Order of Monica Ferris Books

Order of Monica Ferris Books

Monica Ferris Mary Monica Pulver
Monica Ferris is the pen name of American author Mary Monica Pulver, who writes cozy and historical mysteries. Mary has also written under her maiden name, Margaret Frazer, Mary Kuhfeld (her married name) and Margaret of Shaftesbury. She sold her first short story, entitled Pass the Word to Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine in 1983 and has been writing short stories and novels. She has written or currently writes the Peter Brichter and Needlecraft Mysteries series. She also collaborated with Gail Frazer on the first six Sister/Dame Frevisse novels.

Mary Monica Pulver became a published novelist with Murder at War in 1987, which was nominated for an Anthony Award for Best First Novel. Her debut under her current pen name was with Crewel World in 1999. Below is a list of Monica Ferris’ books in order of when they were first released:

Publication Order of Needlecraft Mysteries Books

Crewel World


Framed in Lace


A Stitch in Time


Unraveled Sleeve


A Murderous Yarn




Hanging by a Thread


Crewel Yule


Embroidered Truths


Sins and Needles


Knitting Bones


Thai Die




Buttons and Bones




And Then You Dye


The Drowning Spool


Darned if You Do


Knit Your Own Murder
