The Mistborn series, written by Brandon Sanderson, is a gripping fantasy set in a world ruled by the immortal Lord Ruler, where ash falls from the sky and mist dominates the night. The story follows Vin, a young street thief with rare Allomantic powers, and Kelsier, a charismatic rebel leader, as they attempt to overthrow the oppressive regime. The series features a unique magic system based on ingesting and manipulating metals, and explores themes of trust, power, rebellion, and the consequences of leadership.
List of Mistborn Books:
Mistborn: The Final Empire |
2006 |
The Well of Ascension |
2007 |
The Hero of Ages |
2008 |
The Alloy of Law |
2011 |
Shadows of Self |
2015 |
The Bands of Mourning |
2016 |
Secret History |
2022 |
The Lost Metal |
2022 |