Order of Nat Cassidy Books

Nat Cassidy Books In Order

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Publication Order of Plays

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Nat Cassidy is an award-winning and acclaimed novelist, actor, director, and playwright from New York.

In 2017, he received much critical acclaim for penning a novel from “Steal the Stars,” the hit podcast which was produced by Tor Labs/Gideon Media and written by Mac Rogers.
The Chicago Review of Books and NPR named his work to their Best of Lists and it was also a notable new release in Kirkus Reviews and The Verge.

Cassidy is also a semi-retired playwright focusing on horror, meaning he has not penned anything in a few years. Nonetheless, he has said that he still has a running list of play ideas he intends to pen someday.
Many of his productions and scripts achieved notoriety across the United States and particularly in New York City.

At some point, he penned the libretto for the Kennedy Center which was hosting a world premier opera and penned some original scripts for a Washington DC theater for charity.

Cassidy has also worked in TV as an actor, usually the villain in several network procedurals. Some of the programs in which he has appeared as a bad guy include FBI, Bull, Quantico Blue Bloods, and The Good Fight among others.

Cassidy has said that he always loved horror ever since he has been conscious. As a five or six-year-old kid, the best way to get his attention was often to tell him a scary story.
As for how he got into storytelling, it was all about his love for Shakespeare. He has been obsessed with Shakespeare and has been reading his works ever since he was six.

Things kicked off in the first grade when his teacher who hated him and who he hated tried to stop him from causing chaos in her class.

One day in class she showed the class slides of her recent trip to Greece where she said she had visited an amphitheater to watch a “Macbeth” production.

He still does not understand why her teacher decided to tell first graders about “Macbeth.” However, the teacher noticed that Cassidy paid a lot of attention to things such as madness, witches, and regicide.
It was the teacher that dared him to try the works of Shakespeare on the side. He loved the challenge and this would spark a lifelong love for storytelling and language. More than that it showed that even at that age, he was all about horror before anything else.

Apart from his writing endeavors, he has also been actively the frontman of the folk music band “Nat Cassidy & the Nines.”
He is also responsible for the writing and recording of two albums “Everybody Here Says Hi” and “Pet Symmetry” which can be downloaded or purchased from GFS Productions.

Cassidy has performed with his band and without it at prestigious venues in New York City such as Cafe Vivaldi, the Knitting Factory, Googie’s Lunge, Pete’s Candy Factory, Galapagos, and Arlene’s Grocery.
Nat Cassidy is also a songwriter whose works have won him free drinks and food at various clubs and bars in the Tri-state area.

Nat Cassidy’s debut novel “Steal the Stars” is an interesting fiction work.
The lead in the story is Dakota Prentiss, a woman who has arguably the biggest secret ever. She is among a very small group of people who know about a grey alien named Moss.

The alien which looks like the standard alien from abduction stories has never been moved from the controls of a spaceship that crash-landed on Earth about a dozen years earlier.

In the meantime, the military had built a secret base around the site to study the alien and the technology it had come with to Earth. It is love at first sight for Dakota when Matt Salem joins her security team.
The biggest problem is that they both had signed contracts asserting that they would never fraternize with fellow military personnel.

If they quit and run, they are certain to be hunted down and killed since they know too much. It does seem that Matt and Dak’s way out is to steal the alien and sell the secret to the highest bidders.
However, they cannot afford to make any mistake as it could just cost them their lives.

“Mary” by Nat Cassidy is a story that introduces a middle-aged and very quiet woman named Mary that does her best not to stand out. She wants to remain unknown, invisible, and remarkable even to herself.
In recent times, things have been changing as she has been experiencing body aches and hot flashes. She cannot look in the mirror without passing out and she hears voices in her head telling her to commit unspeakable acts.
She has recently been let go from her New York job and has to move back to the place where she was brought up so that she can reconnect with her inner self and her past.

Instead, she is having visions of mutilated and terrifying specters which have been overwhelming her.

At some point, she begins auto-writing the strange phrases and thoughts and soon realizes that these are echoes of an infamous serial killer. Things get interesting when the killing starts all over again and she may just find herself.
It makes for an unputdownable novel that is disturbing and fun at the same time.

Nat Cassidy’s “Nestlings” is the story of Reid and Ana that have had a very tough year.

They have had to deal with a rare neurological complication that left her in a wheelchair, struggles with in vitro fertilization, a much-wanted pregnancy, the birth of Charlie their daughter, and severe depression.
Given all that has happened, they are in desperate need of some good news which comes when they are informed that they are the winners of a housing lottery.

Once all the paperwork is signed, they will be moving to Deptford, to their luxurious penthouse in one of the most iconic apartment buildings in New York City.

They find the apartment perfect and begin making renovations to accommodate Ana’s disability. However, the residents are not as perfect and Ana soon believes she is being watched.
Moreover, Charlie won’t stop crying and is not eating, even as they often find her window open at night.

Meanwhile, Reid has an obsession with the area’s history and is excited about meeting their new neighbors. Slowly, the problems pile up as the story leads up to a horrific and shocking conclusion.