. Along with all these, he continually works as an Op-Ed writer for a club called The Walking Dead Fan Club. Other than being known as a noteworthy author, Neal is equally famous for creating the popular comic strip ‘Brad’s Pit’. He is also known for his contribution to theater as an artist and a stand-up comedian.

Neal has worked for an educational institution named Math Learning Center as a director between the years 2005 and 2007. He was a cartoonist for a brief period before becoming an author. As a child, Neal attended the Sylvannia High School, Alabama and passed out in the year 1983, and later went on to graduate from the Auburn University, Alabama in the year 1986. He holds a BS in applied mathematics due to which he began teaching maths for a couple of years after completing his education. In his blog and interviews, Neal has stated that he is primarily from Blake in Alabama and resides currently in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. He is married to Maggie Wooten and the two live happily as living couple. Hays that he is greatly influenced by his favorite quote by Benjamin Franklin, ‘Any Man Who Would Give Up Liberty For Security Deserves Neither’. The novel Reternity written by Neal Wooten is based on the Biblical prophecies in a science fiction genre. It has won 8 national awards and was labelled as the Best of 2011 by the Kirkus Reviews. He has also won a national award for his legal thriller, My Brother, My Judge. As a stand-up comedian, Neal has also won an award for his show, ‘X. Y and Zs’ for flash fiction. He was runners up in a contest titled L Ron Hubbard Fiction Writers of the Future for his novella, The Return of the Nephilim. Many of the fabulous works of Neal have appeared in a number of magazines and anthologies.

One among the initial novels written by Neal Wooten include the novel titled ‘Reternity’ which was published in the year 2011 by Neal’s self-owned publishing house, Mirror Publishing. The novel deals with the life of Max, the only son of Reverand and Mrs. Maxwell. The family of three is depicted as a hardworking and happy family staying in the American Midwest. Max’s parents love him very much, but are worried as he is about to step into the next phase of his life, the university life. They fear that his Christian values will begin to diminish in the liberal environment of the university. They fear grows as they come to know that Max has enrolled in the class of Professor Nowak, who is a science teacher and famous for his Near Impossible Assignment that he throws as a challenge on anyone who has a firm belief in his intellectual abilities. As Max begins to explore his intellect, he discovers something that had the power of changing the world. He now faces a tough challenge being not able to decide whether he should push himself forward with the scientific exploration or go back to his parents and cultivate his Christian values. He, along with Professor Nowak, move ahead in their quest to an unimaginable journey.

Another one of the initial novels written by Neal Wooten was ‘My Brother, My Judge’ which was published in the year 2012 by Neal’s own publishing house, the Mirror Publishing. The novel deals with the life story of two brothers Trevor and Dustin Davis. Trevor is described as a somewhat slacker in his lifestyle, whereas Dustin is depicted as the protagonist who tries to set everything right that his brother does the other way and indulges in a lot of arguments with him on almost all topics. They show keen interest in becoming a lawyer, but begin to conflict once again on trying to portray themselves as the smarter among the two, who is most likely to become a lawyer. They set a wager on the result of a television trial and the winner was going to be declared as the better brother. After losing the wager m Trevor decides to build a computer system that would be able to predict the result of any trial. In his attempt to outsmart his brother Dustin, Trevor comes to know about his hidden talent and feels happy t learn about the demand of his talent in the market. When two government officers turn up to offer him a wealthy deal, which he was not able to refuse, he finds himself stuck in a world of lies, intrigue, deception and murder. However, after a few years, several amendments take place in the constitution, which ordered the courtrooms to use electronic verdict machines and stop doing trial by jury. Soon, Trevor finds his brother Dustin facing the electronic device built by him called the ‘Judge’, which was a combination of the electronic jury, judge and the executioner.

Neal Wooten is a native of Fort Payne, Alabama, raised on Sand Mountain, which is located in the northeastern region of the said state. It is in the vast expanse of this plateau that his father’s pig farm is situated and is where he spent most of his youth. He recalls countless hours spent on the farm’s okra fields. Later on, he would pursue a degree in math at Auburn University in Montgomery.

After completing his studies, he embarked on a brief full-time career as a stand-up comic, spending five years entertaining crowds in comedy clubs throughout the Southeast. Although he is no longer as active as he once was on the stand-up comedy scene, he still occasionally performs every now and then. Some of his performances have been recorded and uploaded online, where they can be viewed on his official website, nealwooten.com, and Youtube.

He has served as a math tutor for decades now (a profession that he admitted he loves doing), with a veritable mastery of almost any mathematical branch from the simplest algebraic equations to more complex Calculus problems. He served for two years as Director for the Math Learning Center. Besides being an author and a stand-up comedian, he is also an artist and a columnist for The Mountain Valley News and The Indie Times; he writes for the Huffington Post as well. Many of his artworks, most of which are acrylic and oil paintings, can be found online and have been sold in a number of art galleries.

He has been writing from a very young age, focusing mainly on futuristic stories (which he considers as his favorite types of stories to write as it requires him to exercise his imagination to the fullest). Almost all of his works are published by his own publishing house, Mirror Publishing, which he established in 2007. Though primarily a writer of fiction and sci-fi stories, he occasionally dabbles in poems and political cartoons as well. Brad’s Pit is one of his known full-color cartoon publications.

He has revealed in an interview that his major influence is H.G. Wells. When asked about what element of fiction is most important, he answered that the story’s believability should be one of the highest priorities of its author. After spending close to 20 years of his life in Montgomery, he moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he resides with his wife and three dogs. His first published novel is Reternity, a story combining time travel and Biblical elements, which already garnered multiple national awards since it was published on May 31, 2011 by Mirror Publishing.


Neal Wooten entered the literary scene with the publication of his first novel, Reternity. It was published in 2011 and showcases a very original blend of religion and science fiction themes. It follows the sheltered life of a boy named Max, a child of a reverend, who resides with his family in a small town in the American Midwest. It is basically a coming-of-age novel with great focus on the precarious relationship between science and religion.

And this conflict could not be more apparent in Max’s life, as he is born to a devoutly religious family but has a deep fascination for science as well.Despite already establishing his mastery over the former due to the way he was taught and raised by his zealous parents, his interest in the latter grows as he enters university and, almost immediately, begins to form a strong bond with his science teacher – much to the fears of his worried parents. As the semester progresses, Max’s class is given a near-impossible to answer scientific puzzle by his professor, and when Max discovers something more profound about it through persistent scientific investigation, he begins to worry that his relationship with the religious elements of his life, with the very people whom he loves, would become strained. And this serves as the catalyst which forces Max and professor to embark on an adventure whose end would reveal a truth that would prove to be just as surprising as Max’s discovery.

The book beautifully interweaves science fiction and religion throughout its intricate plot, and could very well answer some of the most primordial questions that most people have regarding the compatibility of Science and Religion. It received a total of eight national awards and was named to the Book Nook Club Favorites of 2011 and Kirkus Reviews Best of 2011 alike.

Three of Hearts

Neal Wooten’s next published novel was Three of Hearts, which was published by Mirror Publishing on November 11, 2011. Although not as popular as his first novel, it does introduce very interesting concepts and manages to tell an equally compelling story. Set in the author’s childhood locale of Sand Mountain, it tells another coming-of-age story and centers on Leo – a youth fresh out of high school who ends up befriending a homeless man whose main distinction is his artificial legs. He lives in a car in the vicinity of Fort Payne, the town in which the story is initially set.

Leo is immediately intrigued by the disabled man, and, soon enough, he manages to learn about the old man’s more intimate secrets. One such secret is about a pact that three soldiers, wounded drastically during the Vietnam War, made to each other 15 years prior. As Leo learns more about the three survivors and the earnest pact that they made, he discovers that he has now become a part of the final chapter of the story of the three unsung heroes.

Even though Three of Hearts may not have been well-received by most people, much value can be placed on Neal Wooten’s success in managing to portray the injustices that Vietnam veterans returning from the war had to put up with once they reentered American society. Instead of being treated like heroes and given the adulation and favor that they truly deserve, they are treated like criminals and looked upon with scorn. The book manages to tell a truly heart-warming story and was able to vividly exhibit Leo’s coming of age as he learns more about the veterans’ plight.